how to play with a child in 1 yearSo your child has lived his first year!He has changed a lot during this time, turning from a helpless squeaking lump into an almost independent little person. In addition to the need for food and sleep, he has developed other needs - and among the first can be called the need to play. The baby plays, as a rule, all the time that he is not sleeping - after all, it is through play that he learns about himself and the surrounding reality. Having barely learned to hold objects, he immediately begins to actively study them, and the baby uses absolutely everything that comes his way for play: a spoon, a shoe, a handkerchief and even porridge - everything arouses a keen interest in him. And now, after a year, when he begins to walk, you increasingly have to catch up with your baby running down the street, wondering when he learned to use his legs so well. "Very active" - ​​this is the best way to describe children after one year. Babies of this age love any toys that encourage them to be active - a ball, a swing, all sorts of obstacles that need to be climbed over. The hands of children in their second year of life become more dexterous, and now they are already fascinated by such games as building towers, assembling pyramids and putting some objects into others. Children are very amused by experiments such as "what will happen if I drop this ball?" or "what will happen if I pull the edge of the tablecloth?" The child will throw toys on the floor one after another, watching them fly around the room, and at the same time studying how mom will react to all this. The baby is very interested in the consequences of his actions, and since at one year his memory is not yet very well developed, he does not get tired of repeating his games and experiments many times. One-year-old children also really want to repeat everything that adults do, so at this age you can buy him toys with which he can play, repeating situations from everyday life.what to play with a child in 1 year

Toys for a child after a year

What toys should a child have from one year totwo years? The choice of toys, of course, depends on which of them can interest a child of this age, and on what games you will teach him to play. Yes, you will need to teach your baby to play, because he himself does not yet know how to do it. Here are the toys that will help the development of babies after a year:

  • Toys that will encourage your baby to walkThese can be, for example, push-sticks with toys attached to them that produce some action and sounds when moving. A duck that turns its head, slaps its feet and quacks when a child pushes a stick in front of itself will delight the baby, and he will stomp and stomp, pushing an interesting toy in front of itself. Or it can be a train with cars that need to be pulled by a string - the child will be interested in watching how the cars are pulled in a snake after each other, and he will move to make his cheerful train go. Even if it is just a string with one car, he will still want to walk, pulling it behind him.
  • Sorting and nesting toyscan also keep your baby busy for a long time. He gets great pleasure from moving cubes from one box to another or placing parts of special toys into nests-bases. For example, it can be a hedgehog, in the back of which grooves of a certain shape are made - a leaf, an apple, a pear - for placing parts in them that repeat the shape of the groove. For a baby who is barely a year old, you need to buy the simplest models of such toys for playing. For example, a house with windows of different shapes cut out - round, triangular and rectangular. While playing with your child, show him how to push a ball into a round window, a triangle into a triangular window, and so on. At first, the baby will work hard for a long time with delight on pushing the figures into the house, and then he will start shaking the toy with delight, enjoying the resulting "rattle". And you can do household chores or calmly read the newspaper.
  • All kinds of climbing frames can be purchaseda plastic indoor slide, which the baby will climb up quite safely, and then slide and roll down. This will help him develop more and more new motor skills. True, such a toy can be quite expensive, and your baby will quickly lose interest in it or simply outgrow it. You can also make some kind of inclined surface yourself that would replace a ready-made store slide, but then try to be close to the child to ensure his safety.
  • Any balls that are easy to lift will becomea hit for a baby after one year These can be colorful rubber balls, tennis balls, inflatable beach balls - if they are not too big, of course - fabric balls, balloons... Just keep small balls that could be put in the mouth and swallowed away from the child. The age after one year is exactly the time when you should, while spending time with your child, choose games that would encourage him to walk. Balls are perfect for this purpose, because you can come up with a variety of games with them that would reinforce the movement skills of a one-year-old baby.
  • Pencils and paper For a baby of this age,One or two pencils will be enough – he is more interested in the process of “drawing” than in its result. Put a large sheet of paper on the floor – it is better if it is a piece of wallpaper, turned upside down with the side without a drawing. The child will move right on the paper, enthusiastically drawing “scribbles-scribbles” and not dropping the pencils.
  • Various means of transportation designed forchildren aged one to two years At this age, this mode of transportation is still more popular than walking. Buy your child a ride-on scooter - something like a bicycle, only without pedals; to move, the child needs to push off the ground with his feet. It is desirable that such a ride-on scooter be equipped with a special handle so that an adult can push the cart when the child gets tired. Avoid buying electric versions of such toys. In addition to spending a lot of money, you will also deprive your child of the pleasure of moving independently, thanks to his own efforts and desire.
  • Toys that help imitate actions onkitchen Mini kitchens for children with a set of items depicting kitchen utensils and products are very popular now. The stoves themselves make all sorts of sounds, which help the child feel like a real chef during the game. Don't be confused by the fact that the child is still too young to play role-playing games - reduced kitchen utensils give him the opportunity to imitate what adults do, and this will keep his interest for many months, and his games will become more and more complex.
  • And, of course, with a one-year-old child it is already possibleread books You should take those that have many large illustrations depicting familiar objects and activities. By reading to your child, you will instill in him a love of books and new knowledge.

in which games to play with a child in 1 year

Do adults need to structure the child's play activity?

By asking yourself this question, you are asking:What is better for a child - if he acts on direct instructions, or if he studies the surrounding reality at his own discretion? The answer is obvious: both are important for his development. Both structured activities by adults and independent actions of the child will contribute - each in its own way - to his active development. Structuring, or, more simply, guiding his activities is an excellent way to bring your child to new ideas. For example, if you give a child a set of multi-colored figures of different shapes, he will play with them for a long time and enthusiastically. But he will not guess that the figures can be sorted by color or shape - you will teach him this. And it is you, guiding the child's actions, who will form in him the skills of selecting and sorting objects. But, guiding the child, you must give him the opportunity to independently study what happens when he tries different combinations. After you give him the objects and ideas necessary for the game, you need to let the child decide for himself what and how to do with all this. For example, he may decide that instead of stacking molds one inside another in decreasing size, he would rather fill them with water or sand and then pour out the water or sand – an activity that literally fascinates most toddlers. Or he may refuse to play with molds at all, preferring to play in the sand. Remember that small children use games not just for fun, but to better understand the things and phenomena that they themselves find most interesting at that moment; therefore, it is the little ones themselves who can know better than adults how to play. All you have to do is watch over his safety, guide him and give him new ideas.

Games for children from one year to two years

What games can you play with a one-year-old?baby? We can offer you several games for children from one to two years old, which will not only help you to occupy your child, but will also serve as a great impetus for his development. From 12 to 16 months Depicting real life Imagine that your baby’s favorite teddy bear (or doll – it doesn’t matter) is actually alive: “make” it walk, sleep, jump around the room. Involve this toy in your baby’s daily activities: for example, seat the bear at the table when the child eats, and put a bib on it, just like the baby. At the same time, accompany everything that the toy “does” with comments – this will help your child better understand the meaning of words. Show and comment not only on how the bear eats, walks or goes to bed, but also how it laughs or is sad – this way your child will be able to learn more about feelings and emotions. Hold on and pull If your child is still a bit afraid or has not yet learned to walk, you can use this game to “lure” him and encourage him to take his first steps. For this, it is better to use some moving objects - for example, a small bicycle or a plastic box on wheels in which toys are stored. While the child firmly holds on to the edge of this object, you begin to gently pull it towards you. Pull until the baby takes a step. Praise him immediately, trying to vigorously express your positive reaction to his step. Soon the child, realizing that he can walk, holding on to the support, will begin to push this object himself, trying to take at least a few steps. This way, he will feel more confident, standing on his feet, and when he understands that he is ready to walk without support and without your help, he will immediately take his first independent steps. Pat-a-cake By the age of one, your baby can already clap his hands, but at first he will play this game with your help. You will need to take his hands in yours and make the necessary movements in time with the verse:

  • Ladushki, ladushki, where were they?
  • By Grandma!
  • What did they eat?
  • Kashka!
  • What did they drink?
  • Brave! Kashka oilyana, brahka - sweetie, grandmother - good-natured! Drank, ate, and flew - on the head sat down!

Moreover, from the words “ladushki, ladushki” to the words«Что пили? Бражку!» вы ручками малыша хлопаете в ладошки, на словах о кашке и о бражке – гладите ладошками малыша его «сытый» животик, на словах «бабушка – добренька!» гладите его по щечкам, а когда говорите «полетели – на головку сели», то поднимаете его ручки вверх и кладете ладошками на головку. Со временем ребенок научится воспроизводить все движения самостоятельно. Играть в эту игру он будет с большим удовольствием, а сама игра будет способствовать росту его языковых навыков и улучшению координации движений. Кто здесь прячется? Несомненно, ваш ребенок полюбит игру в прятки. Конечно, сейчас это будет самая простая форма этой игры. Утром вы можете  накинуть на ребенка одеяльце, после купания – полотенце и так далее. И начинайте «испуганно» спрашивать: «Ой, а где же это мой сыночек? Куда он убежал? Я его не вижу!» Потом сдергивайте с него покрывало со словами: «Ах, вот он где!» Счастью малыша не будет границ! Для дополнительного веселья вы можете нащупать под одеялом его ножку и сказать: «Ой, что это? Ручка? Или это животик?» Или можно сказать так: «Ой, чья это ножка? Кто здесь прячется? Наверное, это папа!» От 16 до 20 месяцев Чаепитие для кукол В эту игру хорошо играть на улице в теплый солнечный день. Возьмите с собой пластиковый чайный сервиз и воду. Посадите кукол за стол и побудите малыша заполнить чайник водой и потом налить ее в чашки. Пусть он «напоит» кукол из чашечек. Эта игра поможет ребенку развить воображение и улучшить координацию, а также поможет ему узнать о свойствах воды – например, что она всегда течет вниз, а не вверх. Кати мячик ко мне! Как мы уже говорили, мячи очень популярны у детей после года. Вот одна из игр, в которую можно играть с мячом: вы оба садитесь на пол лицом друг к другу, расставив ноги. Теперь вы можете катать мяч взад и вперед друг другу, стараясь, чтобы он не укатился в сторону. Это развлечение очень хорошо развивает мышцы рук малыша и его зрительно-моторную координацию. Маленький коллекционер Идя на прогулку, дайте ребенку с собой ведерко. Покажите ему, что туда можно складывать найденные шишки, камушки, веточки. Только не удивляйтесь, когда он высыплет собранное и пойдет искать новую «добычу» — в год малыши очень любят наполнять и опустошать любые емкости. От 20 до 24 месяцев Давай танцевать! Включите музыку, которая носила бы разный характер – то веселую, громкую и ритмичную, чтобы ребенок топал под нее, изображая слона; то плавную и медленную, чтобы малыш, повторяя за вами, мог красться на цыпочках, делая вид, что идет мимо спящего льва, стараясь не разбудить его. Очень хорошо развивает воображение и чувство ритма! Строитель Используйте для этой игры легкие деревянные брусочки. Для начала побуждайте малыша создавать простые модели: например, положить три бруска в ряд или два внизу, а еще два – вверху на них, чтобы в итоге получить квадрат. Поощряйте его использовать блоки различной формы, чтобы он мог копировать с рисунков, прилагающихся к таким игрушкам, различные фигуры. Затем разрешите ему строить то, что ему подскажет собственная фантазия. Такая игра требует особой сосредоточенности и концентрации, что сформирует у ребенка полезные навыки. Что ты слышишь? Гуляя на улице, сядьте рядышком на лавочку, предложите малышу закрыть глаза и внимательно слушать. Потом попросите его рассказать, что он слышал: ветер в ветках деревьев, пение птиц, автомобиль, проехавший мимо. Это отличная игра для того, чтобы ваш ребенок развил внимание и свои навыки слушания. Поймай меня, если сможешь! Малыши очень любят, чтобы их преследовали. Цель игры – поймать ребенка, особенно если ваш ребенок уверен, что тут же будет заключен в объятия и расцелован. Играя, вы можете изображать рычащего льва или топающего медведя. Вы тоже дайте ребенку догнать вас. Такие догонялки помогают развить выносливость – и у малыша, и у вас! Вы и сами можете придумать разные игры, ведь именно вы лучше знаете, что будет интересно вашему малышу. Главное – уделяйте ему как можно больше времени и помните: играя, ваш ребенок развивается и познает мир.

