How to get rid of irritations caused by epilation You know how to quickly get rid of irritationafter epilation? Probably not, otherwise you would not seek an answer to this question. In principle, to remove any, even too much irritation, caused by the epilation, it is easy. However for this purpose it is necessary to remember and master some simple and effective methods which allow for a long time or for ever to get rid of the unpleasant irritation which arises on the most sensitive sites of a skin each time after carrying out of an epilation. So, to relieve inflammation you need:

  • disinfect skin areas that arewere exposed. This can be done by using an antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine, actovegin, solcoseryl, hydrogen peroxide, or seventy percent alcohol. All these products can significantly dry the skin, so, after using them on the damaged areas should be applied a gentle moisturizer.
  • after hair removal should not be waitedthe appearance of severe irritation, it is better to immediately apply Panthenol. This tool we recommend to have in any medicine cabinet, as it perfectly removes inflammation and helps with burns.

If the epilation has not severely damaged the skin, you canhelp the tea tree oil, which should be mixed with vegetable oil. At the same time, five or six drops of tea tree oil goes to 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. After applying this mixture, you will have to wait a little, because it is not very quickly absorbed. If someone in your family grows indoor plants, you probably have scarlet, which has long been considered a great natural medicine. It can relieve not only irritations, but also other skin problems. Try the miraculous properties of scarlet can be simple, cutting along the washed leaf of this plant, and attaching it to the skin. How to get rid of the irritation caused by epilation, using funds that are constantly on hand? Usually, agents that are able to remove irritation on the skin as much as possible after depilation are available in any home. These effective and fairly common means include:

  • usual baby powder;
  • children's anti-inflammatory cream;
  • moisturizing cream with aloe, marigold or chamomile extracts;
  • various herbs, for example: calendula, chamomile, celandine or string.

If you have any of the aboveherbs, you are very lucky. Since herbal decoction of them helps to remove irritation. It is enough simply to brew the dried grass, get the broth to drain, wet the cotton pad and gently lubricate the irritated skin areas. As a result, irritation and redness will disappear.

