ingrown hair after epilation Each of us at least once faced with a problemingrown hair or witnessed this phenomenon. A slight reddening on the skin turned into big trouble and discomfort. So, what is the reason for the growth of hair in the skin, how to deal with it and can this be avoided? Let's figure it out. Most often appear ingrown hair after hair removal. More precisely, as a result of inept treatment with a razor or epilator. Therefore, first of all you need to learn how to properly remove vegetation on the body. How to do it, we'll teach you now.

Proper epilation: subtleties and nuances

So, you decided to do hair removal. Do not rush into the bedside table behind the razor. First of all, take a shower. And better - a hot bath. Then the hair will become softer and supple. Which way to remove vegetation is to be decided only by you. But in both cases the skin should be prepared and degreased. In addition, beauticians recommend that before starting the procedure, maximally raise the hairs above the surface of the body. This will help to do a normal scrub. Use an exfoliating agent every time before hair removal, and ingrown hair will not be scary to you. Just do not rub the product into the skin too much, this will cause additional irritation on the body. After you have prepared the skin, you can start epilation. Many still remove excess hair with an ordinary razor. If you are one of them, we hasten to give you a couple of tips:

  • Use only new blades. Often it is blunt shaving machines that cause ingrown hairs. In addition, the old blade is not able to shave off all the hairs from one time, and the woman has several times to hold the machine along the same site of the body. And an additional effect on the skin can cause irritation. Therefore, it is best to use disposable machines. This is both convenient and hygienic. But if your razor is reusable, do not forget to thoroughly rinse it with hot water after each use.
  • During shaving, try to guide the machine by the growth of hair. If you shave the hairs against their growth, provoke skin irritation.
  • When removing vegetation, do not pressstrongly against blade. First, get hurt. Secondly, again, provoke a wrong hair growth. It is important to choose a golden mean, because too little pressure on the machine can reduce the effectiveness of hair removal. Simply put - after shaving on the body will remain hair, and you will have to repeat the procedure again. And this is extra time, and the risk of injuring the skin.
  • hair after hair removal

    Ingrown hair after hair removal: how to get rid

    Many people learn how to properly epilateonly after they encounter the problem of ingrown hair. But just studying the rules is not enough. First you need to eliminate the consequences of incorrect removal of excess vegetation. And more importantly, do it as competently as possible. After all, we are dealing with an inflamed patch of skin, and any gross interference will provoke an even more inflammatory process. Therefore, it is worthwhile to warn all women of the two common mistakes that they make in the independent struggle with ingrown hair. First, at the time of treatment, give up epilation. In pursuit of beauty, you risk even more damage to the skin. Secondly, do not listen to "well-wishers" who are advised to remove ingrown hair with tweezers or (even worse) needles. Even if all the tools (let's call them that) are prospirtovany, and do not infect the infection, still such an intervention is unacceptable. You do not squeeze out an acne, do you? So why does ingrown hair seem to you a less serious problem? In order for our request to sound more convincing, let's give an example of statistics. Thousands of women seek medical help after they tried to wrest the hair themselves. From this, inflammation developed into a more serious disease and required real surgical intervention. Therefore, you should not turn into home-grown Aibolites. Try to solve the problem in a less cardinal way. Now that all warnings have been distributed, we will learn how to remove ingrown hairs after hair removal:

  • Exfoliation of the skin. It will help in this all the same cosmetic scrub. Twice a day, treat the damaged area of ​​the body in order to remove the upper part of the skin and release the ingrown hair. By the way, peeling is useful to you and for the prevention. Cosmeticians are advised to use it after every hair removal to prevent hair growth.
  • Apply a little money to the problem siteagainst acne. It can be a cream containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. So you remove excess irritation from the skin and help the healing of the damaged area. Carry out treatment several times a day until the problem is completely eliminated.
  • If you see only redness of the skin, and yourselfhair has grown too deep, help him get out of the hot compress can. Wet the towel in hot water and apply to the inflamed patch. After the fabric has cooled down, repeat the procedure. And so on until you notice the hair on the surface. By the way, it happens that inflammation on the skin has nothing to do with ingrown hair. Therefore, if you apply a hot compress for a long time, but you can not see the results, then the cause of reddening lies in the other.
  • Cardinal. If all of the above methods do not help to get rid of ingrown hair and the inflammatory process continues, we recommend that you seek help from a doctor. Do not underestimate this seemingly insignificant problem. After a small ingrown hair can cause a strong inflammatory process.
  • Finally I want to advise all womenbe more attentive to one's own health. Take care that the ingrown hairs do not appear, and if this does happen, change the way you epilate. Temporarily go to a conventional razor or depilation cream. Do not wear tight things that prevent normal blood circulation in damaged areas. Remember that health is more important than beauty. Take care of yourself! We advise you to read:

