laundry icons for clothes Renewed for any woman - a joy. And not only for women, but for many men, and, of course, for children. Only the joy of washing this new clothes men and children do not share. And we have to indulge in such joy alone. Well, still scientific and technological progress with us is shared by this joy: washing machines are a miracle invention. Yes, and clothing manufacturers take care of full-fledged female joy, marking their products with badges on the labels of clothes. The icons they draw, but what is their meaning, do not decipher. Therefore, the deciphering of icons before washing can be crazy. And what is the significance of these drawings?


Before the first wash of any things you need to studyall the signs on the labels. Because it is indicated on them the possibility or impossibility of washing, as well as its appearance (manual, machine), temperature regime and acceptable detergents. So, if you do not want to ruin the thing by washing, carefully study the drawings on the labels.

  • Tazik - can be washed with standard washing machine modes.
  • A basin with a dash beneath it is only washable in a gentle mode.
  • A basin with a dash and numbers (degrees Celsius) is washed in a gentle mode at a certain temperature.
  • Tazik with two dashes - delicate washing.
  • Tazik with hand - only hand wash without push-up.
  • Tazik and figures "95" - you can wash and boil.
  • The basin and the numbers "50" - wash at a temperature of up to 50 ° C.
  • Two basins: with two circles and numbers "40" - wash with neutral detergents at a temperature of up to 40 ° C.
  • Two basins: with one square and numbers "30" - wash with neutral detergents at a temperature of up to 30 ° C.
  • Two basins: with one square and two circles and with the numbers "60" - wash with funds for colored linen at a temperature of up to 60 ° C.
  • Crossed basin - you can not wash it, just take it to the dry cleaners.
  • Square in a circle - do not wash in a washing machine.
  • Triangle - can be whitened by any means
  • Crossed triangle - you can not use bleaching agents.
  • Triangle with the letters "Cl" - when washing it is possible to use chlorine-containing bleaches.
  • Crossed triangle with the letters "Cl" - when washing, you can use any bleach, except chlorine-containing.
  • badges on clothes for washing


    It is known that after washing the laundry is necessarysqueeze and dry. If your washing machine not only erases, squeezes, but also dries laundry, then look for the following clothing care labels on the labels.

  • Quadrate - you can dry.
  • A crossed out square can not be dried.
  • Circle in the square - you can squeeze and dry the laundry in a washing machine or in an electric dryer.
  • A circle with three dots in a square can be dried in a typewriter at high temperature.
  • A circle with two points in a square can be dried in a typewriter at an average temperature.
  • A circle with one point in a square can be dried in a typewriter at a low temperature.
  • The crossed out circle in the square - you can not dry it in a typewriter or in an electric dryer and you can not squeeze it out.
  • Three longitudinal dashes in a square - you can not squeeze, you can dry in a suspended state.
  • One transverse dash in the square - can be dried by spreading on a horizontal surface.
  • Strikethrough tourniquet - can not be squeezed.
  • A square with a bracket at the top edge can be dried in an upright position.
  • A square with two dashes in the upper left corner - you can dry only in the shade.
  • A circle in a square with a dash under it - squeeze and dry only in a gentle mode.
  • A circle in a square with two dashes under it - press and dry only in a delicate mode.
  • What do the badges on the clothes that representironing, and so it is clear: a crossed iron does not allow ironing, and the number of points on ironing determines the temperature mode of ironing. The designation of signs of dry-cleaning capabilities is relevant only for specialists - after all, you yourself will not do this yourself. It is important for you to know what the badges that define the possibilities of washing, drying and ironing clothes are. And with this we seem to have figured out. It remains to remember to remember the definition of icons on the labels of clothes before washing.

