how to part with the guy you love Sometimes it happens that a loving girl feels: her relationship with the guy is about to come to an end. He almost does not call, does not schedule new meetings, does not invite on dates and goes to parties alone. All attempts to establish relationships do not bring results, and fear creeps into your heart: soon he will announce that love has passed and he no longer wishes to see you. How to survive this double blow, because to experience the break with your loved one and turn out to be unceremoniously abandoned is not the easiest test for the psyche of any woman? Perhaps, it is necessary to gain strength and make a "knight's move", leaving him first? But how to part with the guy you love, and not break your heart to smithereens?

Stage one: decision making

The most difficult for a girl who loves everyoneheart, - to take a decision about parting with a guy. A break in relations, complete and irrevocable, is a deep emotional trauma that is not easy to endure. And that's why women, as a rule, cling to the last hopes for a happy joint future, like straws, which should pull them out of the abyss of despair and loneliness. A girl who felt that the guy is moving away from her, comes up with a hundred reasons to justify his behavior. No more calls? He's just very busy at work. Forgot about Birthday? Poor thing, it's been piling up so much lately! Do not want to have sex with you? So what, all men have such periods in their lives .... And so on ad infinitum. But if you look at the situation sensibly, you can ask yourself one single question: if he loves you, then why does he have to suffer so much? Is it so good in fact, if you have recently spat on both your feelings and your relationships? Perhaps in his life, indeed, there have been events that prevent him from seeing you as often as before. But after all, a loving guy will always find at least a little time to stay with his girlfriend to feel her warmth and give it back. Perhaps he no longer needs your love, or is he interested in someone else? Sometimes a man continues to see a girl, but with all his appearance shows that he no longer loves her. He can be rude, provoke you to quarrel, criticize on trifles. In the end, you feel that you are very bad without him, but also with him too hard. In any case, try to analyze the situation and come to the conclusion: should you continue the relationship, tormenting both, or not? Perhaps it is time to cut this "Gordian knot" and free yourself and him from the oppressive relationship? Of course, it is not easy to make a decision about the breakup. But if you feel that the man has grown so far away that he himself will soon offer you to part, then throw him first! So you not only save the face, but also avoid the mass of complexes about what the man left you. It is much easier to survive the loss, if you yourself took the first step to parting, than to feel the pain of betrayal and the fact that you were simply abandoned. how to part with a guy whom you love forever

Stage two: the very parting

So, you made the decision to part with yourguy, but do not know exactly how to do it. First of all, think about whether you are able to say about your decision in person. If so, you need to choose the moment when you will be absolutely calm. Unperturbed, without hysterics, tell him your complaints about your relationship and about the desire to part, speak clearly and without emotion. The main thing is not to go on shouting and insults, otherwise you will not be able to get out of the situation with dignity. Even if the guy reacts rudely to your words, accusing you of all mortal sins, try to keep calm, and in any case do not pour tears. Another common mistake of girls who decided to part with a guy is an attempt to remind him of how well they were together before. Believe me, your nostalgic memories do not lead to anything good: a guy just decides that you're crazy about it, and talking about parting is a bluff of pure water. You will lose the main trump cards and the control question "so you do not love me anymore?" Most likely mumbling: "I love, of course, but I still want to part." Such statements will be perceived by a guy as an attempt to restore relations back to normal, and the guy will not seriously take your reproaches. The best option for parting is to appear before him as a fatal woman and firmly announce his intention. Even if you do not dare to express your decision to him in person, you still have a chance to do everything very competently: write him an e-mail saying that you want to part. In detail, describe in detail what you do not like in his attitude towards you and "wave your pen." Avoid abuse and obscenity for beautiful ladies expressions - behave with dignity. This, at least, will cause respect. how to part with the guy you love correctly

Stage three: after parting

After you announce your guy about the decisionto leave, the following variant is possible: he will try to return all possible ways to you. Men perfectly know the rules of the game, stay abandoned to them, too, oh, I do not want to! And here it's up to you to decide: to enter the same ford twice or not to pay attention to its attempts. Perhaps his feelings really will break out with a new force: men tend to understand what they have lost, after all the bridges are burnt. But think about this: will he begin to behave as before (or worse) when you pass the position and take it back? And now about how to survive the parting with the guy you love. No one forces you to remain a strong woman and experience this moment without shedding a single teardrop. It is unlikely that this is even possible. You can nicely part with the guy so that he does not see a single teardrop before your eyes. But then, alone, you can and should give free rein to your feelings. Give yourself time to cry and mourn. Just do not delay with the experience: set a time limit, after which you will cease to mope. In the opposite case, it is possible to fall into depression, and this does not need us at all. In the end, in your life a new period begins, when your heart becomes free from the previous love and is ready to seek real happiness. But it, happiness, somewhere near, it is only to throw off the shackles of the previous painful relationship. In order to defeat your spleen, try to make a real portrait of the person with whom they parted. Write on the sheet of paper all the negative and positive qualities, think: is it so perfect? Experiencing moments of love, we often idealize the character of the partner, attributing to him those qualities that only he would like to see in him. Now you have parted, and therefore you can absolutely soberly judge what kind of person was with you around. And even if the heart still hurts and on your piece of paper a long list of its positive merits, proving that it is "the most-most," understand: the fact that he made you suffer, already crosses out most of the pros from the list. Unfortunately, he did not turn out to be that prince on a white horse, which will take you far away, which means you need to quickly forget about him and build your life further. Do not shut yourself in, do not spend days and evenings alone, tearing your heartache. The faster you start to communicate with other people, the easier it will be to survive this period of your life. You can part with a man, but you should not part with people close to you, ready to support you in a difficult moment. Take up work, study, plunge headlong into a new hobby - so you will not have neither the strength nor the time to feel sorry for yourself, unhappy. Take care of your appearance, arrange a great shopping - in a word, do everything that will help you unwind and enhance self-esteem. And only when it becomes a little easier for you, when you think about the man left by you, tears do not come to your eyes, try to look at the failed relationship with other eyes. Why did the guy move away from you, why did you have to part? If he just stopped loving you, then nothing can be done about it. Do not blame yourself and engage in self-discovery, because men are cooling down and to the most beautiful, the most successful women in the world. So do not underestimate self-esteem, you have nothing to do with it. If, as a result of long meditations, you realized that the reason for his alienation lies in your behavior, then wind up these conclusions yourself. Urgently change in yourself what can alienate the next partner from you, do not step on the same rake twice. There is no definite period during which the pain from parting with your beloved boy ceases. For someone it's enough for a week, someone suffers a month, and someone suffers a whole year. After all, we part not only with a certain person, but with a whole period in our life. In order not to bother the soul with unnecessary memories, get rid of all things reminiscent of your boyfriend. His gifts, photos, clothes - let it all remain in the past and does not take your soul. There will come a time when you will remember your loved one with a slight smile, feeling grateful for all those good moments that you have experienced together. We advise you to read:

