Pregnancy is not only the happiest andan exciting period in the life of every woman, but also the most responsible. After all, the expectant mother must now take care not only of herself, but also of the new person. And during this period, many women completely and entirely refuse any pharmacological drugs. Of course, this is very commendable and quite justified, because any substance that enters the mother's body penetrates through the placenta and to the baby. As you know, nature has provided that during pregnancy, the immunity of the expectant mother is significantly reduced. This measure is necessary so that the female body does not begin to reject the fetus. You remember that the baby's body is 50% dad's merit, right? But a decrease in immunity has a downside - pregnant women become much more vulnerable to various viruses and infections. And as a result, we get a vicious circle - the expectant mother cannot get sick, but she also cannot use drugs to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible. And what to do in this difficult situation? There is a way out - turn to nature for help. But remember that herbs should be used very carefully during pregnancy. Some herbs can provide truly invaluable help in treating certain diseases. However, herbs should not be underestimated and considered as something like harmless vitamins - many of them can cause irreparable harm to the mother and baby. In order to avoid such a situation, before using any herb, you should consult with your doctor. We also offer you a brief overview of the effects of certain herbs on the body of the expectant mother. Of course, it is impossible to describe all the available medicinal plants in one article, so we will only talk about the most basic of them, the most common ones. And we will start with those that can be used during pregnancy.
Green light
Before the story, I would like to remind you once again –even if you are going to use one or another permitted herb, consult your doctor first. You should not forget about such a phenomenon as individual intolerance. The remedy that will help one pregnant woman, for another may result in very serious complications. So:
- Ginger
Many pregnant women have first-hand experienceknow what toxicosis is - constant dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. But ginger can easily cope with this problem. Ginger has been used for these purposes in folk medicine for many decades. Of course, short-term side effects are possible - mild drowsiness, heartburn. But these symptoms pass very quickly, so it seems worth a try. After all, ginger does not have any negative effect on a child's health. Ginger is used as follows. Buy tablets or capsules in a dosage of 2 milligrams at the pharmacy. This dosage should be divided into two doses - in the morning and before bed, washed down with plenty of water. Ginger tea is no less effective. Moreover, you can use ready-made tea, or you can make it yourself. To do this, place one teaspoon of grated ginger in a thermos and pour one liter of boiling water over it. The tea should be infused for about an hour. It should be drunk throughout the day, in small portions.
- Virgin witch-hazel
This plant is great for helping withvaricose veins and hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, pregnancy often leads to pathological changes in the vascular and digestive systems. Constipation, pressure from the growing uterus on the rectum - all this often leads to the development of constipation. And varicose veins on the legs are also a common occurrence. To solve this problem, buy an ointment or gel containing witch hazel at the pharmacy. This plant will not only eliminate discomfort, but also improve the condition of the blood vessels. The product should be used once a day, before bedtime. As a rule, noticeable improvement occurs on the third day. Although the pain and burning subside after the first use. But please note - it is better not to use this product for bleeding hemorrhoids.
- Calendula
Calendula is generally good for pregnant womena real "magic wand" that saves from a variety of troubles. For example, calendula infusion. It is very versatile. If the expectant mother's gums begin to bleed, which happens very often, she needs to rinse her mouth with calendula infusion every two hours. To prepare the infusion, pour five tablespoons of calendula with one liter of boiling water, wrap the pan with a terry towel and leave for two hours. After that, strain the infusion with gauze and dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey in it. Honey perfectly relieves inflammation. Calendula infusion is also very effective for sore throat. Prepare it according to the same principle as described above. But instead of honey, add a few drops of iodine and one teaspoon of salt for every 100 grams of infusion. Gargle your throat every two hours until the pain completely disappears.
- Rosehip oil
All expectant mothers know what stretch marks are.Moreover, the question of how to avoid their appearance worries women quite a lot. And in order to reduce the likelihood of stretch marks, you can resort to rosehip oil. Rosehip oil contains a lot of fatty acids, vitamins A and C. Regular use of rosehip oil significantly improves the condition of the skin, increases its elasticity and ability to regenerate. You can use ready-made rosehip oil, or you can make it yourself. Take two tablespoons of rose hips, pour 0.5 liters of oil over them and bring to a boil. After the oil boils, turn off the heat and leave it for a day. Then pour the oil into a glass container and store it in the refrigerator. The resulting oil must be thoroughly rubbed into the skin after each shower. Particular attention should be paid to the most problematic areas - the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs. Ideally, such a procedure should be carried out at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
- Pharmacy Chamomile
Very relevant for expectant mothers is the usualChamomile. As a rule, its decoction is used for pregnant women. To prepare a decoction of chamomile, you will need five tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Place them in an enamel bowl, pour one liter of water, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. The decoction must be boiled for about 20 minutes, then cool and strain with gauze. It is better not to make a decoction of chamomile for future use, since it retains its beneficial properties for only a day. Chamomile is very good for colds - it can be used as a gargle. To do this, add a few drops of iodine to it and gargle every three hours. If the cold is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, you can take 100 grams of decoction every two hours - like tea. Be prepared to sweat a lot. Chamomile decoction is no less effective in relieving various inflammatory processes of the skin. Do you have a small wound that is inflamed? Compresses with chamomile decoction will come to your aid. Apply a napkin soaked in chamomile decoction to the wound for 15 minutes twice a day – and in just a few days the inflammatory process will disappear without a trace.
Red light
There are also herbs that are harmful whenpregnancy. Their use is unacceptable under any circumstances. There are three main groups of medicinal herbs that are contraindicated for expectant mothers, as they can lead to complications such as:
- Disruption of normal placental circulation, which can lead to the development of hypoxia and a lack of nutrients in the body
Similar herbs include:
- Medicinal sage. It is a part of a large number of various intestinal and diuretic charges, is used to rinse the throat with tonsillitis, with stomatitis. By the way, pay attention - sage is often used as a seasoning.
- Wild strawberry. It is very often recommended for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and beriberi. By the way, strawberries have one more negative effect on the pregnant woman's body - it substantially increases the tone of the uterus and can provoke miscarriage or premature birth.
- The sequence that is used to treat various skin diseases. It can also lead to the development of a strong allergy in a future mother.
Severe nausea, vomiting, heartburn and flatulence
Herbs that may cause such side effects include:
- Swamp lemon, which is most oftenused to treat bronchitis. It causes a very strong inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach in the future mother. In addition, it can significantly reduce the level of blood pressure.
- Medicinal valerian. Very often it is advised to use it for future mothers to suppress emotional outbursts. But in fact, it is strictly contraindicated. After all, heartburn and vomiting are far from the only side effects - it can also disturb the work of the cardiovascular system.
- Donnik medicinal. He is included in various diuretics and expectorants. In addition, it can be used for flatulence, insomnia and abdominal pain. But not with expectant mothers!
- Celandine. It is often recommended for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, in pregnant women, the effect will be directly opposite - strong vomiting and diarrhea are almost assured.
Increased blood pressure
This phenomenon is very dangerous for the expectant mother, as it can lead to very serious consequences. This group of herbs includes:
- Sandy immortelle, which is recommended for various diseases of the gallbladder and liver. In future mothers, it is possible not only to increase blood pressure, but also the onset of gestosis.
- Saint John's wort. This herb is a part of a huge number of medical fees, so you need to be very careful. St. John's wort reduces blood vessels and increases blood pressure.
- Wormwood. It is used both to arouse appetite, and as a cholagogue. But for a pregnant woman wormwood is extremely dangerous - it can lead to seizures, the appearance of hallucinations and other mental disorders.
- Tree aloe. It is also used quite widely - both for colds and skin diseases. But in pregnant women, aloe often leads to the development of severe allergic reactions.
Other complications:
As you can see, herbs that are useful during pregnancy,there are. But there are also strictly contraindicated medicinal herbs. Therefore, you should not rely on chance and the eternal Russian "maybe". Before using any herbal remedy, be sure to consult with your doctor. After all, the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby is the most important thing that every woman wants. Isn't that right? We recommend reading: