what kind of women do men like? Men can not help but love women. We all know that. But do we know for sure, what kind of women do men like and what exactly do our guys like most in the fair sex? Surely, all the ladies have different ideas about this, so we decided to talk about it here and unite the scattered information in our article. Yes, men love women. All of them. But there are such ladies who literally fight on the spot any man, and all the guys are ready to fall in love with them to the ears. Have you ever seen an advertisement on television, where a girl walks down the street, and all the guys look after her and whistle, expressing their delight? Do you want to become the same? If you look closely, then, with all the seeming variety, all the girls who are successful at men do not really differ much from each other. And it's really not difficult - to become such a woman, after which men will turn around, and fall in love before losing a pulse! Are you ready for such increased attention? If so, then let's find out what it takes to be like a man.

What men like about women

The hobby that appears at the first glance,of course, very different from the present deep feeling. And surely those peasants and women, mentioned in the fairy tale, that they lived and were quite happy, it is unlikely that a friend of a friend will have kept for so many years only due to his former hobby. But deep feelings appear when a man and a woman get to know each other better. And the first impetus to rapprochement and love is all the same hobby. What attracts a man?

Ease and cheerfulness

Funny laughter or flirtatious giggle, joyfulthe appearance of a woman can melt even the most severe masculine heart. Happy, cheerful, easy-to-communicate people literally shine with joy, as if sadness does not exist in their life at all. And it seems to everyone that next to such people and they will smile more luck and joy. Therefore, and cheerful, always smiling women, whose eyes often sparkle sparks, faster than others attract the attention of men.

The way a woman looks and dresses

It is always much easier to attract attentionguy, if you make an effort to look good and dress nicely. And it's not surprising. A bright red umbrella on a rainy day always catches the eye in a crowd of people holding umbrellas of dull colors, is not it? And this does not mean that you need to constantly try to stand out with bright outfits and flashy make-up. Just dress so that your outfits conceal possible shortcomings and emphasize all your dignity. In such clothes you will be much more confident. Yes, and do not forget about spirits too - if you are followed by a barely perceptible trail of fine fragrance, men will lose their temper when you pass them!

Flirty gestures

Oh, men really like coquette! Do you bite your lips or bring your finger to them when you're trying to figure out how to solve a problem? Do you blink a little when you look at a young man, or lift up your brows when you are surprised? Well, if you give your face such or even a million other expressions, then you are already on the right path to making young male hearts beat faster! Unfortunately, we do not often resort to coquetry. We completely forget all these feminine tricks that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used so skillfully. And in vain! Here, try to practice for a while in front of a mirror, thinking up your own flirty gestures. You may at first seem ridiculous, but when you test the skills you have used in a male society, you will stop laughing at once! Because you'll see how the guys instantly take to your tricks. love the men of women what

Just a little skin, open to the eye, and ...

Want to look at you once, guywanted to look at you in the second and third time? Then show him some bare skin. No, a bare navel, generous slits and deep decollete - it's not at all! This kind of your kind will literally scream about not too good taste, and you will look, as if with great difficulty you try to attract attention to yourself and please men who are staring at you. And the thoughts that will appear in their minds at the same time are not at all those that we are talking about right now. Lead a more subtle game, which in the end works much better. For example, put on a blouse or t-shirt, which ends just below the place where the belt of a skirt or jeans is. And only sometimes during the movement you will have a narrow strip of bare skin for a second. Or a blouse with a wide neck, but with a fairly high collar - when you have to bend (well, of course, accidentally!), The gaze of the man for a moment will open a part of the hollow on your chest. Oh, how could he want you to bend again! He does not want to take your eyes off you. It is these hints of bare skin that best arouse curiosity in men and awaken imagination from them, and they want to look at us again and again. And that's all we need!

Seductive voice

If there is something that makes a manFeel chills with excitement, so it's a sweet and sexy female voice. Learn to speak exactly this way - attractive for men and sexually - it's quite real, you just have to watch yourself and practice a little. When you talk to a man, speak in a low voice and avoid a high tonality, when the voice becomes like a shattering squeal of glass on the glass. This, by the way, is the most common timbre of voice that women use when they are surprised or exultantly happy. And if a woman gets angry and screams with the voice of such a timbre ... It's not surprising that there is an expression "to cut a man", because such a voice really really reminds the sound of a working chainsaw! A low, soft voice sounds more attractive. Therefore, it is best to talk with a man in a soft, soft tone, and it's not as difficult as you might think. Try to speak in such a soft voice the next time you talk to a guy on the phone. And do not be surprised if your interlocutor starts to flirt with you!

A woman who asks for help

This is the dream of every man. Well, in any case, while he is not yet connected with you by strong bonds. Men are very fond of feeling welcome and appreciated by a woman. Most women think that men are just sloppiness, who hate to work or run errands; but this, rather, if they are in a long-term relationship, and the woman is not very good at asking for something about a man and then thanking him. And if a woman approaches him and with a soft voice, with a smile asks for help, he immediately rushes to fulfill the request. Men really like women who need them. This makes them feel more manly, and gives an excellent excuse for talking with a pretty woman. They are awakened by the evolutionary desire to be an earner and protector. And when you thank him with a flirty smile for help, there is a very high probability that he will overcome embarrassment and ask you for your phone number.

The woman's ability to flirt

Have you ever flirted with a guy, even if onlyjust for fun? Unfortunately, many women feel embarrassed, embarrassed or even threatened when a friendly guy starts playing with them an easy game of flirting. If you entered this game, it does not mean that you are immoral, remember this! And in the eyes of a guy, you will not look like a loose wench. If you want to impress a man, show him that you enjoy talking to him. If you also attach a couple of your crowned flirty gestures to this game, you can be sure that the guy seriously wants to get to know you better. And you will only have to decide whether you want it or not. what men like women like

The ability of a woman to make eye contact

Imagine the situation: you came to rest in the club, went to the bar. And there! .. Such a guy that you have already captured the spirit! You smiled at him, and he looked at you with contempt and turned away. Will it be nice for you? You want to fall through the floor, do not you? Men also have a heart, you know. If a guy tries to get your attention or at least exchange views with you, then no one requires that you constantly respond to him in return. But you can also fix your eyes on it for at least a few seconds, especially if he behaves pretty well. You simply acknowledge the fact that you have noticed it, and it can keep its good mood, especially if you are a terrific woman with all those delights that we mentioned above. You can look only once, but warmly and with a smile, and on this forget it, and he will be grateful to you for not honoring him with disdain. But it is possible to look at him strictly or even with dislike if he turns out to be too impatient and intrusive and insists on his desire to get to know you against your consent. Now that you know that men like women, use our advice and you will see how easy it is to win the attention and admiration of the guys around you. Just do not forget a very important rule - no one should guess that you are making some special effort to impress them! Everything should look easy and at ease. Only then you will be a real queen of attraction. We advise you to read:

