a gift to my fatherWe are very proud of our children, just likeour parents once experienced these feelings. Indeed, modern kids from the age of three or four know perfectly well where and what to turn on to watch their favorite cartoon on the computer, and the remote control does not cause them any difficulties, and quotes from TV commercials from the mouth of the little one touch everyone around. And also, today's moms and dads have already stopped gasping in surprise when children's babble is suddenly heard from their mobile phones in the middle of the working day. The question of how a son or daughter, who cannot read and does not know numbers, managed to call them, has lost its relevance in our time of little technical geniuses. Toys with electronic control, voiced dolls, interactive kitchens - all this and much more does not surprise modern children at all.

Why do homemade gifts?

On the eve of holidays, we often puzzle overwhat kind of gift can bring delight to the face of a son or daughter. And it's so simple. A doll sewn together with mom, a bird feeder knocked together with dad - these seemingly elementary crafts are in some cases perceived by modern children as some kind of magic, and the process of their manufacture is simply fascinating. You and I grew up in times of total deficit, when mothers sewed New Year's costumes of fairy-tale princesses for their daughters at night. And the hanging swing, over the creation of which dad toiled for several weekends in a row, the son was as proud of, as today's children are of a super-modern phone. Now any carnival costume can easily be bought in a store, and its beauty depends only on the price and is not a manifestation of mom's abilities as a creative fashion designer. And everyone has plenty of swings, and very different ones. That is why we are not at all surprised when a little son or daughter comes a few days before a holiday asking to give them some cash and go to the store to buy a gift for the family member who will soon be the hero of the occasion. Here is the conclusion: many modern children, despite all their technical savvy, are completely unable to show imagination and think in a stereotypical way. If it is a holiday - then a gift is needed. But where to get it? Of course, in the store! Who is to blame for this? We, parents, because the abundance on the shelves has taught us to think that homemade gifts are a waste of precious time. Why invent and be creative if any thing or object can simply be bought? And what's wrong with a daughter congratulating her dad on a holiday and giving him a tie chosen by her mother? But you and I did things completely differently as children: we burned, drew, glued, sculpted and invented a huge number of different homemade products. And they proudly presented their most beautiful creations to their parents as gifts. Surely, many families still carefully store boxes and boxes with such sincere and naive crafts. The older parents get, the more often they turn to these symbols of our childhood and their youth, resurrecting in their memory pictures of the past and the emotions associated with them. They are truly happy at such moments. And what will we remember when our children become adults? After all, apart from photographs and videos, we will have nothing left. And to prevent this from happening, let's teach our little ones to do something with their own hands, investing in it not money, but something much more precious - soul, heart and a little magic.gift to my father with my own hands

Gifts for young popes from kids and schoolchildren

A great reason for homemade giftsможет стать любой праздник. Например, можно вместе с ребенком подумать над тем, как сделать подарок для папы своими руками. Вариантов ответа на такой вопрос множество. Все будет зависеть от возраста малыша, ведь именно его необходимо максимально увлечь процессом создания самодельного поздравления. Для начала стоит рассказать ребенку о том, какой именно праздник будет отмечаться в семье. Возможно, ваши сын или дочь сами подскажут идею того, что смастерить папе своими руками. Иногда малыши проявляют такой креатив, что взрослым остается лишь удивляться. Если же нет, то фантазируйте сами, а дети станут вашими незаменимыми помощниками. В том случае, когда возраст вашего ребенка находится в диапазоне от одного месяца до двух лет, вариантом оригинального авторского подарка для папы может стать слепок или отпечаток детских ступней или ладошек. Их можно оформить в виде открытки. А вы, мама малыша, напишете слова поздравления как от имени крохи, так и от себя лично. Ребенку в возрасте двух-трех лет можно предложить сделать открытку посложнее, например объемную. Для этого нужно нарисовать незамысловатую фигуру на одной стороне цветного картона, свернутого вдвое. Это может быть ежик с яблоком на спине или ушастый заяц. Затем вместе с малышом нарвите маленькие кусочки тонкой разноцветной бумаги (можно использовать обертки от конфет). Эти кусочки скатайте в шарики или трубочки и при помощи клея закрепите их так, чтобы они покрывали всю поверхность рисунка. Более простой вариант такой открытки заключается в том, что вместо цветной бумаги можете использовать пластилин. Ребенка постарше можно увлечь декорированием фоторамки. У вас наверняка хранятся ракушки и камушки, привезенные с отдыха на море. Их с помощью клея нужно закрепить по периметру рамки и даже покрасить в разные цвета. Если морских трофеев нет, то прогуляйтесь с малышом в ближайший парк и соберите сухие веточки, которые также подойдут в качестве декора. Новогодний вариант такого подарка можно разнообразить еловыми веточками, посыпанными пенопластовыми шариками или блестками. В возрасте пяти-шести лет детки уже хорошо рисуют и делают аппликации. Так почему бы такие самодельные результаты творчества вашего ребенка не превратить в оригинальный альбом, который также станет отличным подарком для папы? Если ваш ребенок любит сочинять и выдумывать, направьте эти его способности в нужное русло. Например, придумайте для папы какую-нибудь сказочную историю, где он будет главным персонажем. Если приложить немного усилий, то ее можно оформить в виде самодельной книги с картонной обложкой и страницами из цветной бумаги. Текст вы напишете сами, а вот картинки-иллюстрации пусть нарисует ребенок. В качестве поздравления выучите с ребенком какие-нибудь песенки или стихи о папе. Чем старше становится ребенок, тем сложнее и оригинальнее могут быть и подарки. Например, дочке-рукодельнице можно предложить при помощи спиц и ниток сделать для папы яркий чехол на кружку. Для этого нужно набрать количество петель, которое совпадает с высотой кружки, связать полоску, которая обтянет всю окружность кружки, и сшить ее концы. Дочка-старшеклассница порадует папу, если подарит самодельные носки, шарф или чехол для мобильного телефона. Также можно сплести из бисера брелок для ключей или изготовить декоративную подушку. Очень хорошим подарком для папы станет и испеченный девочкой праздничный торт или собственноручно приготовленный необычный завтрак. Мальчики любят делать разнообразные модели самолетов и автомобилей, которые тоже можно дарить папе на праздники, например, на 23 февраля. Если отец любит читать книги, то обрадуется оригинальной закладке. a gift for dad own hands

Gifts for mature dads from adult children

And what gift can you give dad with your own hands for the last time?Have you ever given it to him yourself? Was it back in your school years? So why not remember that wonderful time and please your dad with some surprise from your childhood? Of course, you can do it even better now than you did then. For example, you can make a Book of Happy Memories. To do this, you need to find your joint photos with your dad and arrange them in chronological order. They should cover the entire period of your growing up: here you are taken from the maternity hospital, then the first steps towards your dad, the first joint walks, kindergarten and school, graduation, and so on. Each photo can be accompanied by a funny and touching comment. You can’t even imagine what a pleasant and original surprise you will give your dad. You can also try to make a collage using both photos and just beautiful pictures that will illustrate your dad’s entire life. If you know how to hold knitting needles in your hands, then a warm cozy sweater or a beautiful blanket knitted by you yourself will be a wonderful gift for your dad. Do you embroider? Give him a beautiful painting that you have been working on for months. Do you do photography? You can arrange a professional photo shoot for your dad. Do not rush to the store for a ready-made gift on the eve of your father's birthday or another holiday in his honor. After all, the one that you make with your own hands will not only be dear to your father, but truly priceless. It will retain the warmth of your hands, it will be illuminated by a piece of your soul and will be enlivened by all that boundless love that is intended for dad. But what should those of us do who are unable to personally attend dad's holiday? For this, there are gifts that can be made independently using new technologies, namely a computer and the Internet. If for some reason you did not come to congratulate your father in person and live far away, then give your dad an electronic postcard of an original design, the authorship of which will belong to you. You can make a video greeting in which you address your father with sincere words of love. If you already have your own children, then let them take part in the process, he will be doubly pleased. You can also give him a whole film about how you live now. Such a documentary should consist of various fragments: here you are at home, and here you are already at work, here you are relaxing with your husband and children, and so on, depending on what you consider worthy of your father's attention. Believe me, your parents will watch such a film several times a day. Modern life with its frantic pace and everyday problems makes us all become pragmatists. How in this case to answer the question of what to give dad with your own hands, if you want to do it in an original and touching way? Therefore, we are used to solving any questions, even if they concern gifts, from the point of view of practicality and rationalism. And how else? However, in relationships with loved ones, especially when it comes to parents, it is better to listen to the dictates of the heart. Therefore, sometimes give homemade surprises yourself and be sure to teach your children to do the same. After all, everyone needs a treasured box of memories! We recommend reading:

