How to find a good doctor? The Internet radically expanded the boundariescommunication of modern man. However, few people think that the World Wide Web is not only a great place where we can brag of new photos, download your favorite music, chat with friends in social networks, watch movies online, but it's also an opportunity to find a doctor on the recommendations of his patients. Consider a simple example. Each of us sooner or later turns to a doctor, one thing - if you need a cure for a cold, and quite another - when a person needs serious medical help. It's clear, you can not pull and linger in this case, as well as you can not waste time talking to an incompetent doctor, because the health and well-being of a patient depends on how quickly specialized care is provided. Let's figure out how in our time people are looking for a good doctor. Obviously, many rely on the opinion of friends, acquaintances, relatives, someone comes from their experience, sometimes bitter, some go for help to a paid clinic, hoping that for money he will be provided with quality medical care. However, is the visit to the paid clinic a pledge that the diagnosis will be made correctly and that the doctor will not make mistakes in the appointment of a particular drug? Of course not. And how to be in this case? Treated with herbs and homeopathic remedies? Most likely, you just waste your time and only exacerbate the situation. But do not despair, it is enough to remember about such a source of information as the Internet. "And what can you find there useful about doctors?", The majority will think. We answer: "This is on ». So far, very few people know that there is a website with information about a variety of doctors. And it is not published by clinics that are interested in the PR of their employees, but the patients themselves who have been treated by these doctors were examined and ready to share their experience with others! This site not only publishes reviews about Russian doctors, but there is also a rating of doctors on these reviews. Thanks to this system, it is not difficult to identify an incompetent doctor and find a specialist "from God". In particular, you can see or , similar ratings are formed in othercities of Russia. Note that all the reviews left on the resource are anonymous, however, this does not mean that everyone can write what he likes. Each review is carefully checked by resource moderators. Senseless or biased reviews are deleted, and the doctor's rating is not affected. Looking to the site "Prodoktorov" before visiting the clinic and selecting your city in the list, you can see reviews about any specialist you are interested in. According to the information provided, everyone can decide whether he should go to a doctor. But in fact, people who are ignorant about health issues often turn to doctors who are unable to help them. In addition, after visiting the clinic, you can make your personal contribution to the development of the project "Prodocs" - leave a review about the doctor or the hospital. Remember that your opinion will allow other people to make the right choice of the attending physician, which means to regain health and joy of life. The rating of doctors allows the sick person to find a doctor who can really be trusted with his health, the health of his family and friends. And who knows, maybe by such methods our medicine can reach the European level, everyone in a white coat wants to be called a doctor, but really be it. The more reviews, the more objective will be information about doctors. ProDoctor's website is already working, the next move is for us - patients ...

