how to make hair shiny Of course, every woman knows that, out ofdepending on how long her curls, in their loose form or gathered in a bundle, they, first of all, should always be beautiful. There was more than one survey among men, and their results each time only confirmed the unchanging opinion: women's hair should be soft, smooth and shiny - this is their true beauty. Therefore, for all women, one of the most pressing issues related to their external attractiveness has always been, is and will be the question: how to make hair shiny, and preferably at home? Why in the home? Yes, because we do not always have the opportunity to visit a specialist, and I want to be beautiful all the time!

Causes of lackluster hair

First, let's look at what thethe state of our hair. It is believed that the lively shine and silky hair - the most accurate indicator of the state of the whole body. If you notice that your locks do not look at all the way you would like, if they become dull and cease to be soft and smooth, pay close attention to your diet. You need to know that to maintain the natural shine of the curls you need to feed them from the inside. In your daily diet should include vitamins B and E, dried fruits, animal protein, food gelatin, vegetable oils. Quite a frequent phenomenon, when the lifelessness and dullness of the hair are most noticeable in the autumn period. The reason for this is that in summer their mistress obviously neglected her straw hat or other headdresses. You can not allow scorching sun hair to your head of hair - for it it is just as critical as for the skin of the face. Do you use sunscreen for it? Your head of hair also needs protection from excessive summer ultraviolet. Other causes of hair dullness may be stress, staining, curling, hair curlers, hair dryers. But for such a multitude of reasons for the appearance of tarnish of the strands, of course, there are no less ways to make the hair smooth and shiny. For example, after a day's work, find a little time to get yourself a head massage - it's nice and useful for the hair, because the massage relaxes the tense muscles and improves blood circulation. And scratching your head of hair plays an equally important role. To enhance the natural shine of the locks, you need to buy a professional brush with natural bristles. Natural bristles distribute natural oils well over the entire surface of the hair shaft, making your hair look natural. It is also important to preserve the gloss of hair and dry them properly. And first of all, drying should be gentle. Chinese women, for example, use natural silk napkins to dry their hair. To all this, you need to smoke less (and it is better to completely abandon the bad habit), periodically use curative and nutritious masks, provide your hair with gentle care and correctly organize the process of hair styling. That's the whole secret, how to make hair shiny at home. How to make hair smooth and shiny

Masks for shine

More details should be given to such an old andproven method, like masks - they are the best way for your curls to shine. There are a lot of such masks. Women have for centuries collected the secrets of beauty and shine of the head of hear, so choosing the mask that suits you will not be particularly difficult. Naturally, most masks refer to folk remedies. If you do not have the time and desire to independently treat and repair each of your strands, then of course you can go to any beauty salon where you will be given an excellent professional mask for shine hair, but usually the effect of this mask and the effect of the mask, which you can do yourself at home, is absolutely comparable and is equivalent. Therefore, we recommend you a whole range of cosmetics that you can cook at home to pamper them with your hair.

  • With egg and cognac

This is one of the most famous and commonmasks, which is done like this: take 4 tablespoons of cognac (you can rum) and one egg, whisk in a homogeneous mass, carefully rub this mixture into each strand, wrap your head with a towel, hold for 20-25 minutes and then rinse the nutritious contents warm, and then and cool water. This mask gives its excellent result after one application - the curls become smooth and shiny. There are masks that not only give shine to curls, but also restore them along the entire length.

  • Restoring mask

This berry mask for shine hair andto restore them simultaneously. For her, you need to take two tablespoons of sea-buckthorn berries, stretch the berry in a deep bowl, mix with two tablespoons of milk and then pour two tablespoons of white clay. Next, the mask applied to the hair and after 20-30 minutes rinse with warm water and shampoo. There are masks that are designed for a particular type of hair: for light and dark curls. For example, blondes will be pleased with the effect of such a mask:

  • Mask for blond hair

It is necessary to take one glass of strong chamomiledecoction (which must be cooled before use), apply it to clean hair and leave for 30 minutes, wrapping the head with cellophane and a towel. Then wash your hair with shampoo. For brunettes also have their own recommendations in the form of masks recipes, from which the dark curls will turn out to be brilliant:

  • Mask for dark hair

For this mask you need to dilute two tablespoonsboiled unsweetened coffee with a glass of boiling water, strain, cool and apply to clean damp hair. After wrapping the head with cellophane and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. And the owner of the "copper" curls, we offer a mask for the shine of the hair of a red shade:

  • Effective mask for red curls

It is necessary to mix half a cup of carrot andbeet juice, apply this mixture on the hair, you can put on a shower cap and then 5-7 minutes to warm your head with a hair dryer. After another 15-20 minutes you need to keep the product on your hair, and then wash it off with warm water.

Rinsing hair

You can use not only masks, but also rinses for the shine of the hair, which will also make your hair shining in every sense of the word.

  • Apple water for rinsing

Peel from three to four apples pour one liter of water, bring to a boil, cool, strain and rinse with apple water obtained hair.

  • Lemon water for rinsing

In filtered or boiled water it is necessary to add lemon juice at the rate of two tablespoons per one liter of water, and then rinse abundantly the washed hair.

  • Water with citric acid or vinegar

For shine hair is also recommendedrinse after washing with such solutions: add to the boiled water of citric acid or table vinegar (one tablespoon per liter of water). Such a solution not only smoothes the scales of hair, which will enhance the shine of the curls, but also restore the natural environment of healthy scalp.

  • Rinsing dark hair

Brunettes can use to rinse the brothfrom hop (two tablespoons of hop and two tablespoons of tartar should be poured in one liter of water, boil for 20-25 minutes, strain and then cool) or the same tea brew (two tablespoons of tea pour one liter of water and boil a few minutes ). The best is to revive the hair with cool mint tea.

  • Rinsing hair for blondes

Golden-haired girls are well help chamomile with the addition of lemon juice. Dilute the chamomile broth with one liter of water, add a few drops of lemon and rinse clean hair.

  • Rinsing for red hair

Red-haired beauties can be usedjuice of carrots, which is diluted with a liter of clean water (boiled or filtered). It is necessary to rinse with such a solution the copper curls after washing. For lovers of saunas there is a recipe with which you can make your hair shiny:

  • The recipe for a sauna

It is necessary to mix the grated clove of garlic with three tablespoons of mayonnaise and apply the mixture on clean hair while you are in the steam room, after wash this mask with shampoo. How to make hair shiny at home

Hollywood Recipes

Well-known beauties of Hollywood also have their ownrecipes for masks to give shine to the hair, and seeing all the luxury of their curls, it is not a sin to take advantage of their means. Jennifer Lopez, for example, in one of her interviews confessed her love for light beer. But not in the sense of ingestion, but for applying to the hair as a mask for the shine of hair or, if there is not enough time, a conditioner after washing. Beer must necessarily be light, from the dark there will be a smell and, possibly, an unnecessary shade. To revive dry hair, a few drops of olive oil can be added to the beer. But Melanie Griffith uses almond oil for her hair: rubs it into curls, and it not only gives shine, but also eliminates the split ends. Based on beer uses a mask to give shine to the hair and Catherine Zeta-Jones, but only as a second component, she prefers honey. The actress is sure that this gives her hair an amazing shine and is an excellent means of caring for them. But the most sexy brunette world Angelina Jolie also has a secret how to make shiny dark hair. She learned about this recipe by herself, having visited the East. To prepare the product you will need two pinches of strong tea and a small handful of sawdust. It is necessary to make tea and sawdust with one liter of steep boiling water. After cooling the resulting composition and rinse them with hair. Even if you can not find wood sawdust, you can safely do only tea brewing.

The simplest and most effective tool

But the most universal means for shine of hair- this is, without doubt, eggs. One of the oldest recipes: just take them a few pieces, whip with a mixer, then apply to damp clean hair and massage well. This mask should be kept for 10 minutes, after which it should be washed off with water at room temperature. It is best to do this procedure 3-4 times a week. Using all the recommendations and making periodically masks for the shine of hair, you yourself marvel at the natural silkiness and brilliance of your head of hair, which you will be able to achieve on your own. We advise you to read:

