reasons for the appearance of dry tips of hair Everyone likes well-groomed and beautiful hair, whenthey are healthy and everything is ok with the tips. However, drying with a hair dryer, styling, paint, and just a bad ecology is very harmful to our beautiful hairstyle. From this, the ends of the hair begin to break down, to separate. But do not despair! There are many recipes for their recovery. Masks for dry hair tips are the best way to help your hair get healthier and shiny appearance. What are the recipes for healing the scalp and the tips of the head of hair? preparation of nourishing hair mask

Nourishing masks at home

Recipe for carrots and vegetable oilhas a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, nourishes them. To make this magic potion, you need to mix the carrot juice and vegetable oil in equal parts, and then you need to apply this mixture to the problem areas. Then you need to massage the scalp, especially carefully rub into the ends. And leave this mask for about 15-20 minutes on your hair. Then wash off the mask with warm water and wash your hair. Still very much feeds tips of hairdresses a mix from curdled milk, and it is better, if curdled milk will be house. You need to rub the warm curdled milk into the skin on your head, and then put on the hat. After 30 minutes, you need to massage your head again and rinse with warm water, and then wash yourself with everyday shampoo. One of the most effective masks is a mixture based on castor oil. Everyone knows that castor oil is rubbed into the hair for their growth, even the eyelashes are smeared with it. So you need to combine the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and add the juice from half a lemon. Then you need to mix it all and apply it on your head. It is better to put on a hat after that, walk like this for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with water. After washing your head with a gentle, gentle shampoo based on the nettle broth. There is another wonderful mask that helps to glue and restore the dry ends of the hair. For this, one must take aloe leaves, squeeze out the juice from them. Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 1 tablespoon burdock oil (it is usually sold in pharmacies), 1 spoonful (about 50 g) of cognac, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 egg yolk. Next, everything must be thoroughly shaken, smeared on the scalp and tips of the hair and walk for so long. This mask should be repeated 2 times a week, then you can forget about the dry tips. masking on hair

Professional masks for dry tips of hair

Of course, not everyone agrees to spend their time onpreparation of home miracle drugs. In addition, there are so many hair care products, that just eyes run. How to choose the best? First you need to read the composition of these masks. They should include plant extracts, oils and vitamins A and E. You can hardly find natural ingredients on the shelves of the store, because they quickly deteriorate, making them unprofitable. Therefore, before you buy yourself such a mask, read the reviews of other people about these drugs, ask friends. And it is even better to consult a specialist in a good beauty salon. They usually understand the novelties and old proven means. Well, of course, you can choose by trial and error, but often do not change your hair care products, do not pursue fashionable novelties. The main thing here is to choose the product that suits you and will not cause an allergy!

