It's no secret that you need to lose weightslowly and without harm to health. But there are such cases in life when a person simply has no choice: either you urgently lose weight, or get into serious trouble. Yes, believe me, not only lazy people who do not want to work on their figure and health dream of losing weight quickly, but also quite serious people for whom responsibility is not an empty phrase. And then these people begin to look for a way to quickly lose 10 kg without serious damage to their body. What reasons, you ask, can prompt a person to such a rash act as losing weight in a week by as much as ten kilograms? What stress is this for the body! In fact, there can be many such reasons. Imagine that you are an actress and you are offered a role, but the heroine is ten kilograms slimmer than you. Or you are about to get a position as a manager of a sports club, but your excess weight causes surprise on the faces of future subordinates. What now, lose your job? And sometimes it’s really simple: in exactly a week there’s a high school reunion, and he’ll be there – the man who ruined your whole life by leaving you for his best friend (melodramatic, but not so rare these days). Wouldn’t you really want to appear before him in all your glory – a self-confident Amazon, at the sight of whom men just pile up in piles to the side? Surely it’s worth it, and it’s quite possible to quickly lose ten kilograms in a week, the main thing is to know how. And we’ll tell you about these methods of instant transformation now.
General principles of rapid weight loss
Before we get into the secrets of instantпохудения, поговорим о тех принципах, которых должна придерживаться любая девушка, желающая стать стройной в рекордно короткие сроки. Итак: Если очень захотеть, можно сильно похудеть Первый и очень важный принцип похудения – это ваша положительная мотивация. Наверняка некоторые подруги и знакомые уже начали вам нашептывать, что все ваши усилия бесполезны и похудеть за неделю просто нереально. Возможно, у вас самой был негативный опыт похудения в прошлом – когда вам не хватило силы воли выдержать диету или вы сорвались после ее окончания, начав есть все подряд. Не нужно вспоминать неудачи, нужно ставить цель и идти вперед! Желательно, чтобы перед вами был живой пример – человек, которому удалось скинуть несколько килограммов (пусть не за неделю, а за месяц – неважно, был бы результат). Если в вашем окружении таких людей нет, обратитесь за помощью к историям знаменитых людей, там полно успешных примеров. Взять хотя бы известную американскую киноактрису Мишу Бартон, которая похудела аж на тридцать килограммов всего за три месяца! Или нашу отечественную певицу Наташу Королеву, скинувшую пять килограммов за десять дней. Пусть их график отличен от вашего, но ведь главное в другом: они тоже поставили цель быстро похудеть и добились своего! Соблюдая дня режим, от калорий убежим «Кто рано встает, тому бог подает» — слышали старую пословицу? Так вот, это далеко не выдумки тех, кому спать неохота, а чистая правда! Человек, просыпающийся с утренней зарей, способен совершить гораздо больше дел, чем тот, кто спит до обеда. И даже если вы стопроцентная сова, привыкшая засыпать за полночь а просыпаться не раньше одиннадцати дня, то вам стоит пересмотреть свой режим дня (хотя бы на период похудения). Мало кто знает, что гормоны, отвечающие за активацию обменных процессов в организме, а также за правильную работу пищеварительной системы, «работают» в полную силу именно в период с двенадцати ночи до трех часов утра. А ведь многие из вас именно в это время все еще бодрствуют, оправдывая свое поведение богемным образом жизни или высокой ночной работоспособностью. Так не лишайте свой организм возможности справиться с лишними калориями самостоятельно, без какого-либо ущерба для здоровья. Завтрак съешь сам, а рагу отдай врагу В каком бы состоянии вы ни проснулось утром – никогда, слышите, никогда не лишайте себя завтрака!!! И не стоит рассказывать всем о том, что вас тошнит по утрам от еды, что кусок в горло не лезет и прочее. Если все так и происходит, то это только ваша вина и ваша плохая привычка. Всем прекрасно известно, что у пищи, съеденной за завтраком, гораздо больше шансов успеть перевариться в течение дня, не откладываясь в виде жиров на вашей талии. Дело в том, что активация обменных веществ в организме начинается не в момент пробуждения, как вы могли бы подумать, а в момент начала работы пищеварения. Проглотили кусочек – запустили моторчик, сжигающий калории. Учеными доказано, что женщины, пропускающие свой завтрак, в течение дня съедают намного больше пищи, чем те, кто ест по утрам. Более того, завтракать необходимо просто для здоровья: по утрам в нашей крови минимальный уровень сахара, и нашему организму, бедняжке, до ужаса хочется кушать. Так зачем же заставлять его голодать? Кстати, не есть после шести – прекрасный повод приучить свой организм к завтраку: четырнадцать часов без пищи кого угодно заставят проголодаться! А отсюда, кстати, и следующий принцип: Хочешь похудеть – учти, есть нельзя после шести! То, что всем худеющим не полагается есть после шести часов вечера – давно уже стало темой анекдотов.
- She: I do not eat after six ...
- He: After six servings, you mean?
In fact, practice has long since shown thatLadies who do not eat after six o'clock lose weight very actively. The human body is designed in such a way that at night the metabolic processes slow down, and food taken shortly before sleep simply does not have time to be digested and transformed into energy. That is why all nutritionists recommend having dinner no later than four hours before bedtime. Believe me, it is not that difficult to get used to it. It has been noted that it is enough to stick to such a diet for three days, as the body itself gets used to not eating late at night. Of course, it also happens that a woman simply does not have the physical ability to have dinner before six in the evening: someone comes home late from work, someone is busy with important things at this time of day. This does not mean that they should all go to bed hungry - dinner is quite acceptable, but it should be very light. Nothing sweet or fatty is allowed during a late dinner, be content with vegetables and fermented milk products. Diet without exercise is like cream without cake "Movement is life" - this is what the ancient Greek philosopher Plato said, and doctors and nutritionists around the world say the same. If you want to lose weight in a week, you should not be satisfied with just a diet - your body needs physical activity. And all the deep knowledge that you can lose weight without exercise, based only on proper nutrition, is wrong. Of course, if your goal is one and a half to two kilograms, then diet alone is enough to achieve the result. If you want to lose ten kilograms, and in a week, then you can’t do without exercise. And to prevent exercise from turning into torture, try to follow these recommendations:
- In the network you can find a lot of tips for those whowants to lose weight with the help of sports: some advise riding a bicycle, others - swimming, others - aerobics or simple walking. It's time to get confused, right? In fact, they are all absolutely right: all these sports will help you burn excess kilocalories, put in order muscles and strengthen metabolic processes in the body. The first advice is to choose the type of exercise that is easiest for you and which gives you maximum pleasure. This is the surest way to not spit in a couple of days for all these loads and do not stop playing sports at all.
- Do not torture yourself with many hours of training, notwind the kilometers around the stadium three times a day. If before that you were not really friendly with sports, then you do not need any power. Try to start your studies with light exercises, slowly increasing the load. So you not only avoid injuries, but also do not change your mind about doing sports through a couple of exhausting classes.
- If you are obese, then certainlyconsult a physician before proceeding with physical exertion. The fact is that such a diagnosis has many contraindications. Of course, this does not mean that sports are closed to you - on the contrary, you can and should move. But here some kinds of exercises can cause complications in you, therefore it is better to specify details at the attending physician.
Diets for quick weight loss
Losing weight quickly by as much as 10 kg is not easyjoke. The best friend of all extreme sportswomen who want to lose weight in such a short period of time is a mono-diet. Its essence is that during the entire diet you can eat one single product, plus liquid in the form of still water or green tea in the amount of two liters. The types of mono-diets are quite diverse, so you can easily choose for yourself the option that will be easiest for you to eat for a whole week. Buckwheat mono-diet The whole secret is to cook crumbly, tasty buckwheat porridge correctly. Forget about cooking in boiling water, everything is much simpler: pour boiling water over the washed cereal, wrap the saucepan in a thick cloth and leave overnight. Salt, pepper, add any spices is prohibited, otherwise the entire effect of the diet will be reduced to zero. You need to eat this porridge four times a day, evenly distributing the portions. If you suddenly feel an overwhelming hunger, you are allowed to drink one percent kefir, but no more than one liter per day. Rice mono-diet Rice is valuable because it removes salts, toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Brown rice is best suited for a mono-diet; it is cooked without salt and spices, slightly undercooked. In this mono-diet, you can drink apple juice (freshly squeezed is better), and if you are very hungry, you can eat a couple of green apples. Kefir mono-diet If you are going to stick to a kefir diet for a whole week, it is best to add some vegetables and fruits to your diet. The exceptions are potatoes, bananas and grapes – these products contain too many calories. As for kefir itself, one percent is suitable for the diet, one and a half to two liters per day. Of course, no sugar, and especially no flour – otherwise fermentation will begin in the stomach. You can and should drink regular water, but it is better to refrain from coffee and black tea. But a mono-diet is far from the only way to lose ten kilograms in a week. Finally, we offer you a very satisfying and tasty diet based on vegetable soups. Vegetable soup for weight loss Cooking vegetable soup for a diet is not difficult at all: just take the same vegetables that you put in borscht or cabbage soup, but cook them not in meat broth, but in plain water. You need to boil the vegetables for no more than ten minutes, otherwise all the beneficial properties of the products will be lost. The less salt you put in such a soup, the faster the hated kilograms will melt (ideally, it is better not to salt soups at all). The main charm of such a diet is that you can not limit yourself in food and eat as much soup as you can (keeping in mind the rule not to eat after six, of course). If at the end of the week you stand on the scales and measure minus ten kilograms - congratulations, your idea was a success! Now the most difficult thing will begin: to not give a giggling with an ill -wisher, looking at your growing body.