fetal development by week Pregnancy is one of the most responsible and,undoubtedly, important periods in the life of any woman. At this time, the future mother blooms and becomes especially beautiful. But in the same period, it is surrounded by dangers. What used to be habitual and beloved, becomes extremely undesirable during pregnancy. To know what can and should be done every month of pregnancy, it is necessary to study what is happening to you and your baby at one time or another. In fact, the intrauterine development of the child is a rather interesting and complex process.

Pregnancy by month

If the pregnancy is good, withoutdeviations from the norm, then its duration is nine months, or 280 days, and is divided into three terms. On the account in a female out-patient department to ladies it is recommended to become somewhere in the end of the first month. It is believed that before this time, a fair sex can still happen miscarriage. After this pregnancy and development of the fetus, nothing should be threatened. As indicated, all 9 months are divided into periods. Each trimester, the fair sex is sent to the ultrasound. This is necessary in order to monitor the development of the child. In some cases, women are sent weekly for a check-up if there are any suspicions of complications. development of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy

What happens in the first trimester

Let's look at the development of the fetus for weeks inthe first trimester, when a new life is just beginning to emerge. The first trimester includes 12 weeks of pregnancy (three months). In the first days after fertilization, the embryo is formed from the zygote, which later is attached to the wall of the uterus. Now this is not just a clot of cells, it's already a baby! The first to form a brain and nervous system. The child has a primitive heart. His heartbeat is still poorly discernible. This period is one of the most dangerous during the development of the fetus, since it is in this trimester that all organs and tissues are laid. In the first month it is forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke (passive smoking is also very dangerous for the baby, so try to avoid tobacco smoke in general). With extreme caution, you need to take medicine. Many are simply not tested for pregnant women, and most have a negative impact. It is best to consult your doctor. In the fourth week the child has legs and arms, eyes, a nose, a mouth and ears. Its dimensions are very tiny - 1.5-2 mm. The second month of pregnancy begins the hormonal reconstruction of the female body. It is at this time there is a toxicosis, begins to want something unusual (herrings with ice cream, for example). But in such periods it is better to restrain yourself, so as not to gain excess weight, which will put pressure on the baby, limiting the development of the fetus. Primitive heart kid is replaced by normal. The heartbeat is almost twice as high as the mother's - about 145-155 beats per minute. The child has a respiratory system, organs continue to form, the heart is divided into chambers. On the hands and feet you can already discern and count the fingers. The little face of the baby becomes well distinguishable, the neck appears. But the intrauterine development of the fetus does not stop there. By the end of the second month you can already fix the first movements of the baby. Its height is 13-15 mm, and the weight is only 2-3 g. At the beginning of the third month, a hormonal burst occurs in the mother's body. Some emotions are replaced by others, and for a fairly short period of time. The baby forms a vestibular apparatus (an organ of balance), directly connected with the movement of the mother. The more a fair sex representative will move, the better the vestibular apparatus will develop in a child. Also, the kid is finally formed kidney and liver and the urine allocated to them enters the amniotic fluid. Sex signs of boys and girls are formed at week 10. But the sex of the child can not yet be seen on ultrasound, because the intrauterine development of the child has not reached the point where the sexual organs are clearly visible. The brain regions are actively formed, especially the cerebellum. At the end of the third month, organogenesis also ends. Now all the baby's organs will only grow and develop. At this time, the baby weighs 10-15 grams, and its length is 60-80 mm. From this point on, the child grows by about 1.5 mm per day and adds 1.4 grams in weight. As you can see, the development of the fetus takes place quite quickly for weeks. Today, only an egg was fertilized, and after a couple of weeks a small and helpless little man is already living inside. It was at this time that the fair sex representatives can already talk to the tummy, read the book to a child and put on pleasant music. It is believed that in subsequent periods, children will all be heard and understood. fetal development

Features in development in the second trimester

The next three months we will also considerweekly and find out more about the fetal development of the fetus. The second trimester lasts from 13 to 28 weeks (just over three months). At the 13th week the baby's teeth are formed, the muscles responsible for the sucking reflex develop, and the baby can already move the sponges. The first hair appears, above the lip and above the eyes. A unique pattern is created on the fingertips. The formation of secondary sexual characteristics is coming to an end. The boys begin to actively develop a male hormone - testosterone and the prostate gland is laid. The girls are laid eggs. There is not just a development of the fetus, but a future conqueror of women's hearts or a representative of the fair sex is being formed. Also, the formation of the intestine with villi was completed. The pancreas began to produce hormone insulin. The formation of blood cells begins in the liver and spleen. At week 14 the baby first tries to breathe (draws in amniotic fluid and with the help of lungs pushes it back). His hair is formed. At week 15 the child starts to have a gallbladder. With the onset of 16 weeks with ultrasound, you can finally find out the sex of the child! On his hands and feet, his nails appear, the hair begins to grow intensively. The baby's proportions change: the head became slightly smaller, legs extended and lengthened. The weight of the child by the end of the fourth month is about 130-160 grams, and its length is 12-16 centimeters. With the onset of the fifth month of pregnancy, the growth of your baby is noticeably accelerated. The swallowing reflex begins to develop, and the baby already tastes amniotic fluid. If the child starts to move, then the mother can already feel his movements. At the 17th week, the formation of the placenta is completed. The child begins to hear and distinguish surrounding noises. Since that moment it is not only possible, but it is necessary to talk with him. Also, the baby forms subcutaneous fat, which is necessary in the future for heat exchange of the body. At week 18, there is no significant change. The kid begins to know himself and his environment. Finally, the immune system of the child is formed, and he can already cope with a number of diseases independently. On the 19th week of the baby's movements become more conscious, as the connection between the nervous and muscular system is formed. The body of the baby is all covered with soft hairs, which will disappear by the time of birth. Formed and molars, which will grow after the dairy. On the 20th week a special lubricant is formed, which protects the baby's skin from the effects of amniotic fluid. Often, this lubricant remains after birth and it must be washed off on its own. By the end of the fifth month, the baby has grown considerably: its weight is about 350 g, and height - 20-25 cm. At the sixth month the child starts to move more and more actively and for a day can change several positions. Swallowing the amniotic fluid, it receives the necessary nutrients - water and sugar. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes appear in small amounts. From 21 weeks, the baby begins to actively accumulate subcutaneous fat, resulting in a sharp increase in maternal appetite. At week 22 the baby learns to cognize himself and everything around him with the help of touches. He begins to suck his thumb and turn his little head. From the 23rd week the baby's hair begins to darken, which indicates the appearance of a special pigment. The baby has periods of wakefulness and sleep. On ultrasound, you can distinguish twitching of the eyelids, which indicates the proper operation of the brain. At the 24th week the child has cilia and eyebrows. His face looks like it will look after birth. The growth in length a little slows down, but noticeably accelerates the weight of the baby. By the end of 6 months, its weight is 650-700 g, and height - about 30 cm. At the beginning of the 7th month, all organ systems are already working, but they are still developing and improving. The baby's heart begins to beat so loud that anyone can hear it (of course, if the mother is not much against), leaning her ear to her stomach. At 25 weeks the skeleton of the baby is strengthened. At the 26th week your child starts to open his eyes for the first time. He can already tell if his mother is in the dark or in the light. In the tummy everything is visible, yes-yes. The baby has a hair loss, and by the end of 7 months the baby can already be born and become a full member of the society. Now you know everything about the development of the fetus for weeks in the second trimester. Remember that the main task of the future mother is to bear a healthy child. Therefore, you should behave correctly, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, walk in the fresh air and read books about motherhood. By the way, in women's forums you can tell how to survive some periods when it's very difficult to cope with well-being. But, before you will experience the next advice, still pre-consult with a specialist. intrauterine fetal development by week

What happens to the baby in the third trimester

It's time to find out how the intrauterinedevelopment of the child by weeks on the latest terms. The third trimester lasts from 28 weeks to 42 (the last two months - and the baby will already appear in our best of all worlds). By the beginning of the 8 months the baby weighs 1100-1300 g, and its length is 35-40 cm. On the 29th week the baby learned to regulate body temperature independently. In the womb, the baby is already getting a little cramped, and he begins to kick his legs actively and shove his mommy with his elbows. At the 30th week the baby's teeth are covered with enamel. At 31 weeks, the skin of the baby becomes pink (since white fat has been deposited under it). By the end of the 8 months the weight of the child is 1500 grams, and its height is 40 cm. At 9 months the growth of the baby's brain slows down, but the cerebellum, which is responsible for coordination and movement, continues to develop actively. By the end of the 9 month the baby turns upside down and stays in this position until the birth. Already at the beginning of the 10th month the child is completely ready for birth: he lies with his head down, and his knees are pressed against the body. Fetal development is complete. According to representatives of the fair sex, pregnancy flies very quickly. It seems that only today you learned about it, but it is already nearing the end of the ninth month and it's difficult for you to walk. All these efforts are worth it - the birth of a little joy, terribly like you. And then you will learn about all the joys of motherhood: about the first words and steps of the crumbs, about gay laughter, etc. The main thing is to strongly love, cherish and cherish, protect your child.

