how to succeed in lifeEvery person, one way or another, throughout the course ofin life, we all set goals for ourselves. We all really want to be successful, prosperous and wealthy. However, not everyone manages to achieve their goals, even if they do not imply any large-scale achievements. And the point here is not at all that we dream of something unattainable. The point is, first of all, that we simply do not always know how to succeed in life and achieve our goal, and we wait for a convenient moment to take action, or for some miracle, or for someone's help. But time goes by, the moments do not turn up, the miracle does not happen, and no one is in a hurry to help. And hope fades, the goal moves away, becomes blurred, and eventually disappears somewhere over the horizon, turning into an unrealizable dream. And we sadly say that, well, we wanted it so much, but it did not work out or was not given to us, and life passed us by. And, in order to justify ourselves and others, we insist that the path to happiness and success is paved only for the chosen ones. The rest can only be content with little and not grumble about fate. What is not given, is not given... In reality, everything is far from true, and fate has nothing to do with it. Of course, it is convenient to blame our inability to achieve success again and again and to brand ourselves as a fatal loser: what can we expect from someone who is “not given”? But it turns out that those around us will agree with this brand, but it is quite difficult to calm ourselves down. Look at classmate Seryoga or ex-girlfriend Svetka, for example, they have achieved a lot, but they studied worse, and their prospects were less. And now, look at you, one is the manager of a large company, and the other is a PR manager of a well-known firm. And they live a full and quite comfortable life. And we sadly drag out the strap of mediocrity, jumping from one job to another, and counting every penny. Why do they get everything, and we get nothing?! It's unfair! Fair. Because both Seryoga and Svetka, in all likelihood, are guided in life by the motto "Achieve success, go all the way!", and we - "Achieve success if the opportunity arises." Is there a difference? Of course! They act, and we wait for the moment. They move forward, and we either mark time, or, having encountered some obstacle, turn back. Hence the failure, and everyday problems, and quarrels in the family, and a lot of other troubles. What to do? How to achieve success in life and not only catch up, but also overtake all the Seryoga and Svetka, leaving them far behind? Let's try to figure out this to succeed in your personal life

Basic conditions for progress towards success

In order to escape from the trap of constantfailures and take the first steps towards happiness and success, it is necessary to clearly understand several conditions for moving along this path. The first and, perhaps, the most important of these conditions is action. After all, let's face it, often, even when we sometimes know how to achieve our goal, we continue to just dream about it, lying peacefully on the couch. We make plans, discuss ways to achieve success, but at the same time do not take a single step in the right direction. This is what ultimately creates a significant difference between the life we ​​would like to live and the one we actually have. Why does this happen? What prevents us from acting? Ordinary laziness, fear or something else? Of course, laziness and fear are both present, but the main reason for our inaction are stereotypes of thinking and delusions. We all say to ourselves: "I want to succeed"; but few are convinced that they have everything for this. People tend to believe that in order to move towards a goal, money, connections, and finally luck are needed! And they are sure that if all this is not there, then there is no point in thinking about any significant achievements. In reality, everything is different. People who know how to achieve their goal claim that to achieve it you need:

  • Perseverance;
  • Industriousness;
  • Optimism;
  • Self-confidence;
  • Persistence;
  • Positive thinking.

Of course, not all of these qualities are present inкаждого из нас. Все они помогают не только в построении карьеры, но и в личной жизни, что немаловажно. Однако достаточно обладать хотя бы двумя из них, чтобы потом, понимая, что цель реальна, развить в себе остальные. Нужно лишь только осознать, что ничего невозможного нет, и если мы ставим перед собой какую-то цель, значит, у нас есть и возможности ее достичь. И помнить, что это не произойдет быстро – чем достойнее цель, тем больше труда и времени придется затратить на пути к ней. Дорога к успеху обычно нелегка, но если мы намерены действительно идти до конца, добиваясь успеха, то сможем преодолеть трудности. Главное – упорное стремление вперед. Цель видим, препятствий не замечаем! Однако прежде, чем ставить перед собой цели, нужно определиться с тем, что мы хотим делать в данный момент, а не вообще в жизни – личной и общественной. Интересы и способности человека меняются и развиваются с течением времени, и то, о чем мы мечтаем сегодня, через год или два может потерять свою актуальность. Действовать же нужно немедленно. Если же мы начнем рассуждать о том, как добиться успеха в бизнесе, предпосылок к которому еще нет и в помине, вряд ли мы оторвемся от дивана. А вот если поймем, чего хочется именно сегодня, и загоримся страстью удовлетворить это желание, то встанем обязательно. Еще одно из условий для достижения поставленных целей заключается в вычеркивании из своей головы воспоминаний о прошлом и сожалений о чем-то, не сделанном раньше. Вернуться в прошлое и что-то изменить невозможно. А воспоминания, вызывающие переживания, отнимают у нас силы, которые очень нужны тогда, когда мы, добиваясь успеха, полны решимости держаться до конца. Следующее условие удачного следования к своим целям – перестать огорчаться по пустякам, ныть и жаловаться на отсутствие карьеры или успехов в личной жизни, полагая, что не выходит ни то, ни другое. Если у нас что-то не получается, значит, наступило время постигать новые знания и умения. И приступать к подобному постижению нужно без стонов и вздохов, ведь оно есть не что иное, как самосовершенствование. Кому же самосовершенствование идет во вред? От него только польза, да еще какая! Освоив новые науки и навыки, мы становимся не только более развитыми. Мы обретаем преимущества значимости, уверенность в себе и возможность быть всегда и всюду востребованными. А это так много значит, если мы размышляем над тем, как добиться успеха в карьере или в личной жизни! Не следует думать, что у тех, кто успешен и советует другим, как добиваться своих целей, изначально был стартовый капитал и связи. Даже при наличии больших денег мы можем ничего в этой жизни не добиться, если не будем настойчивы, трудолюбивы и страстно увлеченными своими целями. Есть масса примеров, когда люди достигали существенных вершин в бизнесе или сфере искусства, начиная свой путь к этим вершинам практически без гроша в кармане. Они просто приняли как путеводитель девиз «Добейся успеха держись до конца!» и шли вперед, не взирая на препятствия. Впрочем, основным и самым трудным препятствием к решению проблемы достижения цели являемся обычно мы сами. А точнее, наша лень, апатия, неуверенность в собственных силах и, конечно же, страх. Стремясь к успеху, с ленью, апатией и неуверенностью в себе следует бороться; что же касается страха, то о нем разговор отдельный. how to succeed in life correctly

The use of fear for success

Oddly enough, it is fear that is oneof the very effective means for performing actions that are sometimes equivalent to feats. It has enormous power and reveals in us abilities and sources of strength, the existence of which we did not even suspect. Let us recall the famous story about a mother who was able to move and hold a multi-ton truck, saving her child from death. What gave the fragile woman the opportunity to lift an unimaginable weight? Fear for her son. And what allows a skinny guy to fight back when a drunken company attacked him? Fear for his own life. And, finally, what drives another already successful person, forcing him to repeat to himself "Achieve success again" and move forward? The same fear of losing authority and comfortable existence! Conclusion: if we lack persistence and self-confidence and we do not know how to achieve a goal in life, we need a "kick" in the form of fear. This is a truly magical, albeit not particularly pleasant way to achieve effective results. Almost every one of us in a critical situation is capable of activating forces in ourselves, with the help of which we can simply sweep away all obstacles on the way to the goal, without even noticing them. Therefore, if we are really looking for ways to achieve success in life, and are ready to get out of the boring zone of inertia, but we just can’t decide to do it, we need to consciously look for motivation for fear. The purpose of such motivations is to cause fear of inaction and make a person do things that are not typical for him. Motivations are based on the principle: “I’m scared, and I have to do something, because no one else can do it better than me!” In this way, we create a very powerful incentive to act, and, having finally taken some steps under the influence of fear and having won, we eventually gain self-confidence and stop being afraid of some often far-fetched difficulties. Therefore, we muster up our courage and look for motivation for fear! It will help us realize and feel the full power of our own potential. Fear can very well be used as a fairly effective technique for achieving goals. One problem: not every one of us will decide to consciously seek motivation for it. Well, then let's do without kicks from fear and try to move forward, having first studied some advice from experts in this matter.

Tips for those wishing to achieve the goal in life

In order to achieve significant life goalschanges, no global-scale actions are required. Small steps can also give good results. The meaning of these steps is to change your attitude to life and your way of thinking. They consist of the following actions:

  • We watch our speech and try to remove it from ourlexicon phrases that can destroy our enthusiasm and strength, and replace them with new, positive phrases. In particular, we should exclude from everyday life such expressions as “everything is the same as always”, “nothing new”, “I can’t do it”, “nobody needs it”, “I don’t want anything”, “I have to”. They can paralyze part of the consciousness and instill in us a feeling of hopelessness and personal failure.
  • We are looking for something in every passing day, for whichyou can thank your destiny, and every day we express to it a recognition for what you have already experienced, for what we have today and even for what we do not have. This will allow us not to get used to the achieved well-being and strives forward. In addition, constantly cultivating a sense of gratitude to fate, we learn to think positively and do not focus on the failures of the past.
  • Every morning, when we wake up, we tell ourselves that the best day of all the days we have already lived is beginning, and we try to remember this until the evening.
  • We are trying to at least master that area a little bit.activities that we were previously convinced were completely inaccessible to us. By discovering new abilities in ourselves, each person experiences a spiritual upsurge, a surge of inner strength and an irresistible desire for action. Thanks to all this, he unconsciously finds the shortest path to happiness and success and walks along this path without much effort.
  • Determine with their main goals, finding outfor this purpose in advance, which makes us cry with joy, than we can evoke in the surrounding people a smile, in what these associates see our abilities, from which we sincerely laugh that has changed us for the better and over what we can work the night away. This will help to choose a goal, the achievement of which will make us truly happy.
  • Let's accept that difficulties pass and changes in life happen gradually, and make a list of what is worth doing every day.

By following these tips, we will eventually be able to understand,what is important to us and how to achieve our goals. Without a clear idea of ​​what exactly we need, there is no point in thinking about any success in life. If we rush forward along someone else's path, then sooner or later we will understand that all efforts, even if they have yielded some positive results, are in vain. Because there is no internal satisfaction from this, the joy of the initial success turned out to be short-lived, and the desire to act becomes less and less every day. Then, when we go along our own path, both the joy of accomplishments and the desire to reach new heights grow by leaps and bounds. However, it should be remembered that even knowing how to achieve goals in life, you should always take into account that a lack of willpower and fortitude can lead you away from the intended path or throw you back. But how can you cultivate willpower and fortitude in yourself if you have little of them?How to succeed in your personal life correctly

How to develop strength of will

In general, there are many ways to strengthenwillpower, each of which is designed for specific circumstances and human inclinations. We will now consider five universal and quite effective methods of developing willpower, the use of which allows you to really learn how to achieve success in life.

  • Remember that human willpower is not unlimited, andwe try to use it, choosing the path of least resistance. For example, if we have a poor idea of ​​how to succeed at work and, using our willpower to the fullest, begin to work around the clock, we will eventually lose. The energy of willpower is an impulse that will flare up, push us from the spot, and then burn a little and go out. Willpower cannot be a constant fuel. How to achieve success at work so as not to use up all your strength? You need to create a plan from a chain of events that contribute to the organization of forces and progress in the right direction with their measured use. By doing what we have planned every day, we gradually accustom both ourselves and our willpower to a certain rhythm of actions, and eventually even difficult work becomes habitual and is given to us quite easily.
  • If you are tempted to deviate from your planthe path to the goal and want to give up everything and collapse on the couch until better times, we begin to think about our prospects. The best way to strengthen self-control is to imagine long-term goals and thus distract ourselves from the temptations of the current moment. For example, we dream about how we achieve success in our career and occupy a good, excellently paid position. At the moment, we have the opportunity to have a great vacation in Hawaii, and we really want to quit our job and lie around on the beach near the warm sea to our heart's content. However, such an act means the collapse of a career, as a result of which the future will become blurred and doubtful. Is it worth doing? Hardly. Therefore, in order to destroy temptation, we begin to think about our prospects, and interest in the object of temptation will immediately fall.
  • We create a goal-affirming statement for ourselvessentence and mentally repeat it as often as possible. Such repetition, stating the goal as an accomplished fact, is one of the most effective ways to strengthen willpower. How to do this? For example, if we have understood how to achieve success in business, but the start-up capital is very tempting to spend on buying a car today, then we can constantly repeat to ourselves: “My business is thriving.” Eventually, the consciousness will switch from the car to the problems of the existing business, and buying a car will be relegated to the background.
  • Every day, for at least a few minutes, we think overour goals, directing the vector of will power on the way to achieve them. Such daily contemplation leaves a trace in the responsible for our emotional memory level, which contributes to the correct choice of the direction of the use of willpower.
  • As strange as it may sound, but to strengthenwillpower, you need to have a good breakfast. This is explained by the fact that willpower is energy, the replenishment of which requires a large amount of glucose. Researchers claim that a person who has been in a state of self-control for a long time has a significantly reduced blood glucose level. As a result, an insufficient amount of it can cause the fact that when the need arises to pull himself together, a person simply cannot do it. How then can he achieve success and go all the way? Willpower must be fueled, otherwise it will run out at the most inopportune moment. And for this, you should eat foods in the morning that allow you to maintain the desired level of glucose in the blood.
  • All these techniques are not complicated and do not requirefulfillment of some special conditions. Nevertheless, they are effective and extremely useful on the path to happiness and success. Of course, this path will present many unexpected and surprising events and can change your lifestyle, habits, and even life values. Such changes are often the cause of uncertainty and misunderstanding of your own role in the current circumstances. There is nothing terrible in this - we just have to adapt to the new environment and realize where our place is now. During the adaptation period, a sense of humor, physical exercise, regular good rest, communication with friends and family help to reduce stress. The main thing at this time is to boldly step forward, never looking back. Memories of the past will give rise to doubts about the right choice, and doubts, in turn, can lead to significant losses. To prevent this from happening, you need to calmly and deeply analyze the current situation in order to thoroughly learn all its pros and cons and get guidelines. Let's say to ourselves: "I have chosen this path to the goal myself." - and resolutely go towards it, casting aside unnecessary speculations. And may luck accompany us everywhere and in everything, and may the desired goal and phenomenal success await us ahead! We recommend reading:

