One of the most common expressions- "nerve cells are not restored." And it arose not from an empty place - the nervous system plays a huge, one might even say, leading role in the functioning of the body. It is the nervous system that is responsible for the operation of all organs and systems, from heartbeat to nail and hair growth. Of course, the role of all other internal organs can not be underestimated. But do not forget that no body will function independently. It is the nervous system that is a kind of link and transmits impulses to the brain. But, unfortunately, the nervous system under the influence of any unfavorable factors can cause a malfunction. Doctors often face such a problem as nervous disorders. From all of the above, it is easy to guess that the diseases of the nervous system will inevitably lead to a disruption of the normal functioning of all other internal organs. And these diseases can be very different. In our days, life does not get tired of presenting surprises - both pleasant, and sometimes not very. In a word, you do not have to "miss" the nervous system - constant emotional stress, various stresses, chronic fatigue syndromes. Very many people complain about "shattered nerves". And as a logical continuation - complaints of causeless anxiety, irritability, decreased performance, pain of an incomprehensible nature, neuroses, and sometimes even nervous breakdowns. This is exactly what will be discussed in today's conversation. We will find out which nervous disorders are most common. And, of course, how to deal with them. Ready?
Neuroses. Myth or reality?
According to statistics of neurologists, the leadingposition among all disorders of the nervous system are all kinds of neuroses. Doctors define neurosis as a psychoneurological disease, which is a direct consequence of a disorder of the nervous system. There are several varieties of this violation. Despite the fact that the common signs are similar, they manifest themselves in different ways. Therefore, doctors distinguish three main types:
- Neurasthenia
Neurasthenia is a general oppressionfunctioning of the nervous system. The cause of such a violation can be long-term stress or psychological trauma. This disorder in most cases manifests an increased nervous excitability - irritability, and sometimes even increased aggressiveness, severe fatigue, insomnia, tachycardia, loss or weight gain. This condition very often remains without due attention. After all, if you judge, such signs can be found among a good half of the population. In a number of cases, the violation passes independently, without outside intervention. However, one should not hope for this - it is possible that the disease progresses. And complications can be most unpredictable.
- Obsessions
Another widespread type of neurosis -these are obsessions. This form of neurasthenia is preceded in all cases by prolonged depression. A sick person is constantly harassed by some disturbing thought or fear. But in no case is it inadmissible to confuse this with crazy states - in obsessive ideas, unlike delirium, one is perfectly aware that all fears and fears are ridiculous and groundless. And the constant nervous tension only aggravates the situation, worsening the condition of the sick person. By the way, phobias widely known to society are nothing more than an obsession. Therefore, it is still a big question to whom to hurry, if you have this or that phobia - to a psychologist, or a neurologist. And obsessive conditions include and such bad habits, as nibbling nails, for example. Of course, some weakly expressed elements of obsessive states can be observed in a healthy person, but it is worthwhile to pay attention to them.
- Hysteria
This kind of neurosis is very specific. The behavior of a sick person is impulsive - it is self-centered, very suggestive. When observing such patients, doctors very quickly notice that the main goal of a person is playing the audience. It's feigned to faint or throw a tantrum - a favorite thing. Previously, this behavior was considered a sign of bad education, but doctors have proven that this is a reliable evidence of serious problems with the nervous system. A similar condition can be accompanied by such phenomena as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, abnormal weight changes, disruption of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. And even causeless at first glance increase in body temperature, however, slightly - 37.3 - 37.5 degrees.
Vegetosovascular dystonia
Speaking of problems with the nervous system, you can notmention such a widespread disease as vegetovascular dystonia. A similar diagnosis is present in about half of all people. And why only half? Yes, because the second half is not examined by doctors. Humor, of course, is black. But doctors say that this joke is not far from the truth. Vegetosovascular distan - this is nothing like a breakdown of the nervous system. Such a violation is characterized by a number of symptoms, which will be described below. The correct functioning of the autonomic nervous system depends on the constancy of the internal environment of the body. It is she who controls such indicators as:
- Body temperature
- Heart rate
- Arterial pressure
- Metabolism
Therefore, because of this, the vegetovascular distaniiis manifested by the symptoms inherent in a number of very different diseases - cardiological, neurological, psychological. Very often, in order to diagnose this disease, doctors have to spend a lot of time for a complete examination. So, it's time to talk about the most important symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia:
- Violation of the cardiovascular system
A person can complain about systematicfluctuations in blood pressure in both large and small stents. Often suffering heart rhythm - tachycardia, bradycardia, marked pain in the heart.
- Disturbance of breathing
Also, a person can observe attacks of suffocation,compression of the chest, difficulty breathing, or vice versa - rapid breathing. All these symptoms can be expressed quite strongly especially with physical exertion. But with physical exertion these symptoms can be amplified.
- Faults in the digestive tract
Disturbances from the digestive tract can be manifested by nausea, vomiting, complete lack of appetite. In addition, often there is flatulence, eructation, heartburn.
- Violation of the temperature regime
Sometimes people notice an unreasonable feelingchills or, on the contrary, increased sweating. The slightest stress in such people can lead to a significant increase in body temperature. And the limbs in this case are often cold, because of spasms of blood vessels.
- Vestibular apparatus
One of the most common complaints is a complaint of frequent dizziness, and in especially severe cases even fainting.
- Emotional sphere
Often, doctors have complaints and the state of the emotional sphere. A person can have various phobias, restlessness, loss of sleep, irritability, tearfulness.
- Skin covers
From the skin in people suffering fromvegeto-vascular dystonia, pathological changes are also possible. The skin acquires a pale shade, and at the slightest emotional stress, red spots appear.
Causes of disorders of the nervous system
We found that the main culprits of variousneuroses are all kinds of stress. However, in cases of serious problems and reasons, of course, more weighty. As a rule, various factors negatively affect the structure and functioning of nerve cells lead to severe lesions of the nervous system.
- Hypoxia
One of the most common causes of similardisorders of the functioning of nerve cells - this is hypoxia. Do you know that brain cells consume up to 20% of the total oxygen entering the body? Numerous studies have shown that only 6 seconds after the oxygen stops coming to the brain, the person loses consciousness. And in just 15 seconds, a violation of normal brain activity is detected. But not only the cells of the brain, but all the other cells of the nervous system suffer. And pay attention - not only acute acute hypoxia, but also chronic harm. So do not forget about the need to regularly ventilate the room and walk outside. But it is this most often people are neglected. Just a fifteen-minute walk can greatly improve the well-being of a person. Sleep, appetite normalizes, nervousness disappears.
- Change in body temperature
The change in body temperature also affectsthe state of the nervous system is far from being the best. So, for example, if a person keeps a temperature above 39 degrees for a long time, the metabolic rate increases at times. Nerve cells are very strongly aroused, after which they begin to decelerate, energy resources are depleted. In the same case, if there is a general supercooling of the organism, the rate of reactions in neurons sharply decreases. Consequently, the entire work of the nervous system is greatly slowed down. The degree of damage, of course, depends on the degree of change in body temperature and, importantly, on the time of exposure to temperature on the body.
- Toxic substances
Another very frequent negativefactor is the effect on the body of certain toxic substances. Physicians even distinguish a separate group of poisons, which act extremely selectively, affecting the cells of the nervous system. Such poisons are called neurotropic.
- Other aggressive factors
Sometimes physical factors such as electric current, systematic vibration, electromagnetic field have a negative impact on the nervous system.
- Metabolic disorders in the body
Dangerous enough for the nervous system andall kinds of metabolic disorders. And most often the central department is affected. For example, hypoglycemia is very dangerous for the brain. Do you know that practically all the oxygen consumed by the brain is needed precisely for the oxidation of glucose? Surely everyone knows that in time eaten chocolate raises working capacity. And it is thanks to the high content of glucose in it. And what happens if the blood glucose level drops dramatically? Correctly, a sharp disruption of the brain cells will begin, right up to loss of consciousness. Well, in the event that the glucose deficit is observed for a long time, irreversible damage to the cerebral cortex is possible. And in the event that the normal balance of hydrogen ions and electrolytes is disturbed in the human blood, the cells of the peripheral nervous system may be damaged. The same thing happens when there is a shortage of B vitamins in the body. By the way, it's worth paying special attention to the beautiful half of humanity. After all, women very often abuse the most strict diets, leading themselves to exhaustion. And few people think about how this can turn out for the body. Of course, the consequences can not know about yourself not momentarily. But the delayed consequences are unlikely to please the sick woman. Be sure to remember that the diet should be gentle, and ideally - matched with the help of a dietitian. Otherwise, the price for beauty can be prohibitively high. A Quite often, various diseases that are somehow connected with the endocrine glands can lead to a malfunction of the nervous system. Therefore, most often the examination of a neurologist goes hand in hand with the examination of a doctor - an endocrinologist. A striking example of such cases are people suffering from diabetes mellitus. As evidenced by medical statistics, about 80% of these patients have certain diseases of the nervous system.
- Hereditary factor
In some cases, certain disorders of the nervous systemsystems can be a consequence of genetic predisposition. There are cases of underdevelopment of any parts of the nervous system, or a violation of metabolic processes in the cells of the nervous system. The most striking example of this phenomenon is phenylketonuria. The patient has an exchange of phenylalanine. As a result of this pathology, a large number of toxins accumulate in the human body, resulting in damage to the cells of the nervous system.
- Various tumors
The presence in the human body of one or anothertumors, both malignant and benign, can also trigger a disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system. This happens for a number of specific reasons. First, the tumor can exert pressure on a particular nerve center, thereby disrupting its work. Secondly, the tumor can lead to atrophy of cells of the nervous system, as a result of which they are turned off from work. And, finally, thirdly, as the tumor grows in size, the normal blood filling of the brain will decrease. As a consequence, the risk of developing ischemia. And as a result, a simple nervous breakdown can turn into a stroke.
- Inflammatory processes of the nervous system
From inflammatory processes is not insured andthe nervous system of man. And the type of disruption of the nervous system depends on where the inflammation is localized. If the cerebral membranes are involved in the inflammatory process, normal production of cerebrospinal fluid and its subsequent outflow is disrupted. As an inevitable consequence - the cerebral circulation is disturbed, intracranial pressure rises. We will not tell you how to treat a particular nervous disorder - this is an extremely complicated process. Therefore, the patient at the first suspicion of any problems with the nervous system should as soon as possible seek help from a neurologist. Do not let the process go by itself. Any, even the easiest nervous breakdown deserves attention. Otherwise, the consequences can be most unpredictable for the whole organism. We advise you to read: