introvert and extrovert It is very important to know the characteristics of your character andtemperament - in order to make life more harmonious. Often people choose a specialty that does not meet their inner capabilities, and feel deeply unhappy. Someone's profession was chosen by parents, for someone the main priority was money. Then how to take into account you needed your needs, which vary depending on the type of person. Psychologists have tried to analyze the actions of people and withdraw their classification. So, there are two fundamentally different types of personality: extrovert and introvert.

Who is who?

An extrovert is a type of personality that is addressed in its emotional manifestations to others. Such a person seeks:

  • to active communication with people,
  • oratory and any participation in public speeches,
  • intensified attention from the outside.

These are good organizers, public figures,leaders, entertainers, artists. Extraverts are good in the team and uncomfortable alone. They constantly say, sometimes even without noticing it. Extroverted people dress brightly and fashionably (another way to attract attention) and always keep the doors of their home open to numerous friends and acquaintances. Introvert - a type of personality that is oriented inward. Such people are characterized by taciturnity, long internal thoughts, experiences, detailed analysis of the situation. It is easier for them to spend time alone and work, relying only on their own strength. Introverts are wonderful writers, researchers, scientists. There is another distinguishing feature of such people: they are often uncomfortable working in a large team. Worst of all, children are introverts. Modern society is more aimed at extroverts and encourages in the younger generation sociability, activity and mobility. In short, everything that a little introvert can not boast of. And it's not that the child does not like to answer in class. It's just not interesting for him to talk about what about 15 minutes before his classmates told him. Such children are better at home and independent work. Extraverted masterly answers at the board. It does not matter whether he learned the lesson or not. extrovert and introvert

Why are they like that?

Let's figure it out: what is the reason for the existence of fundamentally different types of personality? And who is easier to communicate: introvert or extroverts? Everyone knows that emotionally and psychologically, a person is much more complicated than anatomically. And an essential part of the internal mechanism is the so-called energy aspect. As psychologists say, all the vital processes that occur in a person, in one way or another, are related to the expenditure of energy. That is why the method of replenishing vital energy is the most important element of the behavior and life of every person on Earth. All of us, as a rule, receive energy through food, breathing and sleep. When we sleep, our biofield is restored, because during sleep we practically do not spend energy, but only absorb it. For us, sleep is one of the most effective restorers of vitality. But not for everyone. Extraverts of a night sleep for recharging a little. They have to look for additional energy in society. Therefore, extraverts with all their efforts attract attention to themselves, organize events and try to gather around as many people as possible. But introverts are beautifully restored during sleep. They can live all day at the expense of the received energy and not communicate with anyone. By this principle, the extrovert can be compared with a solar battery, which needs an external factor for recharging, and an introvert - with an electric battery with recharging, which is restored by itself.

Cons and pros of two types of personality

As you probably already guessed, "energyvampires "are people of an extraverted type who need energy feeding and receive the missing energy from people in a completely unconstructive manner. They cause resentment, anger, fear in people. This is what they live for. But to think that all extroverts are energy vampires is very erroneous. There are among them many and such people who give others good, good and good mood, being the soul of the company. As for introverts, in their worst manifestation they are closed and taciturn people, enslaved by prejudices. Remember the famous "man in a case"? So, he was an absolute introvert. We are sure that you met such people in your life. It can not be said that they are harmful to society. But the benefits of these complex individuals are few. If we consider the introvert at its best, then it can be extraordinary gifted individuals or leaders who are able to establish production well and find a common language with their subordinates. With them it is comfortable to work for one simple reason: they will not be charged with energy from their subordinates. This is the chief-extrovert with the energy vampire's makings. Such managers arrange a dressing-down for small mistakes, splashing negative energy on the worker, and in the meantime restore life force at the expense of another's fear. They are even grateful to the subordinate for the admitted oversight and the opportunity to commit a scandal. But it was a picture from the life of an extrovert. Introvert in this case will simply close in his office and will think long over the problem, restoring strength. And it's not about the nobility of the boss. Simply conflicts exhaust him much more than an independent solution to the problem. That's why it's more comfortable to work with him than with an extrovert. Another distinguishing feature of the managers of the two types of personality is that the extrovert requires a report at each stage of the task (there is a constant need for communication). While the introvert is important, the final result. It often happens that introverts and extroverts have to work out of place. This is exactly the case from which we started the article. It is with him that people start having problems. Because what the extrovert values ​​in life so much, the introvert is alien. Consider the situation with an example. For example, an active extrovert was promoted and allocated a separate room to him. Gradually, the lack of communication becomes so strong for a person that he begins to walk around the offices with a cup of coffee (chat) or daily arranges spacing (an attempt to fill the life potential). As for the introvert, he is often promoted to the front for good work. A person has to become an orator, work in a huge team and experience constant stress. Such a person can not work in modern offices, separated by low partitions. He is much more comfortable in a separate room. That is why for every manager who appoints a person to a certain position, it is important to take into account the type of temperament of the employee. After all, the effectiveness of a person's work depends on this. More specifically, the manager, who recruits an introvert, will be able to appreciate such qualities of an employee:

  • he will never be rude to the client, as for him to anger someone - a real disaster.
  • will always be able to work individually, and accordingly, and make decisions independently.

Extraverts can also boast of some qualities:

  • they are not afraid to speak publicly:
  • easily enter into any contacts and can work even in the event that a negative reaction of the client is expected.

extroverts and introverts

How to get along with yourself?

If you have identified your personality type, you shouldclearly understand that it will not work out. Just a little adjustment. A person who has a great need for communication can never be happy alone. That's why extroverts are so hard in immigration. They have no one to communicate with. If before they knew half of the city and could talk with a large number of people for a day, now they have to communicate only with their family. What to do? Moved to the quarter where compatriots live. There, due to their sociability, extroverts will be able to find new friends. As for introverts, they will never get the proper pleasure from performing on stage. Such people can become actors, but they will always experience unconscious fear and discomfort from the crowded hall. And if they already chose an acting profession for themselves, then psychologists advise them to look for themselves in the cinema. Before the movie camera, any introvert will feel much more relaxed.

How to get along with others?

When communicating with a person the temperament of the interlocutoris of great importance. If these are two extroverts, then it will not be easy for them to get along together. Everyone will want to talk, but there's no one to listen to. Of course, it is impossible to assert that these types of personality are incompatible. But they obviously have to adjust to each other and give the opportunity to another person to speak out. In communicating the introvert and extrovert everything is much simpler. Where one speaks, the other patiently listens. The problem can arise quite in another. An extrovert can habitually occupy the entire personal space of a person. And, as we already remember, freedom and loneliness introvert most appreciates. Or the extrovert can take offense at the interlocutor for lack of attention. And he will be right too. As for the two introvert, they are quite comfortable together. More precisely, one by one. Such people, most likely, will spend time separately, occasionally meeting for the exchange of information. At the same time, their relationship can be much stronger than that of the two extroverts, who are always together.

Learning to be better

Despite the fact that extroverts and introvertsdifferent, no one abolished self-improvement. After all, the main quality of a person is the ability to learn from one's own mistakes, it becomes better and is beneficial not only to yourself, but also to the society in which you live. Convinced? Now let's figure out how to improve your temperament and temperament in order to strengthen the effect of your merits and reduce the number of deficiencies to a minimum. If you are an extrovert, then you need to learn to listen to the interlocutor. In an active conversation, control yourself. Sometimes there comes a time when your verbal flow instead of enthusiasm starts to irritate the listener. Be able to stop in time. Introverts, on the other hand, need to learn how to communicate. And in fact it turns out to be a much more difficult task than expected. Very often introverts simply do not care about other people and their reaction to their own words. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to develop an interest in others, and then try to establish contact with them. However, introverts, even for the sake of self-improvement, will not communicate with everyone. If a person is not interested in them, they are unlikely to spend precious energy on this subject. And this must be reconciled. But the most important guarantee of a successful life is not to control your own shortcomings and not to develop virtues, but to accept yourself as you are. Silence, talkativeness, openness or secrecy is not a list of shortcomings, but an enumeration of ordinary human qualities with which one can live. We are sure that everyone around you (whether an introvert or an extrovert) accepts you the way you are, despite all the traits you would like to change. Love yourself and you! We advise you to read:

