how to know the gender of the child by the signs It would seem that with the level of development of modernmedicine, the question of how to know the gender of a child by birth is bound to lose its relevance. But no! Very many parents are looking for an answer to this question. After all, someone can not do an ultrasound examination for medical reasons, and someone's kid is too shy and categorically refuses to present to the doctor in the necessary angle for determining the gender. And it remains for the parents only to guess what color to acquire a dowry. Or resort to popular signs. It is for them that we have collected the most common signs of all peoples. However, remember that these are just signs. As they say, the chances of making the mistake are as much as guessing - 50 to 50. It's impossible to accurately know the sex of the child, alas. But the most important thing is not the sex of the child, is it?

Change the appearance

Of course, first of all the appearance of a pregnant woman changes. And it is with the appearance of the future mother that a large number of signs are associated, which speak of the sexual identity of your treasure.

  • Belly of a woman

The most common sign is thatA sharp bulging tummy is a house for a boy. And if the tummy is round and distributed in breadth - it hides a little beauty. And although doctors say that the shape of the abdomen is influenced solely by the anatomical features of a woman, practice suggests that the primitive is in most cases correct. By the way, the appearance of vegetation on the tummy in the people is also considered a sign of the birth of a boy. Whereas pigmented spots are regarded as greetings from the future princess.

  • Hair and nails

Often one can hear the assertion thata woman wearing a boy, nails and hair grow much faster. And the hair on the head, and on the body - on the hands, feet, pubic. If hair growth slows down - wait for the girl.

  • Chest

In the event that a woman is preparing to become a motherboy, her breasts practically do not change their shape - so says one of the popular folk signs. If in the tummy the girl, the breast, most likely, will radically change not only the size, but also the form. In addition, people's signs are advised to pay attention to the areola of the nipples - if they become lighter - wait for the boy. And if darkened - respectively - the girl will be born.

  • Legs

Do not ignore the signs and legs of the futureMom. If they swell - prepare blue ribbons. And if there is no swelling, your color is pink. And one more very interesting sign, touching the feet - if they become colder than usual - also expect a son. If there are no changes, then a daughter will be born. learn the gender of the child by the signs

The woman's state of health

No less will it be connected with the well-being of the future mother. Which, however, is not surprising - pregnancy changes not only the appearance of a woman, but also her well-being and even the perception of the world around her.

  • Toxicosis

Toxicosis is a very frequent companionpregnancy. But in the event that nausea occurs most often in the morning - you can expect the birth of a girl. Remembering women's solidarity, my daughter tries not to molest my mother, which is already having a hard time. But the boys "torture" their mothers throughout the day - men, in a word. What to take from them?

  • Heat and chills

Many women complain ofattacks of chills or, on the contrary, "hot flushes". And these phenomena people's signs did not pass their attention! If you feel chills - most likely you are giving birth to a girl. And boys make their moms "sweat".

  • Emotional background

As you know, there is no greater inconstancy thanfemale. Even if the woman is very young - so young that the light has not yet appeared. So if the future mother can not cope with her emotions, she often becomes upset, cries, and after five minutes she laughs - most likely, this is the "merit" of the daughter. Of course, the pope will have to show remarkable patience and patience. But who said it will be easy? This is not the highest price for the right to own the hearts of the two most beautiful women on earth: wives and daughters.

Taste preferences

Another lion's share of the people'sThe sex of the unborn child falls on the woman's taste preferences. It is difficult to say how true they are, but these signs, like any others, have the right to life.

  • Appetite of a woman

As a rule, future moms of girls celebratedecreased appetite. Probably, the girl already in a stomach at mum starts to worry for the figurine. Well, the boy - he is a boy - and his mother during pregnancy makes you eat for two.

  • Sweets

It is generally accepted that in the event that a womanhuge quantities absorb all kinds of sweets, they expect the birth of a girl. However, the folk sign says that future mothers who love chocolate have high chances of having a son.

  • Meat

Well, what kind of man does not like meat? So your future son is no exception. That is why the people believe that the craving for meat products during pregnancy suggests that a woman will have a boy. I would like to take this opportunity to remind women - give preference to natural meat, not sausages and sausages. how to know the sex of a child by popular signs

Dream of a woman

By how and how much a woman sleeps, you can also find out - or rather, assume the sex of a future child. Incidentally, many women claim that in their attitude these signs have worked all 100%.

  • Duration of sleep

As a rule, during pregnancy, many womensleep more than usual. And the higher the drowsiness, the more likely it is that a boy will appear. Probably, the man's craving for the couch makes itself felt now.

  • Night sleep

If you want to know the gender of the unborn child byfolk signs, it is worth paying attention to the night sleep of a pregnant woman - if he is strong and calm, wait for the son. Well, if a woman wakes up very often, most likely in the family will be a sweet-daughter. Of course, perhaps, you will not be able to know the sex of the baby from you. But, at least, you at least will take something free time. And the more interesting it will be to find out in the delivery room who you were given fate - a son or daughter! We advise you to read:

