treatment of hemorrhoids by folk remediesHaemorrhoids.People are usually embarrassed to talk about this disease out loud. Nevertheless, a huge number of people of almost any age suffer from it, with the exception, perhaps, of children. Moreover, hemorrhoids have been bothering humanity for hundreds of years - at one time it was called the "royal disease". And humanity still cannot eradicate this disease. And this disease is quite serious - without timely treatment, it can greatly undermine a person's health and significantly spoil the quality of his life. In the best case, a person will try to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

What is this disease?It is generally accepted that hemorrhoids are the appearance of hemorrhoidal nodes. However, this is not entirely true - absolutely every person without exception has these nodes. However, when provoking factors converge, leading to venous blood stagnation in the rectum, the position of the hemorrhoidal nodes begins to change - they go down, and then become inflamed and protrude outward. A person begins to notice the presence of bright symptoms of hemorrhoids. These symptoms include:

  • Bleeding

Hemorrhoids, especially if presentsevere inflammatory process, can bleed very heavily during the act of defecation - a sick person can observe blood on toilet paper and in feces. In particularly severe cases, the nodes can bleed constantly. If you have found this symptom, seek medical help as soon as possible! This indicates that the disease is in an extremely advanced stage.

  • Discomfortable sensations

A person suffering from hemorrhoids mayexperience extremely unpleasant sensations in the anus area - either pain, or severe burning, and sometimes even unbearable itching. Moreover, during defecation, these sensations can intensify many times, turning an ordinary visit to the doctor into a real test for the sick person. And the longer a person ignores his illness, the worse his condition will be.

  • A sense of presence in the anus of the foreign body

Apart from all the other discomforts,Often a person with hemorrhoids has a persistent feeling that there is some foreign body in the anus, or that he cannot empty the intestines. In addition, a person often experiences a strong pulling sensation downwards. "As if someone is pulling me by the rectum" - this is how they themselves describe this condition.

  • Prolapse of nodes from the rectum

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the diseasewill progress rapidly. And very soon the hemorrhoidal nodes will begin to fall out. And this causes very, very strong pain. In addition, an excessively large inflamed node, having fallen out, may end up trapped in the anus. And this will require emergency surgery. Otherwise, the complications can be very serious.

  • Intense painful sensations

Inflamed and enlarged in sizehemorrhoids are extremely painful to the touch. However, as the disease progresses, intense pain begins to occur even without irritation of the hemorrhoids - in a sitting position, while walking. Moreover, this pain is akin to toothache - it also completely deprives a person of sleep and just rest. Please note that not always when a person is ill with hemorrhoids, these symptoms appear all at once, and in a pronounced degree of severity. Often, only one or two symptoms appear, and then, as the disease develops, all the others join. The same is true for the intensity of pain - they can be very different - from mild to extremely intense. This is why in no case should you delay contacting a doctor - do not wait until the pain becomes unbearable. And, in addition, remember that, as with any other disease, the treatment of hemorrhoids is more effective the earlier it is started.hemorrhoids treatment folk remedies

Causes of hemorrhoids

For some people, it is no less importantprevention of hemorrhoids. After all, hemorrhoids almost never appear just like that – their development is provoked by various external factors. And those people who are regularly affected by these factors fall into a kind of risk group. All these risk groups will be described a little below – carefully consider this information. And if you fall into one of these groups, be especially attentive to your health. So:

  • Predominantly sedentary lifestyle

As mentioned above, the development of hemorrhoidsoccurs as a result of blood stagnation in the veins of the rectum. Most often, such stagnation is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and certain types of activities - working at a computer, working as a driver, etc. Such people should never forget to do a little physical exercise periodically - about once every two hours. And doing sports will not hurt at all.

  • Overweight person

Almost all people who suffer from obesitysooner or later encounter hemorrhoids. They should be especially attentive. Moreover, doctors recommend casting aside unnecessary shame and periodically undergoing preventive examinations. And it would not hurt to visit a nutritionist either - after all, excess weight leads to the development of a variety of diseases, and not just hemorrhoids.

  • Improper diet

As strange as it may seem, butvery often the development of hemorrhoids is provoked by nothing other than an improper diet. If a person consumes excessive amounts of spicy, hot food and smoked meats, the remnants of seasonings contained in the feces have an irritating effect on the hemorrhoids, and often lead to their inflammation. And if, as a result of improper nutrition, a person experiences systematic constipation, hemorrhoids are almost guaranteed to him sooner or later. Hemorrhoids develop due to the fact that during defecation, excess pressure is created in the rectum. Therefore, it is very important to properly adjust your diet. And your stomach will thank you for healthy food.

  • Anal sex

It is not uncommon for women who practice regularlysuch a type of sex as anal. In the process, micro trauma to the mucous membrane of the rectum inevitably occurs. And then it's just a stone's throw to hemorrhoids.

  • Exercise stress

In the event that a person constantly liftsseverity - whether during sports or work, the risk of developing hemorrhoids also increases several times. And such people should regularly undergo routine examinations by a doctor.

Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies

The most important condition for getting rid of thisdisease, of course, is a timely visit to a doctor - a proctologist. After a certain examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for the person. And in especially severe cases, the patient is shown surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to remove the inflamed hemorrhoids. However, treatment with folk remedies for hemorrhoids is also very effective. The main thing is that a person uses traditional medicine recipes as an addition to the main treatment prescribed by his doctor, and does not completely replace it. Below are the main, most effective methods.

  • Candles made of potatoes

Very effective in the initial stage of hemorrhoidsPotato candles. They are very easy to make - peel one raw potato and cut out a small diameter candle. These candles should be inserted in the morning and before bed for about 15 minutes. When inserting a candle, make sure that its end remains outside - otherwise, removing it will be quite problematic. The course of treatment should last at least one month, but it can be continued as long as necessary, because this recipe has neither contraindications nor side effects.

  • Sich from the onion and candle wax

The above recipe is very good.However, it is not always possible for people with advanced hemorrhoids, and even in the acute stage - because of the pain, a person will not insert a hard object into the rectum. And here the following recipe for suppositories will come in handy. In one hundred grams of any vegetable oil, fry one large onion until it becomes coals. Strain the oil and mix with 100 grams of wax. Cool the mixture a little, form 10 suppositories from them. The suppositories must be stored in the freezer. The suppositories are used as follows - after each bowel movement, place one suppository as deep as possible into the rectum. There it will completely dissolve - so there is no need to remove it. However, pay attention to the fact that during the dissolution process, some of the contents may get on the underwear - so take care to protect it from greasy stains.

  • Ice Candles

Very effective during exacerbation of anystages of hemorrhoids are helped by ordinary ice suppositories. It is very easy to make them: form paper molds, like those that we all made for sunflower seeds in childhood, only very small. After that, fill them with water and put them in the freezer. It is necessary to put these suppositories as often as possible. And relief comes very quickly - approximately after the second suppository. Pay attention to the following point - before inserting the suppository into the rectum, lower one end of it into hot water for a few seconds. This must be done so that the edge is rounded and does not cause pain during insertion.

  • Sitting bowls with onions

Sitting hot ones are no less effective.baths with onion infusion. To do this, you need to chop three kilograms of onions, boil them for about an hour in three liters of water. The resulting decoction must be dissolved in ten liters of water. The duration of the bath should be about 15 minutes. Baths should be done every evening until the person feels relief.

  • Aspen leaves

Aspen leaves are very effective in removinginflammatory process. To do this, they need to be placed in boiling water for about three minutes. The steamed leaves need to be cooled a little, and then applied to the hemorrhoidal cones. Please note that the first few times you may experience a burning sensation. However, very soon these sensations will completely disappear. It is necessary to continue treatment for 14 days. To summarize, it should be noted that if a person has hemorrhoids, treatment with folk remedies can significantly alleviate his condition. However, in no case should you forget about the need to regularly and promptly visit a doctor - a proctologist. After all, only a doctor can give an accurate assessment of the patient's condition and adjust the treatment. And besides, you should also not forget about the fact that folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids, alas, are effective only if the disease is not very advanced. Otherwise, only a doctor can help a person. We advise you to read:

