make-up for blondes Variety of means for make-up and make-up of the facesometimes leads to confusion. Therefore, it is secretly accepted the rule - to divide the types of make-up for women by the color of their hair. Makeup for brunettes, blondes, brown-haired and red-haired - each species will be different. It is the color of hair, eyes and skin that also distinguishes such color-types of female appearance as woman-spring, woman-autumn, woman-summer and woman-winter, by analogy with the seasons. Blondes usually refer to the types "Spring" or "Summer", with a predominance of warm or cold tones in appearance. To date, cosmetic groups produce whole palettes of cosmetics for a certain type of appearance - blondes or brunettes, blue or brown eyes, snow-white or chocolate skin. According to some recognized make-up artists, any make-up, different styles and colors will suit those who wear blond hair. Blondes can try on any images and styles, from retro to the latest trends. Nature endowed blondes with blond hair and skin, blue, green or gray eyes, thin facial features. If you are by nature not a natural blonde, then the contrast of dark eyes and scarlet lips with white hair will look even more interesting. Makeup blondes can vary in color of eyes or hair - from cold platinum to warm wheat. beautiful makeup for blondes

Everyday make-up for blondes by the color of eyes

Blond hair gives some pallorthe entire image, so it is advisable to highlight some kind of face most vividly. For make-up blondes, you should focus on the eyes. Depending on their color, you need to choose the color of shadows, eyeliner, mascara and other makeup. Daytime makeup for blondes should be done using light and natural tones, without bright and flashy colors. Let's try to classify the most suitable and beautiful make-up for blondes by the color of the eyes. Makeup for blue eyes It is the blue eyes that are found in natural blondes most often. Blue eyes and blond hair are the most harmonious and classic combination in appearance. In makeup blondes with blue eyes, colors such as blue, blue, gray, purple will be appropriate.

  • Shadows

Owners cornflower blue eyes are suitable shades of light blue, silvery-gray, lilac and other similar colors.

  • Padding and pencil

Can be combined with shadows in color, but be much more intense in terms of brightness - dark and bright blue, violet, graphite.

  • Mascara

It should be noted that black mascarait is contraindicated for blondes in daytime make-up. It can be used only for intensive evening make-up. For blue eyes, it is best to use dark or bright blue or dark gray ink.

  • Powder and Blush

Powder should be selected depending on the colorskin of the face - a shade of ivory or darker corporeal. For a light complexion, pinkish blush of a cold shade should be used, and for warmer peaches, warm peaches.

  • Lipstick for lips

Blue-eyed blonde with fair skinthe lipstick (or lip gloss) of pink shades will definitely suit. It can be quite light or more saturated color. For a tanned skin, it is better to use lipstick of a natural peach shade, in tone to rouge. Makeup for gray eyes Gray eyes for blondes are also not uncommon. This is a unique eye color that can change its color depending on the clothes you wear or the color of shadows and makeup shades. Gray eyes can look bluish and greenish. The palette of colors for gray eyes will approach the same, as for blue. Choosing the color of shadows, it is necessary to proceed from what color clothes are worn on you.

  • Shadows

Gray eyes are suitable for smoky shadows of gray shades, blue, silvery, but you can also use green, brown and beige tones.

  • Padding and pencil

Must be combined in color with the used shadows - graphite, dark gray, blue, or dark brown.

  • Mascara

Mascara should be chosen dark gray or dark brown, so the eye makeup will look more reserved and more accurate.

  • Powder and Blush

Powder to gray-eyed blondes should be chosen pinkish or slightly yellowish, for shading of excessive pallor of the skin. Blush is suitable pink or peach.

  • Lipstick for lips

Lipstick or lip gloss in gray-eyed blondesshould be pinkish, peach or light coral shades. You can apply a clear shine on the lips. Makeup for green eyes Blondes with green eyes - femme fatale! This type is rare in nature, so the approach to makeup blonde-green eyes need to be literate. Most green-eyed blondes are suitable natural warm colors - beige, brown, gray-brown, golden, green. But it's better to avoid cold tones, if you have bright green eyes.

  • Shadows

The green eyes are the most advantageousbrown and beige shades. They will highlight the color of the eyes and make it brighter. Even gray color is recommended to take with a brownish tinge. You can also use golden and green shadows.

  • Padding and pencil

The padding and pencil for green eyes is good to use a dark brown or graphite color. When using green shadows, you can take a dark green or emerald.

  • Mascara

Mascara for green-eyed blondes, definitely, should be brown or dark brown. This will make the look warm and soft. For evening make-up, you can also use colored green mascara.

  • Powder and Blush

Powder should be used warm shades - peach, yellowish-solid. Blush can also be peach, with a terracotta tint.

  • Lipstick for lips

Lipstick or shine is better to pick up a lightPeach or golden-beige shade. A cold pink color will not suit you. Makeup for the brown eyes Brown-eyed blondes are found quite often, and not only in nature. After all, many women who by nature have a dark color of eyes and hair, prefer to still repaint themselves in blondes. Brown-eyed blondes, especially those with very dark eyes, will be approached by warm colors in make-up, but cold shades can be used.

  • Shadows

Colors of shadows for brown-eyed blondes can include: brown and beige, golden and bronze, gray and blue shades.

  • Padding and pencil

The liner and pencil should be in harmony with the colors of the shadows, these can be beige and brown colors, as well as graphite.

  • Mascara

If you have dark eyes, you can useblack mascara, however, if eyes are lighter shades, nutty or golden, it is best to still use brown mascara, which will make the look softer.

  • Powder and Blush

Light skin will look goodpeach blush and bodily powder. And if your skin is dark, emphasize cheekbones and cheeks with rouge more saturated terracotta or brown shade, use a bronze powder.

  • Lipstick for lips

Lipstick can be pink or peach, with a darker tanned skin - coral or orange. eye makeup for blondes

Evening make-up for blondes

Perfect evening make-up for blondes - moreintense and bright, in contrast to everyday, but not vulgar and flashy. The correct make-up for blondes, as already mentioned above, involves the allocation of eyes on the face. Especially it is appropriate in the evening festive make-up. You can also identify the lips, but it is still worth placing emphasis on one thing. Skin of face The tonal basis for the face should perfectly match with the natural color of the skin. It is better to use a corrector or concealer to mask visible skin imperfections, as in bright artificial lighting they will be especially visible. The powder should be used matirujushchuju, especially carefully to put or render it or her in the T-zone - on a forehead, a nose and a chin. But on the cheekbones and cheeks it is good to apply a few smears of bronze or golden powder, in this case the skin will look radiant. Blush can be applied more intensively than usual, use those that will blend in with the color of the shadows or lipstick. Eye makeup Evening eye makeup for blondes should include shades of shadows that will blend in with the color of the eyes. However, unlike daytime make-up, you can take advantage of more vivid shades of shadows. You can use the black color for the padding, mascara and pencil. For eye makeup, the fashionable "smokey eyes" - a smoky make-up made of gray or brown shadows - is appropriate. Also worth trying retro-arrows, drawn by a liquid black eyeliner along the upper eyelid. In this case, shadows can not be imposed, or use shadows of light bodily or pearl color. Lip Makeup For lips with a blonde make-up for an evening out, you can use more intense shades of lipsticks. For example, it is worth trying a trendy coral shade this season. Correctly selected tone, with a slope to pink or orange, will suit the different colors of the eyes. If in the make-up of a blonde retro style is used, the eyes are drawn arrows, then the lips can be highlighted on the face brighter. To do this, use scarlet, red or burgundy lipstick, you can cold or warm shade. The most suitable for makeup blondes pink color can also be much more vivid than with normal makeup. In case of applying bright lipstick, it is necessary to use a contour pencil, which will ensure the color of the lips durability. We advise you to read:

