causes of hair loss during pregnancy One of the most responsible and joyful momentsin the life of any woman is pregnancy. During this period the organism passes into a new channel, undergoing significant changes, both in the physiological and hormonal terms. All forces are directed to creating optimal conditions for the development of the fetus. In this case, there may be some unpleasant "side effects": hair loss, fragility and fragility of nails, deterioration of the skin. The most difficult in this case is that you can not use the usual methods of treatment and hair care, so as not to harm the baby and the mother's body. In any case, such a change should not be ignored. After all, hair loss can be the result of some hidden diseases and pathologies. Normally, everything should be the other way around, during pregnancy, the placenta works much more actively, which leads to an increase in female hormones. This occurs in 12-16 weeks, with an improvement in the condition of the hair, which decreases less. That is why any deviation from the norm should not go unnoticed, and it is better to turn to a gynecologist or a therapist with changes. Breastfeeding can cause hair loss

Causes of hair loss during pregnancy and in the postpartum period

  • The natural process in the body of each person: one hair falls out, and in their place grow other, healthy. In normal life, this condition is almost not noticeable, but in pregnant women, the mechanisms of renewal are suspended, and so hair loss is so strongly felt.
  • Lifestyle. When pregnancy changes the normal regime of women, there is lack of sleep, depression and fatigue. The metabolism is broken due to improper diet, lack of vitamins and minerals. Blood circulation worsens, which leads to insufficient nutrition of hair roots.
  • Lactation. Mother's milk contains a large number of female hormones - estrogens, responsible for normal hair growth. But the kid takes a large part of these hormones from the mother with breastfeeding.
  • General anesthesia with caesarean section. In some cases, the complication is iron deficiency. Lack of iron is dangerous for the health of the mother, and for the condition of the fetus. can provoke hypoxia (lack of oxygen). When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes iron preparations to the pregnant woman (up to 40-60 mg per day).
  • Hair loss in a pregnant woman canto testify about a previous infectious disease. It can be influenza or ARI, intestinal infection, severe stress. There are also more serious causes of hair loss during pregnancy. It can be androgenic alopecia, arising from a change in the hormonal background. To treat this disease, you need to contact a trichologist who will conduct special examinations - phototrichogram and trichoscopy. In this case, a woman should collect all possible hair, if possible, to keep track of their length and quantity. compresses against hair loss

    Methods of treating hair in hair loss

    • Folk remedies: masks, tinctures

    To give hair volume, shine, you need themconstantly strengthen. Regular use of various masks will help prevent hair loss, preserve their strength and beauty. They can be bought in ready-made form, after consultation with a doctor or cook at home. The most effective is the yolk mask: you need to mix thoroughly 2 yolks, rub into the hair and leave it for 25-30 minutes. The mask of rye bread, warmed in milk whey, is also popular. To folk methods of strengthening hair, and rinsing tinctures of medicinal herbs, nettles, and aira. An excellent means are decoctions of oak bark, burdock roots and onion husks. You can rub in the scalp of various oils, for example, burdock or jojoba. There are many different recipes, you just need to find the right one.

    • Balanced diet

    Often, the deterioration of the hair is provokedmalnutrition of women. It is not recommended to use too sharp, salty and smoked products. It is necessary to increase the amount of food, which contains vitamin B (beans, yeast, beef), as well as calcium (found in all dairy products) and silicon (oatmeal, toasted bread). In the diet should be more fresh fruits and vegetables. You can not throw and taking vitamins, you just need to replace them with those that are designed for pregnant and nursing mothers. They will help restore the necessary useful substances in the body.

    • Proper and gentle hair care

    Hairdressers are advised to make a haircut or at leasttrim the tips, while the hair growth will greatly accelerate. The head should be washed with warm water using nutritious shampoos, which contain tonic ingredients - ginseng, tea tree oil and rosemary oil, panthenol. Apply to the roots of special strengthening balms. Dry hair is recommended in a natural way, without the use of hair dryers. In the street, you should avoid direct sunlight, always wear a hat. Comb your hair better with a wooden comb. Walking in the fresh air, healthy body and hair condition are very useful. Normal sleep and day regimen helps to avoid fatigue. Hair loss during pregnancy is an exception rather than a common phenomenon. Many future mothers notice the improvement of the hair condition, their rapid growth and healthy appearance. Undoubtedly, you can not predict how hormones behave in this or that case, and even if your hair begins to fall out, do not despair and become discouraged, there are always a lot of simple and effective ways to strengthen them. You need only desire, patience and a little free time.

