masks for shine hair at home Brilliant hair has always been associated with theirhealth and beauty. The constant use of a hair dryer, curling irons and ironing makes the hair dull and brittle. To your hair again returned strength and brilliance, you need not only balms and conditioners of famous brands, which are indisputably very effective, but also very effective home masks. Moreover, it is very easy and quick to prepare them, and the ingredients are available and always have in your house. All masks prepared at home should be carefully rubbed into the roots of hair and neatly distributed throughout their length, paying special attention to the tips. Keep the hair on your home mask for at least half an hour, so that the active substances have absorbed. It is advisable at the same time to put a polyethylene hat on your head and wrap yourself in a towel. The latter, by the way, if desired, can be preheated, so that under the influence of heat, the mask ingredients are better absorbed into the hair. The same effect from the mask is achieved, if you wrap your head with a towel, warm it with a hair dryer.

Home hair masks based on vegetable oils

The simplest version of a home mask iswarmed olive oil. It should be applied to the hair, spread along the entire length, put on a hat and wrap your head with a towel. To sustain on hair such mask it is necessary approximately one hour, then to wash off oil with shampoo and to use your habitual balm. If desired, a little bit of sea-buckthorn, castor or burdock oil can be added to the olive oil. Another very nutritious mask for shine hair with olive oil. Take 1 banana and one tablespoon of natural yogurt without additives and olive oil. Banan razmomnite fork, add yogurt and butter, mix everything well, apply on slightly damp hair, distribute along the entire length with a comb with rare teeth. Wrap your head with a warm towel and hold the mask for 25 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Italians often use extra virgin olive oil to make home hair masks. Is it because they have such dense thick hair? For an incredible shine of hair, they prepare a mask: green olive oil (the amount depends on the thickness of the hair) is heated in a water bath and add 4-5 drops of lemon or orange oil. The resulting mixture is applied to damp hair, wrapped in a film or put on a hat and kept on the hair for a minimum of 30 minutes. And it is even better to make a mask for the night, and in the morning to wash it off with shampoo. Olive oil perfectly nourishes and restores the structure of the hair, and the essential oils of citrus give the hair a dazzling sheen. useful masks for shine hair at home

Gelatin masks for shine of hair

Recently, masks based on gelatin,cooked at home, are becoming very popular, and all because they give the same effect as expensive lamination in the cabin. With only one difference, gelatin costs ten times cheaper. Gelatin, part of the mask, covers each hair with a nutrient film. Keratin flakes are smoothed to the base of the hair, and the entire head of hair looks smooth and shiny. In addition, gelatin makes the hair stronger and healthier, and also prevents the formation of static electricity. Any gelatin mask should be applied to damp hair and keep at least 40 minutes, periodically heated with a hair dryer. During cooking, the mask with gelatin should be insisted for about 20 minutes, so that gelatin is better "blossomed". Wash off the gelatin mask with warm water. Very effective mask on gelatin, diluted in mineral water. To do this, take about 1 tablespoon of gelatin and dilute it in 3 tablespoons of still mineral water. All mixed and heated in a water bath (but do not bring to a boil!), Cool and apply to the hair. In this mask can also be added and essential oil (eg, almond or lavender). Another recipe for the mask, which will not only give the hair shine and radiance, but also give a magnificent volume. For its preparation, you will need: 1 teaspoon gelatin, a teaspoon of mustard and colorless henna and yolk. Gelatin is mixed with water, let it dissolve. Then mix with the rest of the ingredients and heat everything in a water bath. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for about 1 hour. To gelatin, you can add almost any ingredient - essential and vegetable oils, egg, honey, fruit and vegetable juices or herbal decoctions. Effective masks are obtained not only for shine, but also for hair restoration and nutrition. Natural masks for shine hair at home

Masks for shine hair with an egg

Egg masks are capable of regularuse to create with your hair miracles! Literally after 10 procedures, the hair becomes beautiful and shiny. Prepare hair masks best from eggs at room temperature, so shortly before preparing the mask, remove the eggs from the refrigerator. Egg masks are applied only to dry hair. The mask applied to damp hair will drain from the head. Wash off the mask only with warm water; under the influence of hot water, the egg white can curdle, and you risk very long washing out the egg flakes from the hair. Adding to the egg various components can be prepared a lot of options for masks. The easiest is to mix the beaten egg with lemon juice. Hold for about 30 minutes. Such a mask will make incredibly shiny blond hair. Red hair will add a shine mask, prepared from a beaten egg and carrot juice. A strong black coffee will make the glossy and shining dark hair. You can add a little honey and olive oil to the yolk. It will not only be a mask for the shine of hair, but also a wonderful tool that nourishes the hair from the roots to the tips. All the above ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair for 2 hours, wrapped around the head with a cap and a towel. The effect of this mask is shaking! Will return the dim hair shine and shine egg mask with green tea. To do this, take 1-3 egg white (depending on the length of hair) and 1 to 3 tablespoons of powdered green tea powder (ready-made powder can be bought at home cosmetics stores). Whip the powder with proteins until a uniform foam is formed. Apply mask for 15-20 minutes, wrapped hair with polyethylene. Rinse off with cool water. A course of 10 such masks will make your hair shiny and thick to the touch. All masks prepared at home are easily washed off with normal shampoo. For even more shine, the hair can be rinsed with warm water with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice (for blondes), carrot juice (for redheads) and infusion of black tea or coffee (for brunettes). We advise you to read:

