herpes on the lips during pregnancy About what is herpes, knows the practicaleveryone. According to WHO, to date, more than 90% of the world's population is the carrier of the virus that causes the disease. At the same time, a healthy person who has immune system in perfect order can live his entire life without experiencing the manifestations of this very unpleasant illness. However, there are very few lucky winners. Most of the time, from time to time, it finds itself on the lips, in the nose, and even worse - on the genitals there are opposite, wet bubbles. So what is this disease and whether it is possible to protect yourself from its manifestations and what does it threaten pregnant women? We will try to answer all of these questions in our article.

What you need to know about herpes

As we have already noted, herpes is viraldisease. Currently, specialists identify two types of simple herpetic infection. At the first type there is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose, and at the second - the mucous membrane of the genitalia. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the first type is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact with a sick person, using one dish, a towel, etc. HSV of the second type is transmitted sexually, and the carrier of such a virus at the moment can be in absolute health. Why does herpes become worse and can it be avoided? The main cause of the onset of herpes is a decrease in the defenses of the body, inhibition of the immune system. Herpetic infection manifests itself after suffering ARVI, acute respiratory disease, flu, angina, bronchitis and other similar diseases. The body is weakened, the protective forces are lowered, respectively, HSV, which before drowsing, manifests itself in all its glory. Contribute to the manifestation of the disease is also such factors as hypothermia, stress, excessive insolation, intake of drugs that suppress immunity. Women are at increased risk of developing the disease during menstruation, as well as during pregnancy. For the future mother, the herpes virus of the second type (genital) is especially dangerous. herpes in pregnancy on the lips

Herpes of the first type in pregnant women and his treatment

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy is a phenomenoncommon. Pregnancy is a kind of stress, which, as is known, provokes an exacerbation of HSV. Moreover, the body during this period "works" to reduce the protective forces. This is necessary for the female body to reconcile with the appearance of a foreign body, which, to some extent, is an embryo, and did not provoke a miscarriage. In a word, the appearance of herpes on the lips of pregnant women is quite natural, since the most favorable conditions for the development of infection in this period. In its development, herpes passes several stages.

  • Everything begins with a slight tingling, burning. And the process is developing very quickly.
  • There is redness and swelling, in the place of which bubbles appear, filled with liquid.
  • Bubbles begin to burst, in their place there are painful wounds - during this period the sick person represents the greatest infectious danger.
  • The sores gradually tighten, in their place crusts form which soon begin to fall off (they can not be ripped off in any case).
  • What if the future mother does not have onethe best morning on the lips appear bubble rashes? Do I need to heal and how? First of all, one should not panic, there is nothing fatal with HSV of the first type, and it is absolutely necessary to treat it. It is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe an adequate treatment according to your condition. Most often with such rashes prescribe antiviral drugs for external use, and for the internal. It is clear that during pregnancy, the intake of medicines should be reduced to a minimum, so you will have to forget about the pill. Ointments, which are applied directly to the rash, can be used. Most often, the treatment of herpes in pregnant women is performed with a drug such as panavir. You can also treat herpes with the help of traditional medicine. In addition, there are special hygienic lipsticks on the market that prevent the appearance of herpes and promote rapid wound healing. They all contain certain essential oils, in particular tea tree oil, which is a very powerful antiviral agent. However, even these funds, which are harmless at first glance, should be used only after consultation with a doctor - treatment of the prerogative of a specialist. Essential oils can be unsafe for a pregnant woman and for the child she is carrying. Unfortunately, at the present time there is no effective medication with which you can completely cure the herpes virus infection. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, fulfill hygienic requirements and not come into contact with those who have herpes in the active stage. herpes on the lips during pregnancy

    Whether the herpes on lips for the future child is dangerous

    The psyche of a woman waiting for a child is veryis vulnerable, which is understandable: she feels tremendous responsibility for the life and health of the future baby. Therefore, any manifestation of the disease is of great concern to her. When a herpetic infection occurs, many women panic, especially if they have read off frightening articles about what can cause a child such an infection. Just want to make a reservation that herpes on the lips of a pregnant woman does not pose a danger to the fetus neither in the early stages, nor late and in no case requires the termination of pregnancy. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy is not a hereditary disease, moreover, in a pregnant woman who has an exacerbation of herpesvirus infection of the first type, localized on the face, antibodies are developed that serve as a protection for the baby. Therefore, the future mum should just worry about getting rid of the disease as soon as possible and not infecting other organs. Herpes is very dangerous for the mucous eyes (provokes blindness) and for the mucous membrane of the genitals. Herpes genitalia is dangerous to the fetus (especially in the early stages) and requires serious treatment. We advise you to read:

