how to learn to speak beautifully Communication and communication occupy the lion's sharelife of modern man. In this regard, the ability to correctly build your speech acquires special value. Learning to speak beautifully is easy. In this article we have tried to cover the most effective ways and techniques with which you can learn to speak correctly, beautifully and competently, and you only need to implement the proposed recommendations. Learn how to learn to speak beautifully, the easiest way to train oratory. Typically, such trainings include a theoretical part, consisting of a lecture transfer of information, and a practical one, consisting of exercises. The downside of this training is the short duration of the effect - very few people after this training begin to speak really correctly and beautifully. What to do? Let's say you firmly decided: "I want to talk so that everyone would like to listen to me." Where should we start? First of all, the one who understands correctly that one must speak competently is the right one.

Learn the rules of the Russian language

The most important thing in a beautiful speech is hercompliance with the norms of the Russian language. How to learn to speak beautifully and competently? To begin with, you need to learn how to correctly place accents. Do we all know that we should say "torrents", and not "cakes" or "you will call", and not "call"? Unfortunately, no, otherwise the wrong forms of these words would not have been heard all along. Also, there are stable speech combinations "dress someone" or "put something on" - they also need to be remembered. This is easy to do thanks to mnemotechnical techniques, for example, "put on clothes, put on hope." Try to avoid misuse of words. Always clarify the meaning of this or that complex term, so as not to look in the eyes of a more knowledgeable interlocutor is very stupid. If you doubt the meaning, it is better to use a simpler word. Make sure that all the words and phrases used by you are consistent with each other in grammatical, stylistic and lexical plans. how to learn to speak beautifully

Do not forget about the voice

To speak beautifully, it is not enough to use speechcompetently. You still need to learn how to control your voice. Most speech defects are due to the speaker's lack of proper speech breathing. It is considered incorrect if the following symptoms are detected:

  • When talking, the upper chest type of breathing is used - when the upper sections of the chest rise. Such breathing is most common in women.
  • Superficial, rapid breathing.
  • Lack of focus on the exhalation on the lips.
  • Shortness of the exhalation phase.
  • Breathing through - when the chest type of breathing takes too much breath.
  • Inability to make a set of air that is imperceptible to others.

The alignment of breathing occurs through a slowbreath, a subsequent pause and a quiet exhalation. The beginning of breathing is considered exhalation, it is carried out through the mouth. Then there is a pause, it regulates the degree of inspiration, it is done without tension and effort, through the nose. On inhalation, the stomach "dissolves", and the retraction of the abdomen occurs on exhalation. There are a number of exercises designed to train breathing during speech. It is necessary to practice lower brow breathing. The direction of the air should also be correct - the exhalation is precisely guided through the lips, pulling them slightly forward. The cheeks are elastically tightened, they should not swell. This process is like blowing out a candle. Work out the duration of exhalation, gaining air to account 3, and exhaling - to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. ... Learn to subtly make air intake, uttering tongue twisters and breaking them into strings, taking a breath at the end of each line. In the formation of speech sounds, active organs of articulation also take part: lips, tongue, lower jaw, soft palate, larynx with vocal folds and pharynx. The correctness of the articulatory apparatus depends on the clarity and purity of the pronunciation, i.e. diction. It can be improved through training of articulatory muscles. To train the lower jaw, you need to push it forward and clean it, and also do the following exercise: open the mouth half-open, open and close somewhere 7-8 times. You can also say poetry, trying as far as possible to put forward the lower jaw. Train your lips: stretch the corners of the mouth, stretch your lips forward with a proboscis and say "u-u," pull your lips to your teeth when your mouth is slightly open, pronounce sounds like "ptka-ptka-ptka", "bdgo-bdgo-bdgo", etc. . ... Train the muscles of the tongue. To do this, it is useful to relax the back of the tongue, forcing it to take the shape of a "shovel", raise the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper molars, spinning the tongue around the lips, "puncturing" the cheeks with the tongue, sliding the tip of the tongue over the hard palate. Say tongue twisters like "from the clatter of hoofs the dust flies across the field" - all this is very well trains the speech apparatus. how to learn how to speak beautifully

Keep the listeners' attention

Attention and interest of listeners is the main goal,the achievement of which indicates that you have learned to speak beautifully. For many people, the visual perception of the speaker is important. The most important here are the appearance, gestures, posture and look. Your appearance should be attractive (but not distracting from the content of your speech). Clothes should be clean and moderately fashionable. Trust in the speaker raises the appropriate clothing: good fabrics, dark colors, business style and a rectangular silhouette. As for the look, it is necessary to look at all listeners alternately, not singling out anyone. You can look away, but not for long. Do not look at the floor, window, ceiling, feet, space, or foreign objects during a speech. Make eye contact with listeners - look into their eyes. Concerning the posture, it is important to remember that the emphasis on both legs should not be the same, the chest should be slightly exposed, and the stomach tightened. The chin should not be omitted. You do not have to leave your hands motionless - this worries the listeners. Do not make intentional gestures - gesticulation should be natural. Always gesticulate with both hands. And finally, do not forget about intonation. The voice of the speaker must be energetic. Do not speak too loudly - better try to highlight the most significant places with the appropriate intonation; in your speech there should be no monotony and unnaturalness. The pace of speech is better to maintain the average, without large pauses. These simple tips will help you and your voice to stay toned, and your speech - always be effective and communicate to the listener all that you want to say. We hope, with our help you could figure out how to learn how to speak beautifully! We advise you to read:

