treasure map Have you ever wondered whysome people so easily achieve rapid success in any of their endeavors? What is the good fortune of fate or a lucky coincidence? Or maybe they were lucky to be born "in a shirt" or "with a silver spoon in their mouth", as they say about lucky ones? Of course, the role of chance in our life achievements can not be completely ruled out. However, there is such a thing as visualization of desires. According to observations of a number of researchers, people who tried to draw some of their dreams on paper, as a result, if not fully implemented, then certainly - the main part. For example, many young girls imagine themselves as princesses in a chic dress, a similar drawing is not uncommon in every children's album. As a result, almost all of them get such a chance when they get married. Indeed, this event is filled with the appropriate attributes, so that the girl felt like a king: an amazing dress, a car, a general attention, and, of course, the groom himself as a fairy prince. And here is another example of such visualization, although it also depends on instincts. Girls often play in their mother's daughters, and after attaining a certain age and position, subsequently acquire a maternal status. But all these options work as if at the subconscious level, when due to the age of children there is still no opportunity to clearly formulate the desired goals. And what can happen if we, being quite adults, try to visualize our current needs with a view to real satisfaction? For this, many psychological practitioners and psychics propose to make their own treasure map (desires) as a kind of auto-training. This task man must perform by analyzing his own thoughts, ideas and possibilities. With this visualization, the role of treasures is fulfilled by both material and immaterial desires: career growth, financial well-being, family and children, a decent standard of living and so on.

The power of thought

To go to practical advice on how toshould look like a treasure map and what you need to make it right, it's worth emphasizing the value of positive thinking in the life of any person. If you are willing to argue with the theory of Karl Marx that being determines consciousness, and consider that the primary conditions are not the conditions of life, but the thoughts that contributed to them, then agree with this phrase: "The beauty of the world is in the eyes of the beholder." One can not help recalling the statement of the great Roerich in this case: "If all people on earth thought about good for a few minutes, then there would be no harm in the world". Indeed, the power of thought sometimes does wonderful things, but it rarely comes to anyone's mind to think about it. But how often our surprise is great when the events of real life confirm such a philosophy, because all that we carry into the world through our thoughts finds a response in the universe. Therefore, before you pick up a pencil and paper so that the drawing helps visualize your dreams and desires, you need to imagine them and think only in a positive direction. For example, one can not mentally pronounce phrases like: "I want to, but I can not find a job" - you need to say differently: "I will definitely find a job for my soul and mind." Of great importance is the emotional coloring in the expression of desires, because when we think about something, we start the mechanism for doing this. The same goes for thinking about health: instead of a phrase like: "I'm sick of frequent illnesses," I need to talk about how good it is to be healthy. Well and further in the same vein. Well, if you conceived a treasure map will have a definite plan to not miss anything and not forget. This will help to create the right version of its version, which will fully meet all your needs and desires. how to draw a treasure map

Practical tips

How do people do such magicvisualization? This process can be compared to how in childhood many of us tried to make a collage, cutting out pictures from the pages of magazines and pasting them on the album. This means that in the case when you have a task to make a treasure map, the set of tools and materials required for this will look something like this:

  • Whatman paper or sheet of heavy paper;
  • buttons to fasten it to the wall;
  • glue or scotch tape;
  • personal and, most importantly, successful photos;
  • magazines, advertising brochures with bright pictures;
  • scissors;
  • pencils, markers, paints and so on;
  • good musical accompaniment;
  • a positive attitude and a sea of ​​imagination.

Of course, you can choose to create a wish cardand a more modern way, for example, to use computer graphics programs. But in this creative process the game moment and children's associations are important, because they also contribute to the creation of positive thoughts and images. By the way, if you have a child, allow him to participate in such an interesting business - he will be happy, and the concentration of good energy will become even higher. Imagine that a treasure map is a life that you would like to have now. And now it is you who are the sorceress who, with the help of a wonderful wand (in this case - pencils and paints) will make a dream come true.

Sectors in the treasure map

So, let the room be filled with music, and youpick up scissors and cut out a lot of pictures and photos from magazines or advertising booklets, which in your presentation testify to success and prosperity, beauty and health, joys and pleasures. In the center of a paper or a sheet of thick paper, arrange your personal photo, on which you look particularly impressive. Do not forget to head the future creation, for example: "I am grateful to the world for all the treasures depicted on this map, and for the fact that they come into my life to give happiness to me and my loved ones." Such an affirmation will serve as a protective talisman against cases when desires are fulfilled, but do not go for good. Before starting to fill the map of treasures with visual information, it is necessary to divide it into sectors, because each of them is responsible for a certain desire or "treasure". For example:

  • information of the southeastern sector symbolizes abundance, prosperity, financial well-being;
  • the task of the south is the appearance in life of luck, inspiration, glory;
  • the south-west promotes the development of personal relationships, love and marriage;
  • The eastern sector is responsible for the family and public relations;
  • under your photo in the center is the sector of health and harmony;
  • the western direction is responsible for new beginnings and creativity;
  • in the northeast draw or paste ready-made images that mean knowledge, wisdom, spiritual values;
  • images of the northern sector will symbolize a successful career and the right choice of life path;
  • the north-west is responsible for the presence of faithful friends, good helpers, wise mentors, and also opens new ways for the knowledge of the world.

Do not forget that eight sectors shouldto connect in the central, because that's where you are, or rather the image that personifies you, which is the source of harmonious connection and interaction of all goals and desires of the map. Why is it necessary to do this, that is, to observe a certain order in order to correctly draw a treasure map? Why not simply paste all the pictures, pictures and images, because it also fully meets the task of visualization? If you notice, this very idea goes back to the ancient Chinese philosophy of feng shui. According to its canons, everything in the world is subject to a certain sequence, and disorder prevents energy flows from freely moving to either side of the world. It is then that the energy waves are directed to the direction you need, and you must preserve the above described order of creating a treasure map. how to draw a treasure map

Drawings on the map and their signatures

Now that you have mastered the separation intosector, start filling each with the appropriate pictures. If there are not enough ready-made options to reflect a particular task, you can make a drawing yourself, even if you do not have the artist's abilities. After all, the quality of the picture does not matter - the main thing is what thoughts and desires you put into it.

  • In the sector responsible for health, in addition to your main photo, you can draw a silhouette of a beautiful female body and sign this picture like this: "I have a goddess body, I feel great!"
  • Where there is a wealth zone, appropriatepictures with cars, houses, jewels, money bills, etc. The inscription under the sector should indicate that these desires are achievable, for example: "I bought a new apartment in ...... .. (indicate any date in the foreseeable future)", "I opened a bank account for ....... (indicate a large amount) "and so on.
  • Sector responsible for career, decoratepictures that characterize the desired work. If you want to occupy the post of leader in the future, find the suitable drawing and sign "I am the president of the company ...... (indicate the name)". Be sure to write specific dates, amounts and names, because only so the visualization will be complete and the treasure map will start working correctly.
  • In the area of ​​the family and family relations, arrangeA picture corresponding to your understanding of a strong social unit. Suitable family photos from the archive of your parents, capturing especially happy moments, as well as photos of your children and wife. Or try painting a picture on the topic: "Mom, Dad, I'm a great, happy, beloved family."
  • In the sector of love and personal relationships, placea beautiful image of a representative of the strong half of humanity and write something like: "The man of my dreams is a loving and faithful husband, a wonderful father and a successful person."

The whole treasure map must be drawn up according tothis principle. Do not be discouraged if not all sectors are full, because you have a long life ahead of you, and there must be a place for new goals and desires that will occupy vacant seats or replace those visualizations that have come true or have lost their relevance.

Additional recommendations

Psychics recommend starting the process of creatingwish cards when the moon is in the growth phase or full moon. They say that this will make visualization especially strong. To hang such a personal collage should be in a place for you. However, foreign unfriendly views can not touch him, because they destroy the positive component of your creation and can create chaotic, "frightened" flows of energy in it. Therefore, if there are people in your environment who use the treasure map skeptically or even negatively, place it in a place inaccessible to them. It's best if this visualization hangs in your bedroom, because there it will be the first thing you look at in the morning, and the last one you saw before going to bed. The desire card also should not have in its composition threats, weapons, negative and gloomy scenes. After all, the goal of its creation must be good, joy and love. Therefore, in it there is room only for bright and vivid pictures. Each person has his own personal desires and dreams, but sometimes it is very difficult to put them into words or clear images, and it is this ephemerality that hampers their implementation. To learn how to correctly formulate goals and ways to achieve them, and there are treasure maps. It is such a method of creating your own reality, the program of the future life, which with the help of the power of your thought will become a powerful message to the universe. However, do not forget that only the material component of desires will not be of use. According to Feng Shui, only a person who is rich spiritually deserves a wealth of financial. Therefore, be sure to try to make sure that your treasure map contains a place for spiritual values ​​and needs. In other words, be worthy of your desires, that, having reached them, do not be disappointed and not be fed up. We advise you to read:

