Surely you have repeatedly asked yourself the question,how to achieve success in life. There are people who get everything they want, and there are those who suffer failure after failure. Yes, of course, victory or defeat is primarily a choice of the person himself, but that is not all. You can endlessly set yourself the goal of achieving, but continue to lose without making the appropriate efforts. Most often, people are concerned about success in three areas: in a career, in business and in life in general, and this is what you can read about in our article.
Success and Life
It is not necessary to divide your life into fragments andtry to achieve some specific success. You can simply follow a few simple recommendations that can turn you into an incredibly successful person in a short time. They are based on the principles of NLP programming, which is known to be actively used to achieve success in various fields. One of the exercises that you can use in everyday life is called “I am the author”. It often seems to us that everything unpleasant that happens to us is not our fault, but rather bad circumstances. Finding yourself in any difficult or problematic situation, ask yourself two questions: how did I create this situation and why did I create it? At first, it will be difficult for you, but then you will get used to it and take an author's position in relation to your life. And it is precisely this that largely distinguishes successful people from losers. What will be said below may surprise you: try to start trusting people by default. It is strange, because it may seem that a successful person does not trust anyone and is always on guard. But this is not so! The ability to trust other people and accept their trust is much more strategically beneficial than mistrust. In this case, you a priori have a positive attitude towards the world, and it responds to you in the same way. An important step to achieving success is the ability to turn any situation into a win-win for both parties. You can say that there are situations in which this is impossible - there can be either a win and a loss, or a loss for everyone. Most likely, you are speaking of limited thinking. Even a situation of conflict of interests can be interpreted in a similar format, for example, which of two people needs this particular resource more, and who would be better off with some other resource.
Success and career
How to achieve success in your career, first of allThe queue depends on your understanding of this success. Judge for yourself, for someone the achievement will be the post of the head of a transnational corporation, and for someone the career peak will be the position of a neurosurgeon. However, there are several general recommendations that can be useful for almost everyone.
- Be passionate about your work, and for this it is absolutely necessary to love the work you do - this is the main secret of how to achieve success in your career.
- Bring something to your favorite work: develop an individual style of achieving goals, create your own brand, your chip.
- Be aware of the importance of what you are doing tosociety. For example, if you are a marketer, then your job is to get as many people as possible about the unique product of your company and improve your life with it.
- Be active and proactive. Do not wait for any tasks and assignments received from above; read relevant literature, be interested in new developments in your field and offer management options for improving the company's work.
- Do not waste time on unnecessary things, for example, sitting in social networks. Better use it for real relaxation or for achieving your goals.
- Become a first-class specialist in a fairly narrow but in-demand field - then there will be demand for you.
Success and business
It may turn out that building a career- this is not for you. Indeed, you often have to start from fairly low positions, obey someone and go for a long time to your goal. As a rule, more risky people go into business with a desire to be the master of the situation and implement their own idea. There are some nuances in how to achieve success in business, and we will tell you about them. The main thing you need to know is that any growth and development is possible only when you leave your comfort zone. This is the space in which we like to be, it is stable and allows us to maintain the current level of existence. Being in it, we carry out those actions that we are accustomed to and that bring us a familiar state of comfort. But if you want to achieve something more, going beyond its limits is simply necessary, especially if we are talking about significant success and achieving some serious goal. The consciousness of each of us is filled with priorities, which, in fact, are strict restrictions that prevent the achievement of important goals. An example of such priorities can be the desire not to take risks, to save face, to dominate, to manipulate, etc. ... One of their functions is to maintain stability and keep us inside the comfort zone. They are the ones that limit us and prevent us from achieving “it would be nice” - those goals and successes that are important to us, but seem unrealistic or too difficult. In order to achieve something, you have to start doing something. Judge for yourself - it is impossible to become the owner of a large business that brings its owner a serious income if you sit at home and do nothing. It is important to start taking the first steps. You can’t try to lift a pen - you can either do it or not. The same is in business: you can’t try to build it and try to sell your product to the client, wiping your competitors’ noses - you can either do it or not do it. To achieve the result you need, you need to take steps in this direction right now: for example, right now, take and learn all the information you are interested in about the product, the market or taxation. Only then will you be able to get closer to your goal. The exercise “Me in the Future” will be useful for achieving success in business. It often seems to us that goals are achieved in the following way: the present determines the future, and the achievement of your goal depends on who you are in the present. However, this is not entirely true: in order to achieve success later, you need to become in the present what you will be in the future. Therefore, imagine yourself in all details, successful in business, and realize what qualities you have. After that, all that remains for you is to develop the appropriate skills, abilities and character traits. Correct goal setting is important for achieving success in business. Imagine in all details what you want to achieve. Remember that a good goal is the key to the competent development of any business project. It must have the following characteristics:
- responsible - it must be formulated in the first person;
- specific - the wording must reflect everything: how much, where, when and how;
- real - for example, wanting to become immortal at the current stage of scientific development is not entirely realistic;
- include perfective verbs - “to do” or “I will do”;
- inspiring - it is useless to set goals that you do not want to achieve and the achievement of which does not motivate you;
- positive - there should be no “no” in the goal formulation
So, we hope that you now understand the fact thatany success is real and achievable. All you need for this is to set the right goal and constantly do something to achieve it, take responsibility for your life and be its author, and also have a positive attitude towards other people. Then success will not take long to come! We recommend reading: