Dear women, our life rhythm is now littlehow it differs from a man's lifestyle. Constant stress, work, household chores. There is absolutely no time left to pay due attention to nutrition. We are not talking about high-calorie fast food snacks that make themselves felt on our waist and hips. Now we are talking about a balanced, healthy diet. Fruits are a lifesaver in this case. They are enriched with natural sucrose and fiber, are easily absorbed and digested by our body. And if you consider that many ladies are in an eternal search for quick weight loss, then a fruit diet is the best option for these purposes. This is a low-calorie diet and is not one of the so-called "liquid diets" because you will not be required to drink only juices for days. The fruit diet menu is designed so that you do not exclude solid food from your diet, therefore, do not reduce your metabolism. If you are planning to easily and without risk to your health say goodbye to your extra centimeters on the waist, then the fruit diet for fast weight loss is the best option for you. The wide variety of the diet menu is due to the multi-variant products, and at the first feeling of hunger, your access to the refrigerator will not be blocked, it is also possible to choose a long-term course. All this, dear ladies, is undoubtedly one of the advantages of this diet. And the kilograms melting before your eyes are just an addition to such delicious food. An effective fruit diet is a diet that does not threaten you with a decrease in metabolism (metabolism) due to the preservation of energy reserves, as happens when following a low-calorie diet. A fruit diet for weight loss is a reduction in calorie intake in combination with a beneficial cleansing of all body systems from toxins, this combination effectively burns fat deposits and improves health. After completing the course, your main task will be to gradually enter the usual menu, refuse sweets, moderate food consumption. The effectiveness of the fruit diet has been proven by the example of many women, including Hollywood stars.
Fruit Diet. Arguments and Facts
There are a variety of fruit optionsдиеты и меню. Некоторым женщинам предпочтительней выделить один разгрузочный день в месяц и потреблять исключительно фрукты. Другие используют фруктовую диету на неделю, при этом кушают всего один вид фрукта в течение дня, поэтому 7 дней недели подразумевает приём различных 7 видов фруктов. Однако самой распространенной на сегодняшний день является фруктовая неделя на 3 дня, в таком случае люди намеренно отводят три дня в неделю и питаются исключительно фруктами. Многие женщины предпочитают комбинированный вариант фруктовой диеты, не исключая кефир из рациона или дополняя фрукты овощами. Каждая диета — это определённый риск, которому подвергается Ваш организм. Хотя при соблюдении правил фруктовой диеты он сведён к минимуму, стоит отдельно сказать пару слов «за» и «против» данного способа борьбы с лишним весом. Во-первых, меню фруктовых диет носит временный характер. Запрещено ограничивать свой рацион в течение очень длительного или постоянного времени, ведь фрукты неспособны в силу своего химического состава обеспечить Ваш организм должными микроэлементами. Одним из наибольших минусов диеты из фруктов является отсутствие витамина группы B12, а также ряда других жизненно важных микроэлементов. Поэтому в рацион со временем потребуется вводить традиционные продукты питания. Мы должны употреблять сбалансированное меню, включающее жиры, белки и углеводы. Внимание! Это не значит, что по окончании курса Вы обязательно и в первый же день возвращаетесь к «разгульному образу», иначе это может грозить замедлением процесса детоксикации Вашего организма. И весь тот благотворный эффект, который был получен от фруктовой диеты для быстрого похудания, будет сведён на нет, килограммы вернутся. Для того чтобы похудеть быстро, результативно, но не в ущерб вкусу, фруктовая диета послужит идеальным выбором, однако для закрепления эффекта потребуется пересмотреть своё традиционное меню, включить спорт в Ваш повседневный образ жизни, и тогда мы гарантируем Вашу неотразимость и очарование! Исследования показывают, что для того чтобы результат поражал не только Вас, но и окружающих, важно не просто следовать фруктовой диете для похудения и её меню, важен ещё психологический фактор, оптимистический настрой, установка на потерю килограммов. Только тогда, когда человек делает себе установку, что увеличит в рационе один вид продуктов, — фрукты в нашем случае — будет достигнут желаемый результат. Учеными проводились исследования, в которых за основу брались фруктовые диеты для похудений. Подопытных поделили на две части: первая группа следовала позитивной диете, которая подразумевала увеличение потребления фруктов, а участники второй группы акцентировали себя на том, чтобы съесть как можно меньше вредных продуктов. Итоги были поразительными: люди из первой группы сбросили в 3 раза больше веса, чем люди из второй группы, которые ели те же фрукты, но без системы. Дорогие женщины, ведь все мы хотим есть вкусную пищу, не ограничивая себя в количествах, но при этом не прибавлять в весе? Так стоит подчиниться этому желанию и потреблять много полезных, вкусных фруктов, особенно если научно доказано, что такая установка только увеличит прогресс. Ниже приводится пример того, как включить в свой рацион как можно больше фруктов для усиления эффекта от подобных диет.
The Seven Commandments of an Effective Fruit Diet
Fruit diet for 3 days. Option number 1
Do you want to improve your health and cleanse your body?harmful toxins and lose up to 3 kg? With a 3-day fruit diet, there is nothing easier! The main rule is to eat as many of them as possible, alternating fresh or frozen fruits with dried fruits. Start each day with a glass of juice. Special instructions: drink at least 2 liters of water per day. If you have chosen this light, tasty, short-term diet, then you should completely exclude such types of fruit as bananas, figs or excessively high-calorie dates.
Fruit diet for 3 days. Option number 2
- The first day. For breakfast, any fruit (exclude a banana), a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Fruit salad, you can with skim yogurt or cottage cheese for lunch. All drink with a glass of water. A glass of juice and a fruit dessert in the form of a salad for dinner.
- Second day. Oat flakes with dried fruits, a glass of cold water. Salad of vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil for lunch. All drink with a glass of cold water. 2 fruits (grapefruits are preferred) and boiled vegetables (only not beans).
- The third day. Average plate of fruit (exclude banana, figs and dates), one glass of freshly squeezed juice for breakfast. Lunch includes a vegetable salad (without potatoes) and a glass of cold water. Vegetable soup-mashed potatoes for dinner are washed down with a glass of juice.
This three-day diet cannot be used more often.once a month. It perfectly cleanses the body, promotes metabolism and vitamins it. Fruits are the main product on which the fruit diet is based, the recipe of which, however, equally excludes the use of bananas, figs, grapes and dates in all its variations. Fruit diets are very diverse. There is a fruit diet for 2 weeks, a fruit diet for a week and many others. So what is the reason for such diversity and such popularity of this method of fighting excess weight? The fact is that the fruit diet is generally recognized as the most comfortable and delicious method of fighting fat. It is good because the body receives an abundance of fiber (plant fibers), which can normalize the digestion process, cleanses the body of all kinds of bacteria and can even help in the fight against dysbacteriosis. Plant foods are designed to purify the blood. The longer the diet, the more it can unload the body. In this case, fruit diets for 2 weeks are the most effective. A 7-day fruit diet will help you lose 7 kg and make your silhouette slimmer and sexier. However, long-term methods of fighting fat can provoke gastritis, due to the large amount of acids in the chemical composition of fruits.
Increase the effectiveness of fruit diets!
Don't overeat, eat in moderation, even ifif you eat only permitted fruits Drink a lot of water: fiber is the main component of fruits, and it requires an abundance of liquid. High purification of the body can be achieved only when the fiber swollen with water is excreted into the body, capturing toxins. Refrain from eating grapes - this is a fruit that contains quite a lot of sugar. The fruit diet, the menu of which was developed by nutritionists, although it consists of all kinds of fruits, but there are a number of restrictions on them. Bananas can be eaten no more than once a day, but it is recommended to abstain. Focus on fresh fruits, it is forbidden to eat canned ones, due to the large amount of sugar, limit the consumption of stewed fruits. There are several reasons for this: firstly, these are additional calories, secondly, a small amount of vitamins and nutrients. The fruit diet allows pears, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines), peaches and apples. Fruit juices are required.
Fruit Diet for 7 days
There are several variations of this diet, but we will consider the option of a 7-day fruit diet of this type:
- Breakfast: 300 g strawberries, cherries / sweet cherries without sugar, a tablespoon of sour cream. Toast with yoghurt. A glass of juice or tea without sugar.
- Lunch: Combine fruits with vegetables. Eat a small plate of vegetable soup, puree, 200 gr. low-fat meat of dietary varieties (rabbit, turkey, chicken) or fish, a plate of fruit salad from kiwi, pineapple. A glass of fruit juice
- Afternoon snack: Grated carrots with apples, refill 1 tsp. sour cream
- Dinner: Fruit salad (apple, pear), season with low-fat yogurt or kefir. Drink with water or juice
The fruit diet for a week allows alternating fish with meat, but not increasing portions. It is allowed to combine fruits and vegetables, and at lunch treat yourself to vegetable salads or dietary cream soups.
Fruit Diet for 10 days
Let's consider fruit diets for 10 days, nutritionists allow various menu options, but one of the most common is this:
- Breakfast: salad of pears, peaches and apples. Everything is filled with lemon juice
- Lunch: baked meat (no more than 200 gr.) With vegetables, for dessert - salad of fruits (any, except bananas and grapes). Within 10 days alternate meat with fish. It is allowed to add vegetables
- Dinner: fruits with low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. You can make a salad of fruits and season with kefir.
The 10 day fruit diet should be interruptedin case you feel sharp discomfort in the stomach, because an abundance of fruits can provoke gastritis. On such a diet, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight and make your body curves sexier.
Fruit diet for weight loss for two weeks
The menu of this method of fighting excess weight is notis very different from the previous beauty recipes. Burning a large number of kilograms is achieved to a greater extent by increasing the duration of the course. Attention! Be sure to drink a glass of cold water 20-30 minutes before breakfast!
- Breakfast should be satisfying: oat flakes with dried fruits and nuts. A glass of fruit juice. 1 grapefruit
- For lunch, 350 grams ofsteamed or boiled meat of dietary, low-fat varieties (rabbit, turkey, chicken - without skin!). Fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt. Tea without sugar
- After 18.00 it is necessary to drink a lot of water. For a day it is recommended to drink up to 2 liters.
- Dinner includes only fruits (bananas, grapes, figs or dates are prohibited to eat).
Dear women, now you know that not everythingtasty is harmful. You can lose weight and eat a varied, healthy and tasty diet! If you want to improve your health and get in shape, but without sacrificing the variety of your diet, then the fruit diet is the option for you! We recommend reading: