how to return a husband if he went to anotherHuman life is full of unpredictable eventsevents that sometimes deal such a crushing blow that it takes years to recover. Such things happen especially often with marriages, which are falling apart everywhere today. And often falling apart unexpectedly and on the initiative of men. It seems like just yesterday the relationship between spouses was normal. Well, sometimes there were quarrels... And who doesn't have them? And then suddenly, for no particular reason, the husband packed his things, announced that he had met another woman, and left. And you are left alone with your grief, completely unsure of how to live on. The situation is dire. When the husband decides to leave after a series of huge scandals, the wife is somehow ready for this. She is also ready for such a turn of events when she suspects her faithful of infidelity. True, this does not make things any easier, but at least you know where to expect the blow from. And if you do not expect it, it is no wonder to fall into the abyss, putting an end to your existence. However, such an outcome mainly threatens weak, weak-willed individuals who are unable to cope with difficulties on their own. A stronger woman, even falling into depression, still tries to analyze what happened and look for some way out. Of course, the best option for her seems to be the repatriation of her husband from another woman's house. But how to get him back and what to do for this, she usually does not know, sometimes making many mistakes because of this. How to avoid them and ensure that the past is reanimated?the husband left as to return

How to deal with emotions if the husband has gone to another

Well, that's all. Он ушёл, беспощадно бросив перед тем, как закрыть за собой дверь: «Я понял, что больше тебя не люблю. Я ухожу к другой женщине». И это после стольких лет брака! А ведь обещал защищать, любить и беречь… И очень хотелось верить в то, что так и будет до самой старости! Не вышло. Душу сжирает ревность, чувство вины, злость и безысходность. Что с этими прожорливыми тварями делать?! Больно ведь от их острых, вгрызающихся в самое сердце зубов. Ну, от ревности сейчас нам никуда не деться. Это нормальное чувство, ведь близкий человек – это почти собственность! Собственность, которая неожиданно перешла в руки другой. Ну какой человек в этом случае не разозлится? Взяли и отобрали, не имея на то никаких прав! Поэтому и злость – абсолютно нормальная реакция на происходящее. А вот с чувством вины сложнее. Оно возникает даже тогда, когда оставленная мужчиной женщина вела себя безупречно. Всё время кажется, будто что-то недоделала, недоговорила, упустила. И зря. Потому что мужчины уходят к другой даже от идеальных во всех отношениях жён. Перемен хочется. Свеженького тела, новых ощущений. Поэтому самобичевание вкупе с безысходностью пусть пока подождут. У свеженького тела со временем могут обнаружиться недостатки. А к новым ощущениям быстро привыкают. И начинает тянуть к такому родному прошлому. Потому что там, в прошлом, можно быть таким, какой есть. Там тебя принимают со всеми завихрениями и знают как облупленного. Так что чувство вины культивировать в себе не нужно. Не стоит перебирать в уме варианты того, как нужно было поступить, когда муж уходил, чтобы его вернуть. Ну, кинулись бы мы ему в ноги, умоляя остаться, или наоборот, послали на все четыре стороны, и что? Наверняка благоверный к этому был готов и знал, что сказать и как себя вести в том и другом случае. А если мы действительно умоляли остаться или послали куда подальше — забудем об этом. Главное в такой период стараться всеми силами не истерить хотя бы в присутствии мужа. Лучше делать вид, что мы спокойны. Мы совершенно спокойны. Именно такое состояние брошенной жены больше всего цепляет мужчин за живое и наносит удар по их самолюбию. И тут уж неверный супруг обязательно заинтересуется, почему бывшая половинка не режет себе вены и не упивается в хлам от горя. Вот пусть и интересуется! А мы ещё хорошо подумаем, насколько этот муж-бегунок нам теперь нужен и сможем ли мы простить ему измену. Только вердикт нужно выносить, будучи в здравом уме. Попробуем хладнокровно, отправив в нокаут эмоции, проанализировать ситуацию и то, что происходило раньше. Быть может, привязанность к мужу – это просто выработанная за годы привычка к присутствию этого человека в доме? Если так, то через некоторое время от нынешнего внутреннего дискомфорта не останется и следа. Незаменимых в этом случае нет. Какая разница, чьи тапки валяются под диваном! Ушёл к другой? И скатертью дорога! Ну, порыдаем с недельку… А потом слёзы вытрем, перышки почистим и пойдём наслаждаться свободой, исследуя окружающий мир. Ну, а если это не просто привычка, а истинное чувство, и мужа очень хочется вернуть, тогда всё сложнее. Главное тут – под влиянием эмоций не наделать глупостей и вести себя так, чтобы он однажды пожалел о том, что ушёл. Что же в этом случае можно и нужно делать, а что нельзя?

What can not be done after leaving her husband for another

Firstly, when your husband leaves you for another woman, you shouldn’tneither to castigate oneself, nor to feel sorry for oneself. No one is immune from such an act by their other half. That is how modern society is structured. Marriage is not considered something monumental. And it can fall apart even without any special reason. Therefore, let's not bang our heads against the wall. It is better to try to calm the internal storm and pay more attention to ourselves, our beloved selves. Because if a spouse who has migrated to another house sees us disheveled, with eyes swollen from tears and a red nose, he is unlikely to regret his actions. Rather, the opposite. This means that you need to tidy yourself up and hide your suffering far away from him. In no case should you call your rival, lie in wait for her somewhere, and especially break into her apartment with the intention of sorting things out. Ugly scandals with grandiose din do not paint a woman. And after them, the husband will not only not be inflamed with love for the abandoned wife - he will simply feel disgust for her. And it will not be possible to get him back under any circumstances. And there can be no talk of running to fortune tellers and psychics. Their services are expensive, and their abilities are questionable. As a result, in addition to an empty house, we will get an empty pocket. But even if you come across a real witch (this also happens), then a husband won from another with the help of a love spell is not such a valuable gift. Surely, he will become a completely different person, with whom it is not easy to be around. Why do we need a dreary future without the right to a ray of light? You should not try to forget and drown your grief in alcohol. Alcohol is a bad help in solving such issues. Under its influence, you can do such things - Mom, don't cry! You will have to repent all your life. And a hangover will not ease the condition at all, but only aggravate it. To the torment of a husband who left for another woman, there will be a headache and remorse over yesterday's fraternization with the green snake. Of all people, this guy is definitely not fit to be a friend. A close relationship with him has one outcome - chronic alcoholism. In short, we shed tears for a day, two, three, and then take control of our emotions. Yes, it is very difficult. But it is still possible. Let's try to overcome the trouble with the help of some advice.the husband has left how to return

What can and should be done after leaving the husband: tips

  • Left alone, weep, yell, whine,moaning. It is necessary to release the pain outside. Why alone? First, do not cause suffering to children. Im already so hard. Secondly, because consortious consolers in most cases only exacerbate the situation, saying that the husband is a complete scum, and regret it is not worth it. And they make you feel sorry for yourself. And that's no good. No, if there is a wise soul mate or an intelligent close friend, you can, of course, pour out your soul. But only when we are sure that they will really understand everything and correctly judge.
  • After the pain a little calms down, let's trystill find the reason that her husband left for another. Let's try to look at what happened objectively and, as it were, from the outside. What prompted the faithful to take such a serious step? Frequent scandals, misunderstandings of each other, boredom, everyday problems? Perhaps we stopped watching ourselves and made too many claims to the spouse, or did he always look to the side, and now there was a snapping person who managed to take the man out of the family? And it never occurred to us to give him more attention? It should be cold-blooded, reasonable and as precise as possible to determine why this happened, so as not to repeat then their mistakes.
  • If the reason is found, consider it from allparties and find the source. It is likely that the family crisis has just arrived. In such periods, men can fall in love and go to another woman, not particularly bothering with moral principles. If this is so, to return it, you need to be patient and behave as sensitively as possible. We maintain good relations with his friends and with common acquaintances. At the same time, no one is trying to set up against the present passion of the pious or against him. In general, we try not to discuss anything with anyone! Unintentional phrase in conversation can become an additional wedge in the relationship with the spouse. How little it is turned different "well-wishers"!
  • To get rid of painfulmemories, we will compile a list of things that irritated the faithful. We bring everything into it, starting from a spattered mirror in the bathroom and ending with an incomprehensible change of mood and refusal of preludes in bed. We re-read the list as often as possible and at the same time we say to ourselves: "It's good that all this now has to be tolerated by another! I went to her, and wonderful! We still do not know who was lucky! ".
  • We remove from sight all the things reminiscent ofwife. We hide instruments, photographs, forgotten shirts-panties-sneakers and stuff. Just do not need these shirts-panties-sneakers-tools to send to the current place of his dwelling. (There are ladies who do this). First, this is a very ugly act, emphasizing our weakness. Usually those who leave the family, such things are annoying. Second, all these reasons can be necessary for the husband if he comes back and does not take them with him. Means, either it is necessary to be spent for purchase of new, or to take away them from other woman. Still it is not known, than it will terminate.
  • Well, we have done everything possible to somehow calm the emotional storm. This is already good, but it is not enough to bring the husband back to the family. We also need to take care of ourselves.husband went to another how to return

    How to behave, what to increase the chances of returning a husband from another woman

    It must be said that the chances are that the spousewill happily return to his abandoned wife, who has not changed at all during the separation, a little. If a person has once already run away from what oppressed him, he is unlikely to accept it again with enthusiasm. No, when there is no other way out, he will accept it, of course. Where else can he go? But nothing good will come of this. So, we must try to make sure that the fugitive rushes back not out of despair, but out of his own irrepressible desire. Therefore, we:

  • We are trying with all our might to raise our self-esteem,which, of course, is now fluttering below its proper level. This is not right. People get together, break up, meet again, break up again... That's how life works. And if you lose faith in yourself during breakups, it won't take long to become a downtrodden gray shadow that no one will ever pay attention to. You need to not only save your face, but also improve it at all costs! To begin with, let's stick a piece of paper somewhere in a visible place with the inscription: "There is no one else like me in the world. I am charming, sweet, unique! And in general - I am the smartest girl!" Let it hang and obsessively remind us of what we really are.
  • We try to be as much as possible in society,we make acquaintances, we surround ourselves with interesting people. We forget that the husband left, and we go without him to the cinema, to the theaters, to some events. We meet with friends, go out with them to the nature or have fun at a party. That is, we are looking for the possibility of entertainment and filling our lives with new events. But there is no need to start novels for now. Novels - this later, when we make sure that my husband does not return. Or that there is already no need for him in his presence.
  • We begin to improve and change tobetter. In the dense we are engaged in work or any hobby, we define the purposes and persistently to them we advance. We correct our appearance, we make sure that it gets better and better. If possible, shasta shopping and buy nice things: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, some souvenirs and knickknacks. Not enough money - buy cheap. The main thing - at least from something to have fun and not less to think that the husband left the house. In other words, we try to spend the days with benefit and with joy. And then the hour will come when we will understand that life without a husband continues.
  • In general, for every woman whose husband leftto another, to understand that life goes on without him is the most important thing. You should not suffer for too long from the thought that we have been betrayed and abandoned. Let us consider that this is one of the steps to further development. No one can predict what this or that event will ultimately turn out to be. Perhaps, then we will suddenly understand that by leaving, the spouse opened the doors behind which languished a lot of opportunities for both self-development and for the modernization of family relationships. It is quite possible that this very act of his was necessary, as resuscitation or a shake-up for faded or dulled feelings. Yes, now the pain is uncontrollable, because it is also supported by the bitter resentment that he left for a reason, but for another woman. But sooner or later it will subside, because time heals. And then, it not only heals, but also gives the fugitive to another woman the opportunity to see her from all sides. Surely the shortcomings of the homewrecker, carefully hidden before, will bring the husband to his senses. And one day he will come back and confess. Well, if you can't stand the suffering of your beloved man leaving, let's turn to a good psychologist. After all, that's why they exist, to help people put trouble on their shoulder blades and tell them how to get their loved one back. We recommend reading:

