The most effective unloading daysEffective fasting days always givevisible and tangible results. In order to lose weight, we often "sit" on various exhausting diets. But why such sacrifices? After all, we can often lose weight with the help of fasting days. You can arrange a variety of fasting days. Effective fasting days are divided into groups:

  • The carbohydrate group is a fasting day on rice, as well as watermelon, cucumber, apples and buckwheat.
  • Protein group is a day of unloading on kefir, curd-kefir, meat, fish unloading days.
  • The fat group is sour cream, creamy unloading days, unloading days on milk.

Fasting days can be arranged twice a day.week and choose products to your taste. For the beginning of losing weight, meat, cottage cheese, sour cream fasting days or a fasting day on rice are best, because they are easier for the body to tolerate. Fasting days on buckwheat are very effective. Buckwheat is incredibly useful for the stomach and intestines.

What is fasting days?

This is, first of all, compliance with all the rules andremarkable willpower. For those who tolerate hunger normally, fasting days can be combined. For example, combine a kefir fasting day with another one chosen to your taste. This will significantly speed up the results. An effective fasting day should be well thought out. If you choose carbohydrate fasting days, you should reduce the consumption of proteins and fats. The products you eat should consist of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, plant fiber, mineral salts. These are tomatoes and cucumbers, unsweetened berries, fruits and vegetables, watermelons. Such fasting days are very tasty. You should divide 1500 grams of any product in fresh raw form into five parts and eat them at equal intervals. All these products contain a large amount of liquid, so if you choose carbohydrate fasting days, you should not drink additional water. By the way, a kefir fasting day is one of those fasting days during which it is better to limit the amount of liquid. If you want to use mixed fasting days, then you need to take products that are similar in composition. These can be kefir-curd, apple-kefir, rice-apple and other fasting days. On such days, you need to combine fruits and vegetables or vegetables and berries, fish and meat, kefir and cottage cheese, fruits and kefir, rice and fruits, etc. A kefir fasting day will be useful not only for the stomach, but also for the immune system, since kefir stimulates the immune system. Kefir goes well with apples. An apple fasting day can be combined with a kefir one. Apples can be eaten raw, stewed or baked. Fasting days on water have an undeniable advantage. During unloading, the rejuvenating effect on the skin is especially noticeable: not only acne and pimples disappear without a trace, but wrinkles and folds are also smoothed out. The skin becomes elastic, becomes fresh, the complexion improves. And even the eyes become brighter.effective unloading days

About the benefits of fasting days and their varieties

During fasting days, cleansing occurs.of the whole body. All human excretory systems during this period are aimed at releasing toxins. More than 150 substances harmful to health are excreted through the lungs alone. Fasting promotes intensive cleaning of blood vessels, frees the body from uric acid salts, which is the main cause of arthritis. 8-10 days of fasting are enough to completely cure mild forms of arthritis. Fasting days on water help improve memory and cure many diseases, including cirrhosis, necrosis and tumors. In addition, health fasting has a preventive effect - after fasting days, the human body becomes invulnerable to phenols, nitrates, sulfur dioxide, etc. Regular fasting days, held at least once a week, immediately affect the functioning of the intestines and the well-being of the whole body, in addition, they help to quickly and effortlessly lose extra pounds.

  • Unloading days on tea

We offer a unique milk-tea recipefasting day. You can drink unlimited amounts of green tea brewed with milk throughout the day. Fasting days on green tea have always been very popular among healthy lifestyle adherents. The ability of green tea to remove accumulated toxins and excess water from the body has long attracted the attention of doctors. Due to these properties, it is recommended to all those who want to lose weight quickly.

  • Unloading days on watermelon

Watermelon fasting days, as a rule,are prescribed by a doctor for hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases, and circulatory disorders. Such fasting days are recommended to be carried out no more than 1-2 times a week, while the number of dietary days depends primarily on the nature of the disease and their tolerance by patients. When observing watermelon fasting days, it is necessary to eat 300 grams of ripe watermelon pulp per day in five doses.

  • Unloading days on fats

A fasting day on fats is no less effective,than an apple fasting day. When you use fat fasting days, weight loss will be faster, due to the increased activity of enzymes that break down fats. The process of converting carbohydrates into fat masses also slows down. If you have chosen a sour cream fasting day, then you should eat 500 grams of 20% sour cream or cream five times a day at equal intervals. You can drink only twice a day, unsweetened coffee with milk or rosehip infusion.

  • Protein Unloading Days

If you want to have an effective unloadingday without much stress, use the protein group. These can be milk fasting days, which improve metabolism and speed up the process of fat breakdown. You need to eat four servings of cottage cheese (150 grams) with sour cream (15 grams) per day or drink 250 ml of kefir 6 times a day. You can drink a cup of unsweetened coffee with milk twice a day. Fasting days on meat Fasting days that consist only of meat are no less effective. They are very effective. You need to take lean meat and eat only boiled. You need to eat meat in five doses. A total of 450 grams. You can drink 2 glasses of rosehip broth and 3 cups of unsweetened coffee with milk. If you arrange two fasting days in a row, then the first should be a meat fasting day, then a sour cream or vegetable one, and you will lose 2 - 2.5 kilograms! On fasting days, you need to increase your physical and mental activity, avoid eating in company, and sleep longer.the most effective unloading days

English diet - fasting days

There is also an English diet, whichis precisely in fasting days. Reviews of the English diet are the most positive. It is thanks to it that real English ladies always stay in shape. The English diet involves the presence of some products, such as vegetables, nuts, fruits and some types of cereals. Reviews of the English diet indicate that this diet is incredibly simple and easy to remember. We will tell you more about the English diet. Perhaps the best fasting days are on rice. If you are not satisfied with the result of using fasting days, you can arrange a fasting week. The basis of the diet during the fasting week is a special soup that reduces weight. The soup is cooked in a special way from a mixture of vegetables: green peppers, onions, tomatoes, celery, cabbage. You can eat it during the fasting week in unlimited quantities, because it does not add calories. The effectiveness will not decrease at all. Effective fasting days suggest some other products in addition to soup. You can eat vegetables, some fruits, beef, rice, coffee, tea, greens, water in a certain order, observing the sequence of days. You cannot drink alcohol, carbonated drinks, bread, fatty and fried foods. If you follow all the rules, then by the 7th day you can lose 9 kilograms. Nutritionists recommend consulting a specialist before starting any fasting day. He will help you choose the most effective fasting days that will not harm your health. We recommend reading:

