male aquarius help understandLife has made you happy by meeting a man,who turned out to be just your most real dream, just an embodied ideal. You are so interested in continuing this acquaintance that you are full of enthusiasm and inspiration, ready to show maximum initiative in order to interest the male representative you like so much as much as possible. You have already switched to "you", exchanged contacts and are chatting nicely about all sorts of things that people usually discuss in the first days of acquaintance. At some point, the conversation inevitably turns to astrology, and you find out that you like an Aquarius man. "Help me understand and get to know him as best I can, dear astrology!" you mentally ask, and this is certainly reasonable and logical. Not every woman can win an Aquarius man!

Common features of male representatives of the "Aquarius family"

Typical representatives of the stronger sex fromсозвездия Водолея весьма тактичны, но наделены противоречивым характером. Это определенно джентльмены, буквально до мозга костей – по отношению к абсолютно любому человеку, что, в первую очередь, может оценить его семья и близкие родственники.Им в равной степени характерны проявления гуманности и справедливости, дружелюбия и приветливости, мягкости и ласки. Им свойственно особое неброское обаяние, которое притягивает людей и привлекает к ним их симпатию.Несмотря на имеющуюся в достаточной мере общительность, другом Водолея мало кого захочет назвать – он не разбрасывается такими словами, как «дружба» и «любовь». Противоречивость их личности более всего проявляется в определенной доли скрытности, которая так свойственна сильной половине человечества, рожденного под знаком Водолея. Они неодобрительно относятся к попыткам проникнуть в их душу, дать непрошеный совет, и это при том, что окружающие привыкли видеть только дружелюбные черты их натуры. Многие считают такое поведение странным и закрепляют за Водолеями статус чудаков, что частично является оправданным из-за некоторой нестандартности их мышления, проявляемой более всего в дружеских и любовных отношениях. Общаясь с мужчиной, при известной доли наблюдательности вы сможете определить, что перед вами один из представителей семейства Водолеев, по его мечтательному взгляду и слегка отсутствующему виду. У вас может возникнуть впечатление, что ваш собеседник находится перед вами только физически, в то время, как мысленно он парит где-то далеко. Не отчаивайтесь – самой природой мужчины этого знака наделены тягой ко всему новому, неисследованному, необычному; а в каждой женщине присутствует загадка, которой можно увлечь понравившегося Водолея. Мужчины-Водолеи весьма надежны, рассудительны, решительны и наделены известной долей упорства в достижении своих целей, но, вновь подтверждая противоречивость своей личности, могут запросто отменить ранее принятое решение, так и не воплотив идею в жизнь. Но это не потому, что им свойственно непостоянство – просто в какой-то момент Водолей понимает, что такой поступок будет более правильным или оправданным в той или иной сложившейся ситуации. Статус, общественное положение, богатство не будут наиболее приоритетной целью в жизни мужчины-Водолея, оценивать себя и других с точки зрения наличия материальных благ он не будет. Возможно, именно поэтому им не характерны жесты щедрости, и уж точно никто не назовет мужчину этого знака зодиака транжирой. Однако он с равной доли любезности будет общаться и олигархом, и с кассиром из супермаркета, и со знаменитой личностью, и с вахтером своего подъезда. Для него нет деления людей на богатых и бедных, его критерием для общения с ними служит просто человеческий интерес. Правдивость, честность, естественность и верность дополнят портрет рожденного под знаком Водолея.Он не приемлет обман и чувствует проявление фальши в других людях, что сразу вызывает его негативную реакцию, которая, впрочем, вполне обоснована. Его верность проявляется в том числе и в том, что он предпочитает строить свою жизнь по собственным правилам и уставам, не изменяя себе даже в мелочах. При этом в нем отсутствует стремление обязать других людей блюсти их,как единственно правильные. how to understand a man of Aquarius

Love of a man-Aquarius

As we have already mentioned, Aquarius is characterized bysome non-standard in matters of love. How exactly does this manifest itself? The boundaries of his love lack clarity and direction - he loves everyone and each one separately at once. Love, according to the Aquarius man, is not so much a manifestation of concern for a specific woman, but rather concern for humanity as a whole. Such is the scale of lovingness from these knights of the air element. But at the same time, choosing a life partner, Aquarius is more focused on finding a like-minded woman than a woman-lover. This is all the more surprising because in his love, Aquarius is very unpredictable, always happy with changes, constantly looking for ways to get a sip of new feelings and experiences, and all this happens to him in the most harmonious and natural way. He knows how to charm, knows how to be attractive in the eyes of women, which he himself understands perfectly well and uses this when he strives to win the love of his chosen one, in whom he appreciated not only feminine beauty. For an Aquarius man, it manifests itself not only in purely physical attractiveness, he also appreciates the mental, inner charm of the fairer sex. When he understands that you can become not only his lover, but also his soul mate, his friend, you will have every chance to capture his heart forever. Men of this sign are romantic and even sentimental by nature. Aquarians will never forget the name of their first love, they are able to carry the memory of it and their bright feeling throughout their lives. This would be very sweet and touching, if not for one detail: they also compare all the women who appear in his life in the future with that beloved of theirs who has sunk into oblivion. Not all ladies are ready to calmly perceive this and remember that his first love can no longer be a rival to them. You do not need to be jealous of that girl from the past - now you are in his life, and this is much more important. Since we are talking about jealousy, remember once and for all one thing that can destroy a relationship with an Aquarius man overnight. Under no circumstances, never and for no reason make him jealous! These men react in only one way - they will leave your life, breaking off your love relationship with him. Rivalry for them is a thing from a parallel universe. They would rather remain just friends without talking, than enter into a complicated love relationship with three unknowns. Always remember this and do not allow jealousy to appear in your relationship.

Male-Aquarius - what is he like in sex?

Casanovas from the Aquarius constellation men are notIt will work out. They gallantly give the initiative on the love bed into the hands of women, you will not find in them a desire to occupy leading positions in carnal pleasures. But this has its advantages: the Aquarius man will loyally endure forced sexual abstinence, caused, for example, by your temporary separation from him. This, of course, can guarantee his fidelity, as well as the fact that for these representatives of the male sex, sex is attractive not just as an act of physical love. Aquarians enjoy the very fact of owning a beautiful and beloved woman. Of course, for women with a large sexual appetite, all this will be a little boring, but you understand how valuable it is that you are seen not only as an object of sexual desire, but also as a person. They value you not only because you are interesting in bed, but also because you are interesting as a person. Women with approximately the same intensity of temperament in sexual terms will certainly appreciate such an attitude towards aquarius help understand tips

Aquarius as the head of the family

The contradictory nature of Aquarius also manifests itselfhere. The desire to maintain independence and freedom goes hand in hand with the desire to be taken care of. So it turns out that the need to communicate with a kindred spirit that often arises in him sometimes runs counter to the desire to feel free from any obligations. Such a one-way game will not meet with understanding and support from every woman. But hysterics, tears, and especially scandals or attempts to cause an outburst of jealousy will not achieve any positive result. Such actions cause irritation and even more unpredictable reactions in Aquarius men. Accept him as he is in essence, and then a miracle will happen - your sweet and beloved Aquarius will show himself to the fullest extent as the most gentle, affectionate, charming and attractive man who once turned your head. He shows himself like this to his children all the time, he is very sincerely interested in his children and participates in their development and upbringing. Your children will always feel the adoration and support of their Aquarius father.

The plan to capture Aquarius in captivity

If an Aquarius man realizes that you are startingmake matrimonial plans on his account, then at the same moment he will try to save himself by running away. In no case let him understand this, on the contrary, do everything to help him feel completely free next to you. Do not forget to periodically demonstrate your independence. For example, you can inform that you are planning a trip for a couple of days, but without mentioning the destination and purpose of this trip. For men of this sign, such behavior of a woman only adds attractiveness: you remember how they are attracted to everything unexplored and mysterious? But, having arrived, be sure to tell him about how the trip went, about new events and emotions. This will warm up his interest in you, including as a source of new information. Do not forget to mention that you went in the company of girlfriends or alone: ​​it makes no sense to arouse jealousy of any man, especially this sign. Having decided to finally and irrevocably catch this freedom lover and tireless explorer of the world's secrets in your nets, accept as a given that from now on and forever you must be a woman of mystery, a like-minded woman, a friend who is able to be independent and respect the need of her chosen Aquarius to protect his freedom from encroachment. This is exactly what the ideal Aquarius woman should be like, and he will have no chance to avoid his happiness in your future family life. Although he may not even guess about it to understand a man aquarius tips

I do not want to be a lady of the sea, but I want Aquarius to be my wife

Aquarius men are inclined towards the institution of marriageskeptically and negatively. They show truly unrivaled imagination, finding more and more new ways to save him from the nets of family life. You should not lose hope, sooner or later they themselves come to the idea that they need to settle down. But the siege and waiting will be long, you need to stock up on patience, calmness and confidence that you will succeed. Set yourself up for a positive attitude, after all, you sincerely love him, which means you can wait for your time. Get ready for the fact that he will receive a proposal from his amazing Aquarius at a completely unexpected moment for you, perhaps not even the most suitable, in your opinion. But for Aquarius, everything is logical and explainable - all his friends have long been married, someone even managed to accomplish this feat twice, many had children. Your Aquarius is also emotionally mature for such a difficult step in his understanding and a more than serious decision. You can help him not to change the decision he has suffered so much – just continue to support in him the feeling of freedom and inviolability of his personality. Tell him that a stamp in the passport cannot change anything in your relationship. It is an empty formality, which is only needed so that his children bear his surname. In this sense, the conclusion of a marriage union, from their point of view, is quite justified: responsible Aquarians understand the importance of such an event as the birth of children, they are ready to take care of their financial support and upbringing. Unlike other representatives of the zodiac signs, the role of a father scares Aquarius men much less than the role of a spouse – is this the most striking sign of the contradictory nature of these amazing men?

Let's sum up the "research"

Now you know exactly what it isyour charming man, born under the sign of Aquarius, a representative of the element of Air. If you still claim that you need him like that very air, then now you have all the tools at your disposal, using which, you have every chance to understand your Aquarius man as best and as quickly as possible. This will help you to better prepare yourself to become the most beautiful, amazing and unsurpassed woman in his life. Isn't this the dream of every woman in love? You have studied all the strengths and weaknesses of your charming Aquarius, which the stars have endowed him with, and you can use this knowledge for the benefit of your future family happiness. Of course, we have described fairly average traits that characterize representatives of this zodiac sign. Many personality traits are formed in us by our parents, the environment, education, profession leave their mark. But choosing tactics and strategy to win the hand and heart of your dear "air" is not easy. men, we still recommend, based on the personal characteristics that the stars have endowed him with since birth. You have a difficult, but such an exciting task: you now need to always be independent and mysterious, sociable and interesting, exciting and active. But don't we ourselves strive to become like that for ourselves? And here there is also an excellent chance to lure into your nets in this manner a man who has attracted your attention and become dear to your heart. Improve and grow yourself, and in the meantime make the man you like fall in love with you and become his real muse - this is worth striving for, isn't it? It is worth admitting that a relationship with an Aquarius man indirectly contributes to the development of such primordially feminine qualities as charm, the ability and desire to please, interest and captivate a man, in a word, to bewitch him. Isn't this alone wonderful and beautiful? You get the opportunity to fully enjoy the process of seduction and "taming" the Aquarius representative you have chosen. Of course, we are sure that not only our recommendations will help you with this, but also your own feminine attractiveness coupled with feminine intuition. We wish you to achieve your cherished goal in record time and not only to understand your man as best as possible, but also to preserve for the rest of your life the desire to understand him, accept and love him as he is, to appreciate all the good character traits inherent in him and not to focus on some shortcomings.

