how to make up eyeliner eyeliner What do women dream about? Men believe that this question can not be answered. The girls respond willingly, and for so long and in detail, it becomes clear - they have many desires. There would be a performer. But the main dream of women of all ages is to remain beautiful. And what they do not do to achieve their goals! Even under the knife surgeon ready to lie down for the sake of accepted by somebody standards. We are not advised to make such sacrifices. After all, you can become beautiful with more harmless and familiar methods. Take, for example, cosmetics. One stroke of lipstick, and lips again sparkle with a seductive brilliance. The powder will carefully save you from the traces of a sleepless night, and the eyeliner will make the eyes bigger and more expressive. However, this will happen only if you treat cosmetics with competence. After all, if there are no special problems with women with powder or lip gloss, then not everyone can draw a thin and accurate arrow. Even fewer girls are able to take into account not only the pressure of a cosmetic pencil, but also the type of their face. In a word, people like to paint themselves, but they do not know how. To correct this annoying misunderstanding, we decided to acquaint our readers with information on how to beautifully make-up eyeliner. But first, let's see what kinds of modern submarines there are.

Varieties of leaks

Probably, each of the girls at least once facedwith an awkward sense of confusion, when you stand in the department with cosmetics and do not know how to paint all this. Especially if the look falls on the shelf with the liners. Dozens of tubes, which, in fact, must perform the same action - draw a beautiful arrow. How does one choose from all this splendor? In fact, the classification of leaks is quite simple. There is a liquid eyeliner and a contour pencil. As for the practical side of cosmetic products, it's much easier to paint with a pencil (it's also called a felt-tip pen), whereas liquid eyeliner is often a real test for girls. Contour pencils differ in the degree of softness. Cosmetologists say that soft pencils perfectly conduct a line, but have an unpleasant property to be imprinted on the eyelid. Solid pencils, though not lubricated, but can damage the delicate skin, scratching it. Therefore, women from time immemorial have tried to outsmart capricious eyeliner. They heated hard pencils in their hands, giving them (albeit temporarily) the necessary softness, and soft pencils for a few minutes before use were locked in the freezer. Another difference concerns the already liquid bridges - this is the thickness of the brush. Than the brush is thinner, the thinner the arrow turns out, and the stronger the hand of the make-up artist. And since in 99% of cases we play the role of make-up artists ourselves, we will also have to learn how to beautifully make up the eyeliner with eyeliner, too. Well, shall we begin? how to beautifully make up eyeliner

Beautiful arrow - this is real

So, let's imagine ourselves as an artist. Our future masterpiece is ourselves. Namely - beautifully colored eyes. For this purpose we take in handwriting. If time is very short, or there is no experience at all, then you can use a contour pencil.

  • Sit more conveniently. Hands should be on the table, elbows should have a fulcrum.
  • Have enough patience, since a beautiful arrow from the first time - it's almost impossible.
  • If you use liquid podvodku, then make sure that there is a little paint on the brush. Its surplus is guaranteed to turn out to be an ugly blot on your century.
  • Do not draw the entire line of the arrow onemovement. It is better to spend more time, but make up nicely and neatly than 10 times in vain to perform the same action. Therefore, mark the future line of the arrow with a dotted line (or dots, to whom it is more convenient).
  • Gently connect the target areas with each other.
  • Make sure that the arrow expands to the outer corner of the eye. You can expand the already completed line for this purpose. Just do not overdo it.
  • Try not to open the painted eye until the eyeliner is dry, otherwise there is a risk that you have to redo the entire makeup.
  • After the needle has completely dried,you can supplement your makeup with shadows. There is already no special jewelry precision, although it is worth paying attention to the chosen shade. Do not apply too dark shadows if you create a daytime make-up, and do not lean heavily on the pink color. Such shadows, of course, are good, but they will make your eyes tired. And we, after all, "draw" a completely different "portrait", right?
  • how to make up eyeliner

    Choose the color of the eyeliner

    By the way, about the color. In the 21st century, color wires were unusually popular. But not every woman knows what color will suit her. Of course, giving recommendations without seeing a person is not a thankless task, but it is quite possible to tell what color of what effect helps to achieve. Black eyeliner makes the eyes more expressive. However, if you make an arrow on the eyelid mucosa, it can visually make the eyes smaller. The same can happen if you draw a very wide arrow. Therefore it is better if the make-up will be easy. The lighter the eyeliner, the more eyes appear. Eye color also plays a huge role. Light-eyed young ladies are best served by arrows blue, blue or gray podvodkoj. Much more lucky dark-eyed beauties. Their makeup can include a rich brown and dramatic black. But mother-of-pearl shades, although good, but appropriate only in the evening make-up. And no matter who uses them - blonde or brunette. In fact, it does not matter what thickness you have an arrow on the eyelids and what color you used while using it. The main thing is the expression of the eyes. If they sparkle with happiness, then any type of makeup will look spectacular. After all, the main thing is not the form, but the content. Therefore, love those who are close to you, and then you will be considered the most beautiful and with the arrows pointed, and without them. We advise you to read:

