how to sew a beach bag The beach season is around the corner. You will not have time to look back, as the summer will pile up with viscous-hot days and drive everyone out of the city - to the water, to the beach, to the beach! And what kind of beach without a beach bag? You can, of course, do with prosaic packages, but this is not comme il faut. We are with you ladies stylish, and therefore on the beach should look at all. Well, if you can get something original and suitable, and if not? And if not, there's nothing left to do but sew a beach bag yourself. But this, of course, in the event that we are friends with a needle and thread. Well? Let's start?

We select fabric and style

The beach bag should not only be originaland beautiful, but also capacious (imagine how much you can use on the beach!). Therefore, for self-tailoring bags is best to stay on a rectangular shape with long handles and several pockets. The fabric is suitable for any, but necessarily dense: plashevka, upholstery fabric, tapestry (ideal - jeans), and you can also make leather handles, pockets or inserts on the bag. The color of the fabric should match only one requirement - like you. Naturally, when choosing the colors for a beach bag, we should not forget that it should be bright and "summer". So choose any monochrome, but not gloomy colors, fabrics with geometric and floral patterns, ornaments, peas and stripes. Have you chosen? And now we will proceed directly to sewing. to sew a fashionable beach bag

We make a pattern

Before sewing a beach bag, we makepattern. For a pattern, it is best to use millimeter paper - it's easier to calculate dimensions. On the prepared paper, we first draw a contour of the main part. This we will have a rectangle, the size of the sides of which depends on the desired size of the bag. So, for example, if we want a bag of half a meter width and a height of centimeters to forty, then we draw on paper a rectangle of this size. Next, draw the details of the pens: a strip six to seven centimeters wide and about thirty meters long. Cut out all the details along the contour and lay them on the wrong side of the fabric folded in half. By the way, we put the pattern of the main part so that one of the sides of the rectangle passes along the fold of the fabric. Next, all paper patterns pins pins and circle, retreating from the edge of the paper pattern a couple of centimeters (allowance for seams). And then we cut out a pattern from the fabric. However, if you are confident in your abilities, then you can make a pattern right on the fabric, bypassing the stage with millimeter paper. to sew a beach bag with your own hands

Sew the bag

Now add the rectangle in half (inside outcloth out) and we spread the sides. We get such a bag: the sides are stitched, the bottom is the fold of the fabric, the top is the "entrance" into the bag. Internal seams are gently swept manually or on a sewing machine and ironed. After that, we put out the handles, shortening them to the desired length. Fold the workpiece of each handle in half (along the length), the front side outward. We twist the edges of the fabric and make two stitches - a joint along the edge of the folded edges and decorative - along the fold. After that, we sew the handles on the front side of the bag - one handle on each side of the bag. Do this by combining the edge of the bag with the edge of each end of the handle. That is, at first we get a pen sewn upside down. Then, the upper edge of the bag with the sewn handle is wrapped inward, we fold the edge and we add it. As a result, we get a neatly sewn-on handle without any signs of fastening from the front side (everything is hidden in the hem). As you can see, making a beach bag with your own hands is easy. And if you pretend to be original, then use additional decorative elements: fringe, braid, brushes, appliqués, ruffles, ribbons and everything that you deem fit. If you do not like the laconic form of the rectangle, then sew a bag in the form of a trapezoid, expanding to the top or make it top figured. Experiment with the fastener: try sewing a zipper, use buttons or Velcro. And maybe you will be satisfied with the option without a clasp at all? Try to sew a fashionable beach bag from old jeans or a tapestry pillowcase. Make extra pockets in your beach bag - inside or overhead. In a word, fantasize! Try to combine business with pleasure. Enjoy the creative process of the handicraft process and acquire such a necessary beach bag in the summer season. After all, this, in fact, is simple! We advise you to read:

