causes of traces on the face My light, mirror, tell me ... What to do if inThe answer to these words mirrors reflects on the face numerous red, brownish or blue spots left over from a long and debilitating acne treatment? They are called post-acne, and they greatly overshadow the joy of getting rid of acne. However, this problem is also solvable. Why spots from acne remain and how to remove them? Is it possible to get rid of them at home or is it necessary to help a beautician? About everything in order.

Traces of acne - worked melanin?

Yes, there was a melanin here. Melanin is a dark pigment of human skin. When it forms any inflammation, this pigment is intensively produced. If the inflammation was not treated properly, but on the contrary, there were attempts to remove it mechanically (just squeeze out the boil), the situation is aggravated. The deeper and more extensive the inflammation, the more melanin is produced, the more noticeable will be the trace on the skin when the inflammation passes. To worsen the situation with spots, sun exposure can also occur, since melanin is designed to prevent the harmful effects of sunlight on the skin: the more work for it, the more it is produced. Hence, several conditions, the observance of which will help to avoid the occurrence of post-acne:

  • time to treat inflammation on the skin of a cosmetologist or at home;
  • do not affect the pimples mechanically (do not squeeze them out);
  • avoid sunlight.
  • If the prevention of spots from acne failed,you need to start their treatment. Options, by and large, two: to seek help from a dermatologist-cosmetologist or try to get rid of them yourself. getting rid of stains on the skin

    What will be offered in beauty salons?

    In cosmetology salons can offer several methods to eliminate redness on the skin:

    • microcurrent therapy;
    • peeling;
    • laser resurfacing.

    The last two methods are aimed at removingthe top layer of the skin. The skin is faster saturated with oxygen, nutrients, the recovery process is more intensive in it. Peeling can be mechanical (abrasive substances are used for cleaning) and chemical (different acids are used for the treatment). By the depth of the action, peeling happens to be medial, superficial and deep-the application of each species depends on the nature of the post-acne. Laser resurfacing is performed with the help of special equipment, it can pinpoint every spot from inflammation, the skin regenerates faster, which will help to get rid of the traces of acne on the skin of the face. Microcurrent therapy uses a weak current to affect the spot, which also contributes to faster recovery of the skin. These are the most popular methods of treating traces of acne, which you will offer a cosmetologist. Plus them that all procedures will pass under supervision of the doctor who, having found out all nuances of a skin, will pick up the best variant of treatment. Minus - such procedures today are not cheap, in addition, to see the effect, you will need to visit several procedures.

    How to operate at home?

    Here too there are options. One of them is to purchase a remedy for the treatment of scars and scars in the pharmacy. Now there are a lot of them, they are sold in the form of gels, creams, ointments. It is important to read the information about the drug before the purchase: the instructions for use, reviews, side effects, otherwise getting rid of the post is fraught with the appearance of new problems with the face. Another option is to make masks and ointments yourself. Traditional medicine has a lot of similar recipes, which, if used persistently, will help get rid of the effects of acne. Here are some of them:

  • Tea tree oil and lemon juice in equalparts. Tea tree has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, lemon juice perfectly whitens the skin. The mask should be applied with a cotton disc on the face skin, after 10 minutes you need to wash with warm water. Apply the mask periodically for two weeks.
  • Bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. The bodywoman itself has a cleansing effect, it is able to dissolve the skin seals, reduce redness. If you have not used a bodyguard before, it's better to start with a ready gel - it's softer. If his skin carries well, you can use a scab in the form of a powder. In combination with hydrogen peroxide, the body sponge is applied pointwise to the reddened areas. After the gruel dries, it needs to be washed off. This mask needs to be applied 10-15 times.
  • Green or blue clay and rosemary oil - moreone combination that relieves stains after acne. Clay is sold in a pharmacy, diluted with water in specified proportions, in the resulting gruel is added 4-5 drops of rosemary. This mask thoroughly whitens the skin, so it should be applied for 10 minutes to the entire face. A mask is made every other day for one month.
  • A good clarifying agent is the rootparsley: it is filled with a glass of cold water and boiled for 10 minutes. The broth should be poured into an ice mold and wipe the face once a day after freezing cubes.
  • Another mask is prepared from two egg whites and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply it to the entire face for 15 minutes at night for one month.
  • Another way to whiten traces of acne is maskfrom a tablespoon of starch and tomato. The tomato without the skin should be kneaded, mixed with starch and put gruel on the face. Usually the result is noticeable as early as 4-5 days.
  • From postakne help to get rid and spirituous solution of St. John's wort: two tablespoons of herbs are poured with a glass of alcohol. Insist for 10 days, wipe the point of darkened skin.
  • This is the most popular and effective means for treating spots after acne. mask for treating traces of acne

    What is important to remember?

    When treating acne spots, it's important to remember several rules:

  • before the treatment post-acne skin should be cleaned with a scrub: this will allow the mask to have the maximum effect on the skin of the face;
  • Before applying the mask to the face, it should be applied to a small area of ​​the skin to prevent possible allergic reactions;
  • when treating traces of acne should be protected face from ultraviolet: it will reduce all efforts to zero;
  • if one of the ways of treatment with folk remedies did not give a visible result, before applying the next skin one should arrange a rest for about a week;
  • To drink water during treatment it is necessary in a greater quantity: to new cells water is vital;
  • to get rid of the post-acne, the body must be saturated with the necessary amount of vitamins - the skin will quickly recover.
  • Traces of acne will disappear from the skin yourselfafter about 6 months, depending on the ability of the skin to recover. Treatment can shorten this period. When treating traces of acne should be perseverance, patience and caution. Radical and untested methods can aggravate the situation. Author:

