cleaning the face at home Clean skin is skin that is free from sebaceoustraffic jams and dead cells, dust particles, debris of cosmetics and dirt. Can you boast that your favorite make-up remedy copes with all the aforementioned dirt on "hurray"? Do a test: wash your face with a gel or scrub, then wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in lotion. You will be surprised to see that it is dirty gray, despite recent washing. However, the lotion is not able to affect the deep layers of the skin - a similar effect has only cleaning the face. In order to get rid of pimples or "black spots", you can visit a beautician, and you can save - because clever cleaning of the face at home is no worse.

Types of cleaning available for home use

The most famous and popular type of skin cleansing -manual. In this case, unfortunately, the most painful, because small pimples, black dots and clogged pores are squeezed out by hand. After the procedure, the face swells, swelling and redness will disappear only after 2-3 days. Of course, the traces left by such a purge on your face can not be concealed by a proofreader or a thick layer of foundation. Nevertheless, this method has been and remains the most effective. A variation of it is the mechanical cleaning of the skin. The only difference is that by resorting to this cleaning, you will eliminate inflammations with a special tool that helps squeeze out even the most "deeply settled" on the face of acne. The swelling and redness will subside in a few hours, and the soreness of this method is less (in comparison with the previous one) at times. Less well-known, but no less effective, cleaning is chemical. Cleansing components are fruit acids and other reagents that "push" the dirt from the pores and promote the accelerated regeneration of cells. For this purpose, a mask is applied to the person on their basis. If it does not contain heating components that promote the exposure of contaminated pores, another mask with such properties must be used before using it. Especially useful is chemical peeling for owners of oily skin - this cleansing is characterized by a pronounced matting effect. Recently, this type of getting rid of the skin from imperfections is gaining popularity, as cleaning with a special brush (brashing). At home for the same purposes, you can use a portable cosmetology device with special brushes-attachments of different rigidity. Such a face cleaning at home is ideal for the care of sensitive and dry skin. This is the only type of hardware cleaning available for independent use (as opposed to vacuum or ultrasound). Brashing is contraindicated in girls whose skin is prone to couperose and allergic rashes. cleaning the face at home

How to make your skin healthy and radiant with your own hands

Cleaning the face at home will take more than onea minute of your time. Therefore, spend it better on the weekend, to be able to spend for this one and a half or two hours. The process of preparation for manual cleaning of the face skin should begin with a thorough washing of hands. Wipe your hands with a towel, re-sanitize them with antibacterial napkins or gel for sanitation. If you squeeze out acne with dirty hands, the amount of inflammation and acne will only increase. Any cosmetic procedure should begin with cleansing. Even if you wash your face in the evening, by the morning the upper layers of the skin will still be clogged with secretions from the sebaceous and sweat glands. Before cleaning, it is best to use a gel for washing deep action or scrub. When choosing a second remedy, do not forget that peeling on the basis of a walnut shell or apricot kernels scratches the skin, and this only contributes to a deeper penetration of the infection during manual cleaning. Buy a scrub with polymer particles, they have a more gentle effect. Wash with antibacterial gel, then massaging the movements, apply a little peeling on the face and distribute with gentle massage movements. After a couple of minutes, rinse the gel with warm water and gently pat the face with a towel. In order not to spend money on buying a scrub, prepare it yourself. The easiest recipe does not require any effort from you. If you love coffee, leave the thick and use it as an exfoliant. Coffee grounds are universal - it can be used to care for any type of skin. Will help to cope with excessive fat content, pimples and "black spots" home peeling on the basis of kefir, sea salt and 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Dry skin will well moisturize the scrub of sugar and fatty sour cream. From the mimic wrinkles will relieve the composition of apple or cucumber puree and ground oatmeal. Clean the skin with a tonic. It will moisturize and soothe it after exposure to soap and grinding particles. In order not to increase the irritation of the skin after the cleansing procedure, choose a non-alcoholic option, the components of which include almond oil or Shea butter. Apply a small amount of tonic to a disc of cotton wool and evenly distribute it along the massage lines. Alcohol is only allowed in the composition of a product intended for very oily skin. You can prepare yourself a tonic for her from vodka, grapefruit juice and olive oil. You can also mix vodka with a decoction of marigold, sage or mint leaves. The best tonic for dry skin will be low-fat milk or infusion of chamomile pharmacy. The next stage is steaming. The steam bath helps to maximize the opening of the pores and release the skin from toxins. The easiest way is a pan or a basin with boiling water. To enhance the healing effect, you can add mint oil or tincture of eucalyptus to the water. They have antibacterial and soothing properties. To expand the pores, hold your face directly above the steam for 20-25 minutes. Do not open your eyes during this procedure, so as not to burn the mucous membranes. Dry your face after drying. To achieve the same result, you can double the speed by using a steam sauna. It repeatedly enhances the effect of steam and works from the network in 220 V. Sensitive skin can respond to steam baths with peeling or bursting vessels. An alternative for them will be a towel soaked in hot water. Prepare a few pieces and change them as you cool down. If you rarely clean the pores or have never previously resorted to this procedure, supplement the action of the steam with a special mask. Mix in equal amounts of soda and salt, dilute the composition with cold water or liquid soap to a mushy mass. Apply it to a steamed face, rinse immediately, as soon as a burning sensation appears. This "thermonuclear" compound is intended for normal and oily skin. After completing the preparation of the face directly for cleaning, wrap your fingers with clean bandages or cotton napkins. Alternately squeeze out blackheads and black dots, pressing the inflamed element with two fingers until the dirt is completely expelled from the clogged pore. Undoubtedly, the procedure is rather painful, but in the name of beauty it will be necessary to suffer. Mechanical cleaning differs only in that the operation of the fingers is replaced by a special tool called a cosmetic "spoon". This scalpelike miracle spoon at one end has a loop for acne, on the other - for large pimples. To squeeze out the contents of the pore, it is necessary to place it in the hollow center of the loop. During cleaning, disinfect the instrument periodically with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Sometimes on the nose are acne, not amenable to manual cleaning. You can remove them with a plaster that is sold in any cosmetics store. The composition with which it is lubricated "glued" to grease plugs and at the time of peeling "pulls" them. Having freed all pores from a dirt, wipe the face with a lotion, which narrows the pores. This is necessary so that the clean, breathable pores again do not penetrate the dirt. Doing such a face cleaning can be (depending on the individual sensitivity of your skin) once or twice a month. But mixed and oily skin needs additional maintenance of the achieved result. Weekly make drying and detoxifying masks from white or blue clay. Dilute it with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, add a couple drops of vegetable oil and apply a mask on the face. When the clay dries and a feeling of tightness appears, wash off the compound and pat the face. You can also add a few drops of essential oil of magnolia vine, tea tree or orange to the day and night cream. cleaning the face skin at home

Chemical peeling hand-made

Such a method of cleaning can be performed both inhome conditions, and in the cabin. Your skin is prone to hypersensitivity? Then give up chemical peeling, otherwise you will have to fight with the strongest allergy. However, the owner of a normal or fatty type after the procedure will receive a young, healthy and radiant skin for one to two weeks. Normal skin will have "to taste" chemical peeling based on calcium chloride. Ask the pharmacy to sell you a solution of the minimum concentration. If you apply undiluted chloride on the skin, it will be unbearably hot. Therefore, dilute it with slightly saline water in a concentration of 1: 1. Wipe the previously cleaned face with a cotton swab densely moistened with this compound. When dry, wipe again. And so at least 10 times. After completing the procedure, wash and apply a moisturizer on your face. But you can cope with rashes on oily skin, using fruit acids. For these purposes, perfect fit slices of orange or grapefruit. If you are too lazy to tinker with fruit, a similar remedy can be found in most lines of professional cosmetics. Pay attention to peels and masks, the packaging of which indicates that the composition contains milk, glycolic or tartaric acid. It is not necessary to visit beauty salons in order to get rid of imperfections of the skin. If you have some skill, you will cope with cleaning your face no worse than a beautician. Enough to dream of a beautiful skin - regular cleaning will help you look like you are working on the best beauticians. We advise you to read:

