For some reason, people always think that all sorts ofTroubles and troubles can only happen in the movies or at your neighbors'. And the TV commercial about a man who jumps at the doorbell seems a bit exaggerated. That's right, he didn't pay his taxes, and what do you have to be afraid of? You pay your taxes, and therefore, you sleep peacefully. Everything is in accordance with the propaganda slogan. But it turns out that the fate of that "unscrupulous" citizen from the commercial (to jump and fear a visit from bailiffs with a writ of execution) can easily become your everyday life. Remember, is being a surety for a loan one of the favors you periodically do for your close and not so close friends? If the answer is yes, then this unenviable fate may affect you too.
If you want to lose a friend, be a guarantor
At first glance, this is a completely normal situation.A beloved friend has asked you to be her guarantor at the bank. What follows is a colorful description of the benefits of the loan, the minimal risk, a mention of how long you have known each other, and an eloquent list of all the pressing needs and requirements of her new business. You listen to her attentively, smile and nod in the right places. You think that you have really known each other for a very long time, so why not agree? You sign the necessary documents at the bank, not bothering to carefully study all the clauses of the loan agreement. And you forget about the “small” service you have rendered. And a few months later you receive a letter from the bank in the mail that a decent debt has accumulated on the loan taken out by your friend. And the bank files a lawsuit demanding reimbursement of the amount of the debt with interest and penalties for late payments. A friend, close and a long-time acquaintance, does not answer phone calls, and another brainchild of her financial genius has been listed as having sunk into oblivion for a month now. And now you are already becoming a hostage of that very paradoxical situation, when you have to flinch at every doorbell, and the thought of what the coming day has in store for you gradually becomes obsessive. The further scenario gradually begins to remind you of a Hollywood drama. With endless trials, payments of someone else's debt and a solemn oath to yourself that you will never, under any circumstances, become a guarantor again. You should not think that all of the above is exaggerated, specially inflated to scare you. Quite the opposite. Let's try to consider the situation in detail, isolate the mistakes and find ways to avoid them in the future. It is better to try to take into account possible mistakes, imagining such a situation, than to face it completely unprepared in real life. So, let's start from the very beginning.
How not to become a hostage to the bank
Based on the exact wording,A guarantor is a person who takes responsibility to creditors for the fulfillment of obligations by the debtor. That is, you guarantee that your friend will fully repay the loan. And you trust her so much that you are ready to guarantee it. Now read very carefully - to guarantee not in words, but with your own property or your own funds. And are you so well informed about the financial solvency of the person for whom you are going to guarantee? Do not be shy, because you are risking your own funds and, what is important, your nerves, so carefully study this very friend from the point of view of the guarantor. Make inquiries at the bank where she may have taken out a loan. Ask mutual friends how often she borrows money and whether she pays it back on time. There are no trifles in this matter. And if something confuses you, it is better to refuse to be a guarantor. If your friend is real, she will understand you. And if not, then here, as they say, you remain in your own interests. Carefully study each clause of the loan agreement. Especially those clauses that concern the guarantor's liability in the event of the debtor's failure to pay the required amount. And best of all, contact a professional lawyer. A competent lawyer will be able to tell you about numerous subtleties that will help reduce your risk. For example, the law provides for the indication of a specific amount within which you are ready to provide guarantees. Or indicate a specific time frame during which you are ready, in the event of complications, to bear liability for the loan. It would not be superfluous to include additional requirements in the agreement. That the bank undertakes to agree on any changes to the terms of the agreement not only with the client, but also with the guarantor. You can also insure yourself on the other side. That is, you can conclude an agreement with the recipient of the loan with the same lawyer, including clauses in it according to which the recipient of the loan undertakes not to sell valuable property or not to take new loans from other banks without agreeing on this with you as the guarantor. In addition, it is necessary to include a clause on the application of penalties in the event of non-fulfillment of this agreement. But all these precautions are good only if you asked for a little time to consider your own risks. But what to do if a rash agreement has already forced you to pay off someone else's debt?
There is no money and will not be. How to be?
Many who face a real threatоплачивать чужие долги, задаются вопросом – как оспорить поручительство по кредиту? Следует сразу оговориться — если вы решили судиться с банком, то шансы выиграть у вас мизерные. В 99% случаев решение суда выносится в пользу банка. Ведь вы собственноручно подписали все документы, становясь поручителем. Никто не прятал от вас договор, в пунктах его четко прописана ваша ответственность перед кредитором как поручителя. Но не стоит опускать руки и думать, что выхода нет. Выход можно найти. Единственное условие, при котором поручитель может быть полностью освобожден от выплаты чужих долгов, является отсутствие постоянного источника дохода вследствие потери работы. А также отсутствие ликвидного имущества, то есть такого имущества, которое можно продать, выручив за это деньги. Квартиры, машины, земельного участка. Так что, вариант, когда все имущество оформлено на любимую свекровь, с этой точки зрения выглядит даже привлекательным. Но по закону, если на взыскание с поручителя средств в погашение кредита есть решение суда, то, как только вы устроитесь на работу, банк тут же имеет право потребовать от вас погасить имеющуюся задолженность. Еще одной возможностью не выплачивать средства по кредиту имеют те, у кого есть двое несовершеннолетних детей и родители-инвалиды, подавшие на алименты. В случае, если вы выплачиваете лицам, находящимся на вашем иждивении, 70% от вашего заработка, банк не имеет права требовать с вас погашение кредита. Также необходимо помнить, что если банк не обратился с требованием выплаты по кредиту к поручителю в течение шести месяцев после окончания поступления средств со стороны заемщика, он теряет свое законное право предъявления требования к поручителю погасить задолженность по кредиту. Между прочим, совсем не редки случаи, когда своеобразное выяснение «отношений» между банком и должником затягивается на пару месяцев. Если взять за основу статистические данные, то заемщик задерживает выплаты примерно на три месяца, прежде чем банк начинает предпринимать активные действия. Еще пару месяцев банк пытается всеми законными методами заставить должника выплатить задолженность, проценты по кредиту и штрафные санкции. Если суммировать время, потраченное банком на самостоятельное решение данного вопроса, пройдут те самые 6 месяцев. И о поручителе могут «вспомнить» тогда, когда положенный по закону срок уже пройдет. Но не стоит рассчитывать на это и полагаться, что так и будет в вашем случае. Если все же банк обяжет вас выплачивать чужие долги, вы можете подать в суд, вернее, ваши ближайшие родственники могут. Для чего? Чтобы признать вас недееспособным. Если банк подаст встречный иск, то все заседания будут проходить в присутствии опекунского совета. Вы спросите, в чем тут плюс? Все же не каждый согласится признать себя недееспособным. А в том, что решение суда в данном случае будет вынесено не в пользу банка. Вряд ли кто-то позволит лишать имущества недееспособного гражданина. Но не забывайте — если вы решили судиться с банком, в случае проигрыша судебного дела вам придется не только выплатить все задолженности по кредиту, проценты и набежавшие за это время пени, но и судебные издержки и всевозможные выплаты адвокатам. Теперь попробуем обобщить, в каких случаях кредитор может потребовать с поручителя погасить кредит:
- in case of death of the borrower, if the life insurance policy is absent;
- if the borrower does not (can not) pay money on its obligations;
- if the value of the property pledged by the borrower does not cover the loan amount.
You, as a guarantor, have the right to challenge the bank's decision in the following cases:
- if the bank has addressed to you with the requirement to pay the loan later than six months after the termination of receipt of payments under the credit;
- if you are declared incompetent;
- if you spend more than 70% of your income on alimony or on the maintenance of persons dependent on you;
- if you are unemployed and do not own any liquid assets.
Be able to say "no"
Having studied all of the above and calculated yourown by no means infinite possibilities, any sensible person will ask the question - how to refuse a surety for a loan? If the person is dear to you, it is worth doing this in the most correct form, so as not to offend him. Refer to the fact that you yourself are going to apply for a loan in the very near future, and if you become a guarantor, the amount that the bank will risk allocating to you will be significantly reduced. Advise your friend to apply to another bank that issues loans without guarantors, for example, against the borrower's property. Otherwise, good friendship - to risk your property and protect your own! Refer to the fact that you are already a guarantor or a borrower. You can also add that if you become a guarantor again, you yourself may be denied a loan in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If you decide to say "no", in no case gnaw at yourself with a feeling of guilt. Where money is involved, there is no room for emotions; you must first and foremost take care of your own well-being and the safety of your family. Therefore, before deciding whether to become a guarantor for someone else's loan, think through everything to the smallest detail. Do not risk what you have. We recommend reading: