how to get rid of cornsIn the summer, you have to devote time to caring forfeet more attention, since open shoes do not hide problems with the feet. It is clear that regular foot care is not difficult. But if corns and calluses appear, then special care is needed. Our article is devoted to how to get rid of corns. To understand how to get rid of corns, you must first know the nature of their appearance. Corns are, perhaps, the most common foot problem. Outwardly, they resemble roughened areas of skin that do not have clear outlines. Corns are sometimes quite painful and can remain on the feet for several years. Basically, the cause of corns is tight, uncomfortable shoes. Corns can also appear because the load on the feet is distributed unevenly, which usually happens when wearing high-heeled shoes. Chronic corns are almost always evidence of the development of flat feet, so it would not be superfluous to visit an orthopedist who will recommend orthopedic insoles. Corns, unlike calluses, do not affect the deep layers of the skin, which makes it quite easy to deal with them. Corns, in turn, are thickenings of the skin, always painful, appearing on the toes and heels and having clear rounded borders. Corns usually reach only a few millimeters in diameter. Corns can be wet or dry. Wet calluses accumulate liquid, which signals that deeper layers of the skin are damaged, sometimes even blood appears. Wet calluses are treated in the same way as small wounds and cuts. Over time, wet calluses turn into dry ones, which have a core. Dry calluses are much more difficult to treat, so for these purposes it is best to buy remedies for them in pharmacies. Treatment of corns on the feet, as well as calluses, can be carried out in a salon or clinic, where liquid nitrogen, a laser beam and a kind of drill are used for these purposes. But these remedies for corns and calluses should be used only for chronic forms of these ailments. In other cases, it is possible to get rid of these problems at home, which will be much cheaper, both financially and in terms of time costs. So, you now know the essence of corns and calluses. Let's consider how to get rid of corns on the feet, since this is the problem that our article is devoted to.

Pharmacy products

treatment of corns on the legsThere are pharmacies in every populated area, be ita huge metropolis or a small village. Therefore, you don’t have to think long about how to get rid of calluses – just go to the nearest drugstore. You can always choose some remedy for calluses at the drugstore. The pharmacist himself will be able to tell you which remedy is most effective in coping with its task. However, it won’t hurt you to have an idea of ​​what should be contained in a drug for calluses. Such knowledge will speed up the process of choosing the right remedy for you. The main component included in the composition of medicinal products for calluses is salicylic acid. Cream or ointment for calluses should contain 10% salicylic acid in combination with other components, which include: vegetable oils (corn, linseed or vegetable), castor oil, glycerin and benzoic acid. When treating calluses on the feet, it should be borne in mind that the remedy should not come into contact with healthy skin. Therefore, first the callus is steamed in an antibacterial bath, then a plaster is glued to it, in which a small hole is made according to the size of the callus. That is, in the end it should turn out so that the callus is completely open, and the skin around it is sealed with a plaster. After this, a treatment is applied to the callus and sealed with a plaster on top for 6-8 hours. Then the callus is scraped off with a foot scrub, pumice or a brush. You can simply buy some pure vegetable oil at the pharmacy, preferably extra virgin, without fragrances and unrefined. Then you need to soak cotton socks with the purchased oil and put them on at night, wrapping them in polyethylene on top and putting on another pair of socks on top of it, but not soaked in oil. In the morning, the compress is removed, the feet are washed in warm water with mild soap, and the calluses are scraped off with a brush or pumice. You can also get rid of calluses on your feet with compresses using glycerin and castor oil in equal parts.

We get rid of the trampled folk remedies

Folk remedies are no less effectivecorns. There are a huge number of recipes according to which you can quickly get rid of corns. The most famous way to combat corns is soap and soda baths. They are made as follows: 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of crushed laundry soap are added to 1 liter of warm water. Keep your feet in such a bath for 30 to 40 minutes, after which the corns are scraped off, the feet are rinsed with clean water, wiped dry and then a nourishing cream is applied. If the corns are painful, you can make a foot bath for corns with table salt and potassium permanganate. You need very little salt, and enough potassium permanganate so that the water is not too saturated pink. Keep your feet in such a bath for 5-20 minutes, and after taking it, do not wipe your feet, but let them dry. The pain from corns goes away very quickly after taking a bath. In addition, cold foot baths for corns are very effective, which are prepared from 1 tablespoon of table salt and 1 liter of water and last 20-30 minutes. Such baths not only relieve pain, but also wonderfully soften keratinized areas of the skin. Another good type of bath is a bath with hydrogen peroxide, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. The bath is diluted as follows: 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide should be added to 1 liter of warm water and the feet should be kept in the solution for half an hour or an hour, after which the corn should be removed with a pumice stone. If you have sour milk, it can also be used to combat corns. So, before going to bed, the feet are dipped in hot whey from sour milk for half an hour, and then they are lubricated with a mixture of castor oil and glycerin in equal parts. Also among folk remedies for corns are compresses made from lemon peel, aloe leaves, onions, tomato puree, boiled oat straw or bread crumb. The selected ingredient is applied to the corn, then the areas of the foot with the corn are wrapped in polyethylene, and socks are put on top. In the morning, the feet are rinsed with warm water, and the softened corns are scraped off with pumice. Such compresses should be done at night every day until the corns disappear completely. Here are a few more ways to treat corns with folk remedies:

  • Egg ointment. Mixed raw egg, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. 70% vinegar, the resulting mixture is put overnight in the refrigerator. The next day in the evening, the feet should be steamed for 15 minutes, then the ointment is applied, over which the napkin lies and wear socks. Leave the ointment on all night, and in the morning, rinse your feet without scraping the burrs. For 5 days of daily use of the ointment, the stomatitis disappears.
  • In the milk, boil the prunes and take them outbones. In a hot form prunes should be applied to the natypes, and as the prunes cool, it should be replaced hot. The procedure is repeated for half an hour.
  • Potato lotion. Wipe raw potatoes, grate them on a small grater and, folding them in cheesecloth, it should be bandaged to the natypes for the night. Next morning the lotion should be removed and the feet rinsed.
  • Treatment of corns with folk remedies will bemore effective and faster if you combine several folk recipes. So, before going to bed, you can make a bath, and at night, apply an ointment or lotion to the calluses. Now you know how to get rid of calluses at home with the means at hand. Now you can consider cosmetics for softening calluses.

    Cosmetic products from coriander

    botanical remedyTo choose an effective remedy for yourselfнатоптышей часто приходится перебирать целую кучу различных кремов. Давайте рассмотрим некоторые марки косметических средств. Итак, как быстро избавиться от натоптышей, если народные рецепты не внушают вам доверия, а аптечные средства вам не по душе? Нужно просто выбрать подходящее средство в косметическом магазине. Среди самых известных косметических марок, которые предлагают различные крема от натоптышей на ногах можно выделить марки Faberlic и Avon. Первая марка предлагает вашему вниманию крем для ног «К-9», который борется с натоптышами и мозолями. В составе этого крема находятся такие компоненты, как молочная и салициловая кислота. А вторая марка предлагает крем от мозолей и натоптышей «Foot Works», в составе которой находятся масло рисовых отрубей, гликолевая кислота, витамин Е и сок алоэ. Кроме того, неплохо помогает от натоптышей и крем «Сокровища мертвого моря» этой же марки. Также неплохой крем от натоптышей на ногах предлагает фирма «ЛУЧиКС», который носит название «Мозоль-Спас». Этот крем отлично помогает в качестве профилактического средства, но никак не в качестве основного средства для удаления натоптышей. Крем хорошо размягчает и увлажняет проблемные участки ступней, что предотвращает появление мозолей и натоптышей. Для сильно загрубевших натоптышей отлично подойдет отшелушивающая паста «GEHWOL Schalpaste», которая относится к разряду профессиональных косметических средств. При выборе средств для размягчения натоптышей следует обратить внимание на гель «Само совершенство» компании «Sally Hansen». В составе геля находятся экстракты морских водорослей, алоэ, цветов орхидеи. Также неплохим способом борьбы с натоптышами этой марки является быстродействующее средство для избавления от затвердевших мозолей и натоптышей «Thick callus remover» с маслами чайного дерева и кукурузы и витаминами А, Е, D. Крем для удаления натоптышей «Crème Pieds Callosites» компании «Neutrogena» отлично размягчает натоптыши и мозоли, обладает отшелушивающим свойством. Крем оставляет кожу стоп нежной и мягкой в течение 12-14 часов. Использование этого крема регулярно не только способствует исчезновению имеющихся натоптышей, но и не допускает появления новых. Если нужно срочно избавиться от натоптышей, то можно выбрать удалитель мозолей и натоптышей «Callus Away», использование которого позволит буквально за 5 минут справиться с не слишком ороговевшими участками кожи. Для этого просто необходимо нанести средство на проблемные участки, а спустя пять минут удалить натоптыши прилагаемой к средству пилкой. Крем «Мозольспас» эффективно борется с сухими мозолями и натоптышами и отлично увлажняет кожу стоп. При регулярном использовании крема для удаления натоптышей и мозолей «Мозольспас» кожа ступней не будет подвергаться появлению этих проблем. Для удаления ороговевшего участка кожи следует на него нанести крем, заклеить пластырем, а через сутки удалить натоптыш пемзой. Не менее эффективным средством от натоптышей является крем «Scholl», в составе которого присутствует молочная кислота и мочевина, которые не только способствуют мягкому пилингу проблемных участков, но и отлично увлажняют стопы. Вот мы и рассмотрели массу способов, как быстро избавиться от натоптыша или мозоли, а какой из них выбрать – решайте сами. Но не забывайте, что как бы не хвалили ваши подруги те или иные крема или мази от натоптышей, не обязательно будет так, что и вам они смогут помочь. Будет лучше всего посетить салон педикюра и проконсультироваться со специалистами, которые смогут адекватно оценить состояние кожи ваших ступней и посоветуют, какое средство вам лучше всего выбрать. Советуем почитать:

