introvert and extrovertIt is very important to know the features of your character.and temperament – ​​in order to make life more harmonious. Often people choose a profession that does not correspond to their inner capabilities, and feel deeply unhappy. For some, their parents chose their profession, for others, money turned out to be the main priority. Whereas it was necessary to take into account one’s own needs, which change depending on the personality type. Psychologists tried to analyze people’s actions and derive their own classification. So, there are two fundamentally different personality types: extrovert and introvert.

Who is who?

An extrovert is a personality type that is directed towards others in their emotional manifestations. Such a person strives to:

  • to active communication with people,
  • oratory and any participation in public speeches,
  • intensified attention from the outside.

They are good organizers, public figures,managers, entertainers, artists. Extroverts feel good in a group and uncomfortable alone. They talk all the time, sometimes without even noticing it. Extroverts dress brightly and fashionably (another way to attract attention) and always keep the doors of their home open to their many friends and acquaintances. An introvert is a personality type that is focused inward. Such people are characterized by silence, long internal reflections, experiences, and a detailed analysis of the situation. It is easier for them to spend time alone and work, relying only on their own strength. Introverts are excellent writers, researchers, and scientists. There is another distinctive feature of such people: they often feel uncomfortable working in a large group. Introverted children have it the worst. Modern society is more focused on extroverts and encourages sociability, activity, and mobility in the younger generation. In short, everything that a small introvert cannot boast of. And it is not at all that the child does not like to answer in class. He is simply not interested in talking about what his classmates have been talking about for 15 minutes before him. Such children are better at homework and independent work. An extrovert, on the other hand, is a master at answering questions at the board. It doesn't matter at all whether he has learned the lesson or not.extrovert and introvert

Why are they like that?

Let's figure it out:What is the reason for the existence of fundamentally different personality types? And who is easier to communicate with: an introvert or an extrovert? Everyone knows that a person is much more complex emotionally and psychologically than anatomically. And an essential part of the internal mechanism is the so-called energy aspect. According to psychologists, all vital processes that occur in a person are somehow connected with energy expenditure. That is why the method of replenishing vital energy is the most important element of the behavior and life of every person on Earth. As a rule, we all receive energy through nutrition, breathing and sleep. When we sleep, our biofield is restored, since during sleep we practically do not spend energy, but only absorb it. For us, sleep is one of the most effective restorers of vital forces. But not for everyone. Extroverts do not have enough sleep to recharge at night. They have to look for additional energy recharge in society. Therefore, extroverts make every effort to attract attention to themselves, organize events and try to gather as many people as possible around them. But introverts are perfectly restored during sleep. They can live all day long at the expense of the received energy and not communicate with anyone. According to this principle, an extrovert can be compared to a solar battery that needs an external factor for recharging, and an introvert - to an electric battery with recharging, which is restored by itself.

Cons and pros of two types of personality

As you may have already guessed,«энергетические вампиры» – это люди экстравертивного типа, которые нуждаются в энергетической подпитке и получают недостающую энергию от людей совершенно неконструктивным образом. Они вызывают в людях обиду, злость, страх. Этим и живут. Но думать о том, что все экстраверты – энергетические вампиры, весьма ошибочно. Есть среди них много и таких людей, которые дарят окружающим добро, пользу и хорошее настроение, являясь душой компании. Что касается интровертов, то в худшем своем проявлении это замкнутые и неразговорчивые люди, порабощенные предрассудками. Помните знаменитого «человека в футляре»? Так вот, он был стопроцентным интровертом. Уверены, что вы встречали подобных людей в своей жизни. Нельзя сказать, что они приносят вред обществу. Но и пользы от этих закомплексованных личностей мало. Если рассматривать интроверта в своем лучшем виде, то это могут быть необычайно одаренные личности или руководители, способные хорошо наладить производство и найти общий язык с подчиненными. С ними комфортно работать по одной простой причине: они не будут заряжаться энергией от своих подчиненных. Этим занимается начальник-экстраверт с задатками энергетического вампира. Такие руководители устраивают разнос за небольшие ошибки, выплескивая негативную энергетику на работника, а сами тем временем восстанавливают жизненные силы за счет чужого страха. Они даже благодарны подчиненному за допущенный промах и возможность учинить скандал. Но это была картина из жизни экстраверта. Интроверт в данном случае просто закроется в своем кабинете и будет долго думать над проблемой, восстанавливая силы. И дело тут совсем не в благородстве начальника. Просто конфликты изматывают его гораздо больше, чем самостоятельное решение проблемы. Поэтому-то и работать с ним комфортнее, чем с экстравертом. Еще одна отличительная черта руководителей двух типов личности заключается в том, что экстраверт требует отчета на каждом этапе выполнения задачи (срабатывает постоянная потребность в общении). Тогда как интроверту важен конечный результат. Часто случается, что интровертам и экстравертам приходится работать не на своих местах. Это как раз тот случай, с которого мы начали статью. Именно с него у людей начинаются проблемы. Поскольку то, что так ценит в жизни экстраверт, интроверту чуждо. Рассмотрим ситуацию на примере. Например, активного экстраверта повысили по службе и выделили ему отдельный кабинет. Постепенно дефицит общения становится для человека настолько сильным, что он начинает ходить по кабинетам с чашкой кофе (пообщаться) или ежедневно устраивает разносы (попытка восполнить жизненный потенциал). Что касается интроверта, то его очень часто за хорошую работу выдвигают на передовую. Человеку приходится становиться оратором, трудиться в огромном коллективе и испытывать постоянный стресс. Такой человек не может работать в современных офисах, разделенных низкими перегородками. Ему гораздо комфортнее в отдельном кабинете. Именно поэтому для каждого руководителя, назначающего человека на определенную должность, важно учитывать тип темперамента работника. Ведь от этого зависит эффективность работы человека. Если говорить более конкретно, то руководитель, который берет на работу интроверта, сможет по достоинству оценить такие качества работника:

  • he will never be rude to the client, as for him to anger someone - a real disaster.
  • will always be able to work individually, and accordingly, and make decisions independently.

Extroverts can also boast of some qualities:

  • they are not afraid to speak publicly:
  • easily enter into any contacts and can work even in the event that a negative reaction of the client is expected.

extroverts and introverts

How to get along with yourself?

Once you have identified your personality type, you shouldclearly understand that you won’t be able to fix yourself. You can only make some adjustments. A person who feels a great need for communication will never be able to be happy alone. That’s why extroverts have such a hard time immigrating. They have no one to talk to. If they used to know half the city and could talk to a huge number of people in a day, now they only have to communicate with their family. What should they do? Move to the neighborhood where their compatriots live. There, thanks to their sociability, extroverts will be able to find new friends. As for introverts, they will never get the proper pleasure from performing on stage. Such people can become actors, but they will always experience an unconscious fear and discomfort from a crowded hall. And if they have already chosen the acting profession, psychologists advise them to look for themselves in the cinema. Any introvert will feel much more relaxed in front of the camera.

How to get along with others?

When communicating with a person, the interlocutor's temperamentis of great importance. If these are two extroverts, it will not be easy for them to get along together. Everyone will want to talk, but there is no one to listen. Of course, it is impossible to say that these personality types are incompatible. But they will obviously have to adapt to each other and give the other person an opportunity to speak out. In communication between an introvert and an extrovert, everything is much simpler. Where one speaks, the other patiently listens. The problem may arise in something completely different. An extrovert may habitually occupy all of a person’s personal space. And, as we already remember, an introvert values ​​freedom and solitude most of all. Or an extrovert may be offended by his interlocutor for a lack of attention. And he will also be right. As for two introverts, they are quite comfortable together. More precisely, alone. Such people will most likely spend time apart, occasionally meeting to exchange information. At the same time, their relationship can be much stronger than that of two extroverts who are constantly together.

Learning to be better

Despite the fact that extroverts andIntroverts are different, no one has canceled self-improvement. After all, the main quality of a person is the ability to learn from their own mistakes, become better and benefit not only themselves, but also the society in which they live. Convinced? Now let's figure out how to improve your character and temperament in order to enhance the effect of your strengths and reduce the number of shortcomings to a minimum. If you are an extrovert, then you need to learn to listen to the interlocutor. In an active conversation, control yourself. Sometimes there comes a moment when your verbal flow, instead of inspiring, begins to irritate the listener. Know when to stop. Introverts, on the contrary, need to learn to communicate. And in fact, this turns out to be a much more difficult task than expected. Very often, introverts simply do not care about other people and their reaction to their own words. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to develop an interest in others, and then try to establish contact with them. However, introverts, even for the sake of self-improvement, will not communicate with everyone. If they are not interested in a person, they are unlikely to waste precious energy on this subject. And you have to come to terms with this. But the most important guarantee of a successful life is not controlling your own shortcomings and not developing your strengths, but accepting yourself as you are. Silence, talkativeness, openness or secrecy are not a list of shortcomings, but a list of ordinary human qualities with which you can live. We are sure that everyone around you (be it an introvert or an extrovert) accepts you as you are, despite all those character traits that you would like to change. Love yourself too! We recommend reading:

