first aid for cystitis On the life path of a person lies in wait for a hugenumber of various diseases. One of them is cystitis. Doctors call cystitis an inflammatory process, localized in the bladder and in most cases resulting from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. This disease is very painful and therefore first aid for cystitis with cystitis is very important. But before we talk about what to do in this situation, let's work out together why the cystitis develops at all. Doctors distinguish several main reasons:

  • Stagnation of urine

Incomplete emptying of the bladder very often provokes the development of cystitis. Especially often this occurs in the postoperative period or during a serious illness.

  • Reception of antidepressants

These drugs in most cases provoke the development of this disease. Be sure to talk about this with your doctor. Perhaps he will replace medicines.

  • Sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work
  • Infections

Any human infectious diseases also contribute to the development of cystitis, because there is a risk of infection in the bladder cavity.

  • Personal hygiene

In addition, very often the cause of developmentdisease becomes an elementary failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene. This is especially true for women - anatomical features predispose to the development of cystitis. The urinary canal is much shorter than that of men, and is much closer to the anus.

  • Sexual Activity

Often, cystitis develops as a result of a sharp increase in sexual activity. In order to avoid this, before and after intercourse doctors recommend that the bladder be emptied.

  • Venereal diseases
  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy

Of course, this is not all the reasons thatcan trigger the development of the disease. But all the main reasons we still listed, so in the event that you are at risk, be extremely attentive to your health. At the first symptoms of the disease immediately take appropriate measures.

Symptoms of the disease

But in order to understand that it is time toTo act, you need to know exactly the symptoms of cystitis. Although, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that it is impossible to miss cystitis - it always flows very clearly and delivers to the person many painful minutes. So, the symptoms of cystitis include:

  • Frequent urination. And the typical urge to urinate is also typical.
  • Painful urination, feeling of pain and burning.
  • A sharp unpleasant smell of urine.
  • Change in the color of urine, turbidity, the appearance of sediment.
  • The appearance of blood in the urine - in especially severe cases.
  • Increased body temperature, muscle pain, weakness.

Noticing these symptoms, as soon as possibleseek help from a urologist, or at least a therapist. However, unfortunately, it is not always possible to consult a doctor immediately, and in no case can you delay. Hence, it will be necessary to help with cystitis to a sick person on their own. And how to do it, you will find out below. But do not forget that, despite the high efficiency of natural remedies, you can not completely abandon medical aid in any case. Therefore, at the first opportunity, consult a doctor, even if all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. After all, traditional medicine for complete recovery is unlikely to be enough. Because to destroy the pathogenic microflora, antibacterial drugs are needed, which only a doctor can prescribe - self-medication in this situation will only exacerbate the situation. help with cystitis

Important nuances

If you have started treatment for cystitis at home, be sure to remember some simple rules that will help fight the disease much faster:

  • Drinking Fluids

The very first and necessary measure for acuteCystitis is a large amount of fluid. Try to drink as much liquid as possible - and almost any drinks, except for carbonated, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, will do. And it is best to give preference to the cranberry fruit juice or dried fruit compote.

  • Time of treatment

Always remember that ifrelief has not come in the first few hours, then try to do it yourself, you should not even try. Of course, you can continue treatment with folk medicine, but only in addition to the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor. And only in the event that the doctor approves the treatment you have chosen.

  • Blood in the urine

In the event that you notice the appearance of blood in theurine, you need to sound the alarm and seek medical help as soon as possible. This condition is called hematuria and indicates very serious violations in the body of a sick person and can not be delayed in any case.

Treatment of cystitis

Now it's time to talk about whichways of treating cystitis in people's ways exist. In principle, there are a lot of them, but we will only talk about the most effective of them, which in fact help to alleviate the condition of the sick person. So:

  • Anesthetic

In order to quickly get rid of evenfrom strong painful sensations, you will need one tablespoon of baking soda, one tablet of usual analgin, cranberry juice or mors, 0.5 liters of fresh citrus juice, a warmer. If you do not have a hot-water bottle, you can use a hot-water bottle. The first thing to do in the first hour after the appearance of the first symptoms of cystitis is to dissolve one tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm water. Drink it in small sips, for 15 minutes. Soda is an alkali - due to this, the burning sensation is very effectively suppressed, and the cutting pain sensations are largely blunted. Approximately half an hour after that, drink a tablet of analgin, washed down with half a liter of citrus juice. Lie down on the bed and put the heating pad to the bottom of the stomach. As a rule, after about 10 minutes the pain recedes. Yes, and the number of urge to urinate will largely decrease. Do not forget to change the water in the hot water bottle as it cools. Warming up can last up to two hours. Every fifteen minutes, drink half the glass of cranberry juice or fruit juice - and drink it in a day. Moreover - during the disease, you must completely give up solid food. Liquid cereals and soups - that's the whole menu of a sick person. Be ready to go to the toilet very often. But in this case it is only in the hands of a sick person. The more liquid he drinks and the more times the bladder empties, the faster his condition will ease. And pay attention - to achieve the best result, it is recommended to empty the bladder completely, not allowing the delay and stagnation of urine. Simply put, you seem to "wash" the infection from the bladder. Moreover - in this way you prevent the further development of pathogenic microflora. Yes, and unpleasant sensations when urinating become much weaker - because the urine turns out to be much less concentrated.

  • Decoction of parsley

The same effect is achieved in treatmentdecoction of parsley. Preparing the broth is very simple. Grind five tablespoons of fresh parsley, place it in an enamel saucepan and pour half a liter of cold water. On low heat, bring the water to a boil, close the lid tightly and cook for about 15 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the fire and wrap it with a towel. Infuse the broth for about an hour, then strain through gauze. Take the broth in small sips for an hour. A day is not recommended to drink more than a liter of such a decoction. And remember the need to constantly drink as much liquid as possible - when treating with parsley decoction, this rule does not lose its relevance. Drink at least 1 liter of liquid for an hour.

  • Infusion of garlic

Garlic has long been considered very powerfulantiseptic, helping to fight bacteria. You in fact remember, that practically in all cases the culprit of development of a cystitis is pathogenic microflora? So, and for the treatment of cystitis, garlic will do just fine. The infusion is prepared as follows. You will need two heads of garlic, one liter of water and a tablespoon of honey. Garlic, clean and thoroughly grind the denticles, and then place them in the thermos. Pour one liter of steep boiling water, cover the thermos lid and leave for about three hours. After that, add honey and mix the resulting infusion thoroughly. Strain it through gauze and pour into a glass container. Infusion of garlic should be drunk for one hundred grams, every 15 minutes. But not more than one liter per day. This tool is very effective. But, unfortunately, it can not be used by people suffering from any diseases of the digestive tract. quick cytostat help

  • Decoction of aloe

Another very effective tool for treatmentacute cystitis - all well-known aloe. Or rather, its leaves. To prepare a broth for a day you will need 4 leaves of aloe, a tablespoon of any natural honey and a liter of water. Leave the aloe leaves in the freezer and leave it there for about an hour. After that, pass them through a meat grinder and place in an enamel pan. Pour the gruel from the leaves of aloe with one glass of water and on low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. After the water boils, add the remaining volume. Cover and cook for about half an hour. At the end of this time, turn off the heat, add honey and let the broth brew for about an hour. After this, strain the broth with gauze cloth and pour it into a glass container. Take a decoction of aloe must be every hour, 100 grams. Incidentally, those people who suffer from various diseases of the digestive tract, in this way and treat them - and honey, and aloe on the digestive organs affect the most positive way. The duration of treatment is not more than five days. The first feeling of relief will come in a few hours.

  • pharmaceutical camomile

In the event that, for some reason, cranberriesyou could not find, do not despair. To the aid will come all the favorite chemist's chamomile - a truly universal natural medicine. Chamomile has several useful properties - it alleviates the feeling of pain, removes even strong inflammatory processes and perfectly disinfects. And what do we need for the treatment of cystitis? Correctly! Relieve pain, destroy bacteria, remove the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bladder. For this you can use two recipes of traditional medicine. The first and most simple is chamomile tea. Simply brew chamomile like ordinary tea, and drink at least three liters a day. However, this method is good and effective only for mild forms of the disease course. In more severe cases, "heavy artillery" is used - a decoction of chamomile. To make it you need three tablespoons of crushed boats inflorescence chamomile, half teaspoon of grass mother and stepmother, and a liter of water. Bring water to a boil, pour the herbs. After that, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat. Boil the broth for a long time - about an hour. After this, let it brew for an hour, then strain with gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Take a decoction every half hour, 50 grams. Drinking it is difficult enough, so immediately after the preparation of the broth, you can add a couple of spoons of natural honey. The use of sugar is highly discouraged, since it gives a strong strain on the urinary system. The duration of this course of treatment is at least three days.

  • Decoction of marigold

Strong disinfecting property has andcalendula. For the treatment of acute cystitis, you need to prepare the next broth. Boil one liter of water, add to it half a teaspoon of normal baking soda and five tablespoons of calendula flowers. Reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. All - about half an hour you are completely free. After this, strain the resulting broth with gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Pay attention - store this broth - even a very short time - is only allowed in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it instantly loses all its positive properties. Take it you need a hundred grams, every hour. Duration of treatment - no more than three days.

  • Cucumber therapy

In the event that the disease cystitis hadat the summer time of the year, and you can easily buy cucumbers, try the next method of cystitis treatment. However, pay special attention - imported imported cucumbers for these purposes will not work. You will need 200 grams of any natural honey, 2 kg of cucumbers and a half liter of water. Divide the cucumbers into two equal parts. One part pass through the meat grinder and mix thoroughly with honey, leave for two hours in a cool dark place. At this time, cut the second half of the cucumbers, place in a saucepan and pour water. Bring the water to a boil, cover the pan with a lid and cook the cucumbers for about 10 minutes. After this, let it infuse for half an hour, strain with gauze. So, as a result, we have a medical mixture of cucumbers and honey, as well as cucumber decoction. Cucumber-honey mixture should be eaten every 10-15 minutes, one teaspoonful. A cucumber broth drink every hour, 100 grams. Be prepared for the fact that you practically will not go out of the toilet - this product has a very strong diuretic effect. As you can see, all recipes for the treatment of cystitis at home are quite simple and accessible to everyone. Therefore, you can start the first treatment immediately. However, remember that a visit to a doctor in this situation is mandatory. Even if the symptoms of cystitis as a result of your treatment have disappeared completely, you can not calm down. After all, it may very well be that you simply "drowned out" the disease. But very soon it will again reveal itself. And only the doctor will be able to really assess the state of your health and give the necessary recommendations. Be healthy! We advise you to read:

