Caramel hair removal at home Advertising in magazines and on television is full ofa variety of means for hair removal. And this is understandable - demand always gives rise to a proposal. After all, any woman wants to be the owner of silky and smooth skin. Besides that it is fashionable, it is also aesthetic, because it is unlikely that an open swimsuit will look beautiful on a woman who neglects depilation of the bikini zone, as well as a short skirt in the presence of excessive vegetation on her legs. That is why for many years, beauties are fighting with hair on the body in all possible ways. The history of depilation is rooted in the depth of centuries, different peoples used different methods of hair removal. In the course were infusions of herbs, tar and much more. For many years, a popular method of hair removal was to remove hair with hot wax.

Pros and cons of "sweet" hair removal

Recently, very quickly acquiresthe popularity of caramel hair removal, as well as hair removal with honey. However, as well as all novelties of cosmetology, discussions are about it, positive and negative sides are discussed, which has caramel epilation. In order to objectively evaluate all the advantages of this method, you need to learn more about the technique by which caramel hair removal is performed. Better yet, try what is a sweet hair removal experience. It's not for nothing that they say: "It is better to see once ..." Cosmetologists distinguish only a few cases in which caramel hair removal is contraindicated:

  • Have you spent much time on the beach or in the solarium? Before caramel hair removal is done, carefully examine the skin in the intended area of ​​the epilation: if it shows traces of exposure to ultraviolet rays - redness, scaling and blisters - do not do hair removal.
  • If you suffer from diabetes, you need to consult a doctor about whether carmel hair will harm your health.
  • It is unacceptable to caramel epilation, if the recipe for caramel means the presence of such a component as honey, to people who suffer from allergic reactions to honey.

Numerous positive reviews of women,using caramel for depilation, characterize this procedure from the best side. All women distinguish the following pluses, which has, albeit sweet, but still epilation, which is quite painful in itself:

  • Depilation with honey and caramel hair removal at home is very convenient, does not require the possession of special skills.
  • Caramel, used for depilation, is notis, unlike wax, fat-soluble. Due to this property, caramel penetrates into the bulb of the hair and pulls it out, and does not break off like wax. Hair grows much slower, gradually thinner, with time, almost disappear.
  • Due to the fact that the hairs do not break off, the possibility of ingrown hairs is almost completely excluded.
  • Very often after depilation, the women's bikini zonenote not just irritation of the skin, but even quite strong swelling of the tissues, which can last for several days. Epilation of caramel, even at home, is less painful and does not cause such a strong skin reaction.
  • It is also very convenient that, before caramel epilation, unlike wax epilation, it is not necessary to reduce the length of hair beforehand. You can immediately begin the procedure for hair removal.
  • Before the appearance of caramel hair removal,suffering from a disease such as varicose veins or having flabby skin, were deprived of the possibility of waxing. Caramel for depilation does not need to be heated to high temperatures, which allows using this method in the above groups of women. In addition, caramel depilation can not be afraid of the appearance of vascular sprouts on the skin.
  • At caramel depilation you delete not onlyunnecessary hairs, but also a horny layer of skin, that is, doing a kind of peeling. As a result, the skin becomes not just smooth, but velvety and gentle to the touch.
  • For removal after the end of depilation remnantscaramel from the skin just rinse it with water. You can also apply any moisturizing cream to the epilation site, which will help to eliminate the redness caused by skin irritation much more quickly.

Caramel hair removal at home

How to boil caramel for epilation

In order to make a sweet hair removal,it is not necessary to go to the salon. Caramel hair removal at home will not cause any trouble, even if you have never done anything like this before. If you have decided that you need epilation caramel - the recipe for the preparation of caramel and the principle of depilation is described below. The most important thing to know is how to make caramels for depilation. Do not be afraid that you will not succeed. In fact, it's easy to cook caramel for depilation - the recipe is very simple. In addition, caramel hair removal is absolutely affordable - the recipe includes inexpensive ingredients. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Sugar - 100 grams. You can use both normal sugar and cane.
  • Water - 100 grams, you can use ordinary tap water.
  • In some cases, when caramel is being prepared fordepilation, a recipe for how to properly cook caramel for depilation, includes an ingredient such as citric acid. Citric acid is used in those cases when caramel hair removal of the bikini zone is performed at home.

Put all the ingredients in the enameledCapacity, carefully, with a mixer or a whisk, mix until smooth. After this, bring the mixture to a boil in a water bath. The mixture must be stirred constantly, until the sugar dissolves completely. After the required consistency has been achieved, the mixture must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool. After the paste has cooled, it will resemble a chewing gum. You need to apply caramel to the intended place of depilation and leave for a minute. After that, remove the caramel with a sharp movement. Together with the caramel plate will be removed unnecessary hairs. During the depilation of the bikini zone, it is not recommended to treat a large area of ​​the skin at the same time. It is better to remove hair, after dividing the treatment area into small areas. Caramel hair removal at home

Epilation with honey at home

Honey is in demand not only for sweet tooth. Epilation honey at home is very popular, as well as caramel hair removal at home. Depilation with honey is based on the same principle as caramel epilation, only a few other ingredients are used when preparing the paste:

  • Natural honey - 200 grams. You can use absolutely any honey - lime, buckwheat, honey from the sweet clover.
  • Freshly squeezed juice of three lemons.

Honey and lemon juice mix, bring toboiling on low heat. Do not use iron non-enameled utensils. After that, put the honey to cool down. Epilation honey at home is carried out on the same technology as epilation caramel. Once again pay attention to the fact that hair removal with honey is strictly forbidden to people prone to allergic reactions. If you do not risk caramel epilation at home, you can do it in a beauty salon. However, unfortunately, this method of epilation has not yet reached such popularity, as waxing. Therefore, not in any beauty salon is this service. However, if you show a little patience, you will definitely achieve your goal and find a cosmetologist who is familiar with the technique of this epilation. Your perseverance will be rewarded with the perfect state of your skin! We advise you to read:

