how to get rid of age spotsToday, pigment spots on the body areis not only a problem for middle-aged ladies. Even young girls are increasingly faced with this problem. Of course, the causes of hyperpigmentation in women of different ages are definitely different. However, regardless of the reasons, both have one question: "How to get rid of age spots?" Before solving this issue, it is worth understanding what types of age spots there are and what causes them to appear.

What are age spots?

Pigment spots are areas of skin wherepigmentation is disturbed. In these areas it is either enhanced or the pigment is completely absent. Depending on this, several types of pigment spots are distinguished:

  • Efelids. More known as freckles. These are small brown specks, which are more common in people with fair skin and hair (blondes, redheads). The appearance of freckles directly depends on the intensity of solar radiation. In winter, when solar activity is low, the epheldids pale, and under the spring rays they darken and become noticeable. Freckles - the only type of pigmentation spots, which can be completely eliminated with the help of salon procedures.
  • Lentigo.These are brown pigment spots that appear due to the accumulation of melanin on the surface of the skin. These spots are also called "senile spots" because they usually appear in people after fifty or sixty years of age. These spots usually appear on the outer side of the hands. The spots darken under the influence of the sun.
  • Chloasma. Areas of skin with a cluster of small spots of various shapes that merge with each other. They usually appear in pregnant women and as a result of hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Vitiligo. These are white pigment spots. On pigmented skin areas there is no melanin, hence the characteristic color of vitiligo. This skin disease is very difficult to treat, nevertheless, competently chosen by the doctor preparations and the patience of the patient will help to completely rid the body of rashes.
  • how to get rid of pigment spots on the body

    Factors of appearance of pigment spots and methods of getting rid of them

    Pigment spots can appear absolutely any age. Neither a young girl nor a woman over forty is immune from them. Today, the true cause of pigment spots on the skin is unknown. However, experts identify a number of factors that can contribute to the appearance of pigment spots on the body.

    • The sun. Ultraviolet radiation is the main factor in the appearance of pigment spots on the skin. It is the aggressive sun's rays that destroy skin cells with melanin, resulting in unaesthetic dark spots on the body.
    • Diseases of internal organs. Disturbances in the liver, kidneys, and also the gastrointestinal tract can contribute to the appearance of dark or white spots on the skin.
    • Hormonal imbalance. Adolescence with its hormonal surge, disruption of the thyroid gland, diseases of the female reproductive system, or taking hormonal contraceptives can provoke excessive production of melanin in certain areas of the skin and, as a consequence, the appearance of dark spots.
    • Pregnancy. Some women already in the early stages of pregnancy can notice pigmentation spots on their bodies. This is also associated with hormonal changes in the body. As a rule, after birth, the pigmentation disappears.
    • Lack of vitamin C and folate inbody. An unbalanced diet can lead to a weakening of the body's protective functions, including against sunlight, and as a consequence - to the appearance of brown spots on the body.
    • Skin trauma. Self-extrusion of acne and acne, cauterization of wounds on the skin, as well as the removal of moles can leave behind not only scars, but also pigment spots. Burns of varying degrees during healing can also provoke the appearance of hyperpigmentation on the skin.
    • Tight and uncomfortable clothes. Pigmented spots on the skin may appear due to friction or pressure on the skin of tight straps, garters or straps.
    • Unsuitable cosmetics or cosmetic productsprocedures. Some cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin, or salon procedures done at the wrong time, can provoke the appearance of pigment spots. This applies to chemical peelings made during the period of maximum solar activity, as well as to cosmetic products, which contain essential oils. In addition, alcohol-containing perfumes in contact with the skin, especially under the bright rays of the sun, can also "give" dark spots.

    Get rid of hyperpigmentation on the bodyit is necessary to take a comprehensive approach. It is necessary to thoroughly approach the solution of this problem. The most important thing is not to self-medicate! The first thing you should do is make an appointment with a therapist. If he does not find any diseases “guilty” of skin hyperpigmentation, you can safely go to a dermatologist who will tell you how to get rid of age spots and select the best cosmetic product and the necessary procedure for you.

    Cosmetics from age spots

    Mercury based whitening cream NeverIn this case, do not prescribe medicinal whitening creams to yourself. Only a doctor can do this. Otherwise, you risk getting pigment spots that are even more persistent and darker than the original ones. As a rule, medicinal cosmetics for pigment spots contain mercury, a very toxic metal. Before using such a cream, you must do an allergy test. It is carried out on the elbow. If there are no reactions from the skin within 24 hours after applying the cream, you can use it. Mercury-containing whitening creams have many contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, as well as kidney and liver diseases. Due to the high toxicity of mercury, whitening cream cannot be used constantly. And in the first 2 weeks of using the cream, it is completely forbidden to wash with plain water due to the risk of severe irritation on the skin. During this period, doctors advise washing with cleansing lotions. Cosmetics with natural whitening components are a safe alternative to mercury-containing creams. Such whitening creams usually contain hydrogen peroxide, citric or lactic acid, salicylic alcohol, which have whitening properties. As a rule, medicinal cosmetics with such components have a very short shelf life - about 1 week. Then the cream simply becomes ineffective.getting rid of pigment spots

    Salon procedures

    Salon treatments are an effective wayизбавления от гиперпигментации кожи. Но не стоит самостоятельно подбирать себе процедуру — так вы рискуете еще больше навредить своей коже. Это должен сделать врач-дерматокосметолог. Он подберет для вас ту процедуру, которая будет наиболее эффективна. Обычно доктор назначает одну из этих процедур: Химический пилинг Пигментные пятна на теле можно устранить с помощью воздействия на кожу слабых растворов кислот. Для их удаления применяется поверхностный и срединный пилинг. Поверхностный пилинг проводится с применением гликолевой и фруктовой кислот. Чтобы полностью избавиться от пигментных пятен на теле, достаточно провести от 4 до 10 сеансов гликолевого или фруктового пилинга, которые следует повторять через каждые 15 дней. Если пигментные пятна на теле обширные и темные, то применяется ТСА пилинг. Косметолог наносит раствор трихлоруксусной кислоты на проблемные участки кожи. В результате пилинга происходит отшелушивание верхнего слоя кожи и удаление пигментных пятен. Всего за 2-3 процедуры от пятен можно избавиться навсегда. После пилинга следует беречь кожу от солнца, поскольку оно может спровоцировать повторное появление пигментных пятен. Ультразвуковой пилинг 10 процедур такого пилинга один раз в год высветлят участки с пигментацией или совсем уберут пятна с кожи. В процессе пилинга косметолог после предварительного очищения кожи с помощью ультразвукового аппарата вводит косметические средства с отбеливающими компонентами. Эти вещества проникают глубоко в кожу и эффективно справляются с пигментированными участками. Лазерная шлифовка Шлифовка проводится с помощью эрбиевого или углекислотного лазера. Во время процедуры косметолог удаляет лазером верхний слой кожи с пигментными пятнами. Удаление слоя кожи происходит мгновенно, чтобы снизить болевые ощущения; тем не менее, процедура довольно болезненна и поэтому проводится под местным обезболиванием. Фототерапия Известно, что именно солнце «виновато» в образовании пигментных пятен. Однако косметологи сумели приручить световое излучение и даже направить его на устранение пигментации. Все дело в том, что на пигментные пятна воздействуют определенные волны ультрафиолета, к которым восприимчив только меланин. Под световым воздействием пигментированные участки становятся светлее, а то и вовсе исчезают. Процедура совсем безболезненна – пациент может почувствовать лишь тепло и небольшое покалывание на коже. Косметологи предупреждают, что после такой процедуры возможно легкое покраснение кожи, которое является нормой и исчезает уже на второй день. Чтобы полностью устранить гиперпигментацию, достаточно провести 3 процедуры – по одной раз в месяц. А чтобы пятна не появились вновь, достаточно беречь кожу от ультрафиолета и пользоваться солнцезащитными средствами (не ниже SPF 20). Дермабразия Это механический пилинг специальными осветляющими кристаллами. Эти кристаллы снимают верхний слой кожи, после чего на нее наносится лечебный гель или мазь. Дермабразия обычно назначается для удаления мелких пигментных пятен. Эта процедура очень болезненная – она проводится только врачом и под общим наркозом. Криотерапия Это воздействие жидким азотом на области с пигментацией. Причем терапия проводится точечно, то есть затрагивает только места с гиперпигментацией. После процедуры начинается усиленное отшелушивание кожи. Вместе с верхним слоем кожи удаляются и пятна. Такая терапия подходит для борьбы с лентиго (старческими пятнами). Мезотерапия Заключается в ведении микроинъекций с отбеливающим составом. Такую терапию косметологи рекомендуют проделывать 1 раз в неделю в течение 2-3 месяцев. Мезотерапия назначается, как правило, для удаления пигментных пятен на участках с чувствительной и тонкой кожей. how to get rid of age spots correctly

    Home Remedies for Pigmented Spots

    Home remedies for getting rid of age spots, although less effective than salon procedures, are nevertheless capable of significantly reducing age spots on the body.

    • lemon juice.It has bleaching properties and perfectly lightens areas on the body with pigment spots. With lemon juice you get a fairly effective solution for wiping. Take 10 tablespoons of clean water and 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Wipe the areas with pigment spots with this solution. Grapefruit juice is also effective against spots.
    • Hydrogen peroxide. It copes well with spots on the body. It is necessary to regularly lubricate the areas of the body affected by pigmentation with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
    • extract of celandine. The extract is added to the bath, in which it is necessary to lie about 20 minutes.
    • kefir, curdled milk or sour milk also have bleaching properties. Dampened in kefir or milk wadded disk should be wiped places with age spots.
    • cucumber. It can be grated and applied to areas with pigmentation, or take only cucumber juice and smear stains. Cucumber juice and flesh brighten the skin and, in addition, freshen it up.
    • parsley.It is very useful to wipe the areas of the body affected by spots with an infusion of greens. To prepare the infusion, you need to finely chop the parsley and pour boiling water over it. Then cool and strain. The infusion is ready for use.

    Prevention of hyperpigmentation

    In order for all means of combating pigment spots on the body to have a long-term effect, prevention is necessary. It is imperative to take care of the skin of the body and protect it.

  • Proper nutrition. This is a primary measure to prevent hyperpigmentation of the skin. Your body should not be deficient in vitamins, especially in vitamin C. Therefore, lean on citrus, bell pepper, currants and other foods rich in this vitamin.
  • Sun protection means. Cosmetics with SPF must be on your shelf. Sunscreens should be applied to exposed areas of the body several times a day to update the protection layer. Protection factor is better to choose not below 20 SPF.
  • Restrict stay in the sun. It is the sun that can provoke the repeated appearance of pigmented spots. Therefore, try not to appear in the sun during the hours of its greatest activity - from 12 to 17 hours.
  • Use of proven cosmetics. Body milk, shower gel or gommage should be of high quality and not contain aggressive and allergenic components, as well as essential oils and alcohols.
  • Now you know how to get rid of age spots. Be patient and be prepared to take care of your body regularly, and the results will not take long to come. We recommend reading:

