It happens that parents do not give dueattention to the arrangement of the children's room. It is motivated by different reasons: from lack of money to ordinary laziness. But childhood is a wonderful time for fairy-tale games, fun and joy. And what kind of child would be interested in living in an impersonal room with gray wallpaper? What miracle can happen in such a room? Therefore, never be afraid to experiment and paint the life of your children. After all, for them it is so important. Designing a children's room is one of the most difficult tasks in creating an apartment interior. And if you need to equip a room for two boys who are different not only in age but also in their hobbies, the decision becomes even more difficult. How to plan the interior of a children's room so that it meets the requirements of psychologists, designers, and even the children themselves? Let's try to find the best solution together.
How to choose a color scheme?
The main thing is try not to decorate the interiorroom, paying tribute to today's fashion. Take as a basis the fantasy of your boys, their hobbies and interests. As a result, you will get a cozy and comfortable children's room, and on the planet will become two more happy boys. The color scheme is the first thing you should pay attention to when selecting the interior for a children's room. Color is very important for children, because they react to it differently than adults. The smaller the child, the more vivid colors it attracts. Of course, do not forget that with age, the color preferences of children are changing. Therefore, do not leave the interior of the child's room unchanged for too long. What colors do our boys like? Let's try to figure it out.
- For preschool-aged children, a room with a dominant red color is suitable;
- From 7 to 11 years of enthusiastic rapture cause orange, green or yellow colors;
- After 12 years, a room in blue shades will suit the boys;
- Design rooms for teenagers can be decorated in lilac or other dark colors.
When choosing combinations of colors, try to find socalled the golden mean. Do not need a lot of bright colors - from them the child will get tired, even if these shades and the most beloved ones. Excess of dark colors will oppress the child. Well, too bright room - it's not quite aesthetically pleasing to the boys. It is best to choose calm colors, close to each other in tone. Making out the interior of the children's room, parents often prefer a thematic design dedicated to a fairy tale or beloved cartoon boys. Yes it's beautiful. But do not forget that children grow up quickly and in a year or two such a design will become irrelevant for them. If you still decided to use the "fabulous" design, choose posters, stickers, curtains, bed linens and bedspreads as decor elements. And the walls, floor and ceiling make a neutral color. Then you can quickly replace one topic with another by simply picking up new items.
Zoning the room
The mothers of the two boys know how difficult it is for themreconcile. The guys can not share everything, from toys to the shelf in the closet. To ensure that there is as little as possible between the children, it is desirable to divide the room into two personal zones. You can designate each with a certain color. Or just arrange furniture on both sides of the room. The main thing is to give the child to understand that he has his own personal space in this world. But the game zone is not necessary to divide, it is better to give children enough space for joint pastime. Of course, in the presence of free square meters make for each child a separate playing space is not difficult. But this can lead to the fact that the boys will stop spending time together and move away from each other. In general, the interior of the children's room is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to take into account the interests of two persons. That's why there should be a common zone that will unite the children. And it does not have to be a game one. Perhaps there is room in the room for creating a sports corner - this option will be very appropriate for two boys. The main thing do not forget, if you zoned the room with different colors, then both these colors should be present in the common area. Or you can add a new tone to it, which is suitable for both guys. There are quite a lot of toys in the boy's nursery. And by the end of the day all these treasures are anywhere, just not in their place. In order to help children learn how to clean their things, you can make separate sections for storing personal belongings. You can divide not only shelves for clothes, but also places for storing small things: pencils, disks, plasticine, paints and colored paper. To ensure that children know exactly who owns them, all items can be designated by the favorite color of each of them. By the way, psychologists do not recommend zoning space with color more than 50 percent. If the room has multi-colored walls, then the floor covering should be monophonic and vice versa. The original solution is the colorful design of the windows - when each curtain has a different shade.
Where will we sleep? Choice of beds
On the interior of the children's room zoning influencesvery much. But what if there are very few square meters? In this case, a shared area can be made a sleeping area. A bunk bed is suitable for this as well as possible. Just remember that in a room with a ceiling height lower than 2.5 meters, on the second floor it is not recommended to sleep - the baby will be very stuffy. And one more important point: a child sleeping on the first floor may experience the psychological pressure of a brother sleeping on a floor above. To prevent this from happening, psychologists recommend offering children a game-exchange. After a certain number of days, tenants should exchange floors. Some manufacturers of children's furniture have already listened to the advice of psychologists and produce beds with a slightly displaced second floor. Such a design negates the possible psychological pressure. If the size of the apartment is all right, you can pamper the children and choose beds in the form of your favorite toys: rockets, cars or submarines. If the purchase of such a crib in the finished version seems too expensive for you, then use your imagination, colors and skillful daddy's hands. This approach will turn the head of any sleeping place into a racing car or into a control panel of an airplane.
Furniture in the interior of the nursery
When choosing furniture for a children's room in the firstturn should pay attention to the material from which it is made. Eco-friendly is furniture made of natural wood: an array of oak, beech or pine. The last option is the most short-lived, as it strongly loosens. But if you select an interior for a child up to two years, then the pine will fit perfectly. It is inexpensive, and the child will grow much earlier than it will be able to inflict any damage on the furniture. The most budgetary option is furniture from chipboard, MDF and multi-ply. But she has a relatively short lifespan. Before you decide on a particular furniture, read the certificate for it. Note how safe it is: are there any sharp corners and edges, glass inserts on it. Exposed parts and metal fittings are not suitable for the children's room. Furniture should be as stable as possible and must correspond to the age and height of the child. It is clear that for two boys it will be difficult to find furniture that matches both at once, but you can always find a compromise solution. The most important thing in creating a unique design of a children's room is the mood with which you approached this process. Put all your love for children in the interior of the room, then they will necessarily be comfortable and cozy in the world created for them.