When we hear the word "freckles", we immediatelyis associated with redheads. However, freckles can appear on the skin of the face of many fair-haired, and even dark-haired people. Freckles are small pigment spots on the skin of the face of yellowish-orange shades. They can also appear on the body, on the hands, shoulders, back, chest. Freckles occur when the pigment melanin is deposited in the upper layers of the skin, usually appear in children at an early age, and by the age of 30 they tend to decrease in size and quantity, or even disappear altogether. In medicine, freckles are called ephelides. Freckles usually appear in red-haired and fair-haired people, are especially pronounced during the period of solar activity - spring and summer, and tend to be inherited. Their color varies from light yellow, orange to terracotta and dark brown. Under the influence of sunlight, freckles become darker and brighter, and there are more and more of them. Freckles are a centralized accumulation of melanin in the skin, its protective reaction to the sun. That is why they are so common in red-haired people, whose skin is very sensitive to UV radiation and practically does not tan, but immediately burns. Freckles can appear even in pregnant women, on the abdomen, chest, face, as if protecting the most important places from solar radiation.
Prevention of freckles
If your face and body are prone to freckles, do notthere is no need to worry. Firstly, this is a normal phenomenon on the skin. Especially if you inherited freckles from your mother or grandmother. To prevent the appearance of freckles on the face and body and reduce their manifestations, you should follow several simple tips.
Remove freckles from the face
If freckles have attacked your face and youyou definitely want to get rid of them, there are many ways to do it. Medical and cosmetic procedures Highly qualified specialists will help you get rid of freckles quickly and reliably. The list of procedures is quite wide, let's consider the most popular of them.
- Chemical peeling
This cosmetic procedure involvesapplying fruit acids to the skin, which sort of “eat away” the top layer of the skin, removing dead cells without touching the living ones. This procedure is also good because it will remove long-term epithelial deposits from the skin and pores, which cannot be removed with a regular scrub. Chemical peeling will not completely remove freckles, but it will greatly discolor them, and the skin will acquire a young and healthy appearance. The procedure should be carried out in the cold season, in autumn or winter, during the least solar activity.
- Laser removal of freckles
This operation removes freckles with a laser beamprecise concentration. After the procedure, freckles become much less noticeable, discolored or completely removed. This procedure is fast and safe for the skin, but requires experience from the master who performs it. In addition, it is quite expensive.
- Cryosurgery
In other words, it is liquid freckle removalnitrogen. It sounds scary, because the boiling point of nitrogen reaches almost minus 200 degrees. However, nitrogen has high therapeutic activity, especially for the skin. The consequences of the procedure resemble peeling, since the dead layer of skin is removed. Freckles become invisible and discolored.
- Phototherapy
The procedure of photorejuvenation of the skin with flashes of light, light energy also gives its effect. Freckles become pale, less noticeable, fine wrinkles are removed, the skin is rejuvenated.
- quartz lamp
During the course of sessions the face is irradiatedquartz lamp. After the end of the course, the skin peels off and comes off, completely renews itself. The new skin has much less pronounced manifestations of freckles, becomes less susceptible to sunlight. Folk remedies How to remove freckles from the face with folk remedies? The recipes below include natural and safe components, the effectiveness of which has proven itself over time. The main components of masks, applications and compresses for the face are bleaching agents that can reduce the appearance of freckles on the skin. Lotions and rubs for the face If the number of freckles is small and they are not very dark, then to remove and lighten them, it will be enough to wipe and moisten the skin of the face daily with lotions and tonics prepared at home. The following natural remedies will help with this.
- Lemon, cucumber or onion juice, vinegar
Wipe your face daily, as many times as possible, with a cotton swab soaked in the juice.
- Spoiled milk
Washing with sour milk at night will also be good.
- Juice or spirit tincture of celandine
Use these products instead of daily facial toner.
- Spirituous tincture of cucumber seeds
1 tbsp of cucumber seeds is poured with 10 tbsp.vodka or 40% alcohol, leave for at least 10 days in a dark place, strain and dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Wipe your face daily, as often as possible.
- Broth lovage
1 teaspoon of dry plant is boiled in a glass of water for 10 minutes, infused for 1 hour, filtered, stored in the refrigerator. Wipe the face daily, as often as possible.
- Infusion of parsley
A small bunch or several sprigs of parsley are finely chopped, poured with boiling water, infused for 2 hours, filtered. Wipe the face daily, as often as possible.
- Carrot juice
Fresh carrot juice can give your skin a glowyellowish tan. Rubbing your face with carrot juice every day will make freckles less noticeable. Masks and compresses Stronger means for removing freckles will be masks and compresses for the face. They are also based on bleaching agents, plant juices, natural components.
- Mask with viburnum juice
Viburnum berries are best picked in late autumn,when they are fully ripe. Try not to damage the berries. Fresh viburnum juice is mixed with sour cream in a 1 to 1 ratio. The mask is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes, washed off with cold water.
- Mask with lemon
15 g of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 5 g of pharmacy glycerin, 25 g of water are mixed until smooth. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water, apply cream.
- Mask with flour and honey
Mix 2 tsp flour with 1 tsp.natural honey and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix until you get a paste, which you apply to your face in an even layer. Leave for 20-30 minutes until dry, rinse with water, apply cream.
- Mask with egg
Beat the white of one egg into a foam, add boric acid powder and a teaspoon of fresh cream. Apply the mask to your face for 40 minutes or an hour. Rinse with water and apply cream.
- Potato mask
Grate some raw potatoes finelygrater, add bran - oat or wheat, a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and a teaspoon of sour milk. Apply the mixture to the face in a thick layer, leave for 20-30 minutes until dry, rinse with cold water, apply cream.
- Compress with oatmeal
Mix 3-4 tbsp of sour milk well with 1 tbsp.oatmeal. Spread the mixture between two layers of thin gauze or bandage and apply to the desired area of skin for 20 minutes. You can add a little finely grated horseradish to the mixture to enhance the effect.
- Compresses with herbs
A good remedy would be to apply it to the skin of the face.compresses with herbs. To do this, you need to soak a thin gauze or bandage in a decoction or infusion of the following herbs, or their combinations: elecampane root, birch buds, lady's mantle, celandine. You can also make compresses with birch sap, which whitens the skin well. We recommend reading: