days offWhat should be done to lose weight – these are the questionsmillions of women ask themselves. They look for recipes for miracle diets, count the calories of what they eat and drink, study the beneficial properties of the products they consume and the harm they cause to their health, in a word, they try to do everything possible to regain their lost lightness and slimness. Some dream of losing ten kilograms, while for others, a couple of lost kilos will be enough to be happy. Unfortunately, excess weight is gained much easier and simpler than lost. However, if you create the right diet, add at least one fasting day a week to it, and also be aware of how to properly organize fasting days, then you can quickly bring your figure to an acceptable state, literally in two or three months you will see the result. By the way, the benefits of fasting days have long been proven. But here you need to take into account one important nuance: systematic fasting days are needed and useful. System and system again, and if you do a fasting day once or do it every other time, then you can't count on changes. Fasting days are divided into carbohydrate and protein. This allows, firstly, to choose those products and recipes that match your taste preferences, and secondly, it gives you the opportunity to diversify the menu. How to arrange a fasting day (meaning the diet) and how often to do fasting, everyone decides for themselves. The only thing I would like to draw attention to is that if you have made such a decision, you must understand that success is impossible without a systematic approach. And this means that a specific day of the week must be chosen for which you schedule a fasting day. You should not change it. In addition, you must clearly understand what a fasting day is. And, of course, you need to set yourself up psychologically - this always has a positive effect on the final result. We offer you several options. Which fasting day is the best and most effective? Each of these days has its pros and cons. With the right approach, the benefits of fasting days are undeniable, and you will not experience any particular hunger pangs. If you have difficulty with the restrictions, then start fasting days with those products that will give you a feeling of satiety. This is cottage cheese, sour cream, fish or meat.

Unloading day on cucumbers

Fasting days have a very good effectcucumbers, the calorie content of which is close to zero. Firstly, extra pounds go away, and secondly, the cucumber diet has a beneficial effect on reducing volumes, including the waist. The stomach and waist are the most problematic areas for most women - this is where fat accumulates most quickly and this is where it leaves with great reluctance. So if you have such a problem, then you should start fasting days with cucumbers. The optimal time for this is the summer season, when our market has an abundance of high-quality vegetables grown not in greenhouses, but in open ground. This fasting day is positively assessed by most of those who have resorted to it, the numbers of lost kilograms, which are given on thematic forums, are amazing. But we will not quote them, because we understand that all this cannot be reduced to a common denominator - the result depends on many reasons. One thing is clear: a cucumber fasting day is good for the body, with the help of these vegetables you will get rid of fluid accumulated in the tissues, improve your well-being and lose weight. By how much? Your scales will tell you about it. And even if these are modest numbers, do not give up - all big and important things begin with the first small step. Having taken this very step, you have embarked on the right path. Yes, perhaps you will have to step over yourself in some way, but by making some effort, you will get a real result. Diet of a "cucumber" day On a fasting day, you can eat from a kilogram to two kilograms of cucumbers, dividing them into 5-6 meals. It is optimal to eat these healthy vegetables without salt and with the peel. The drinking regime is free. During the day, you can drink green tea without sugar, herbal teas. Alternating drinking with frequent meals does not allow you to feel hungry, and therefore such a fasting day is easy to bear, although the calorie content of the food is almost zero. However, if you feel that you will not last the entire fasting day on cucumbers alone, you can supplement the diet with boiled meat. Of course, in this case, the benefits of fasting days are slightly reduced, but a small amount of dietary meat (this can be chicken, turkey, rabbit) will not play a fatal role. The recipes for such a diet are simple: 150-200 grams of meat should be divided into several portions and consumed with cucumbers during the day. In one day, you can lose one to two kilograms, and if you fast two days a week, then in a short time it is quite possible to achieve impressive results.fasting day

Unloading days on kefir or natural yoghurt

Nutritionists believe that fasting days areEvery woman needs fermented milk products. Their caloric content is low, and their health benefits are beyond doubt. Such nutrition has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the intestines, and eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. A fasting day on kefir (yogurt) is tolerated quite easily, while the body receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Which fermented milk product is the best? What should you give preference to? What products are the most useful? Actually, any natural yogurt or kefir prepared using live cultures will be appropriate. As for fat content, kefir containing from 1 to 2.5 percent milk fat is considered quite acceptable. Recently, nutritionists have increasingly said that the benefits of low-fat products are highly questionable. Some speak more radically and directly say that low-fat products are harmful. Kefir day diet On fasting days, you can drink up to one and a half liters of kefir or drinking yogurt, which should be divided into 5-6 doses. If you prefer thick natural yogurt, then during the day you will need no more than five 150-gram cups. In between doses of fermented milk products, you can drink herbal teas, green tea, uzvar or dried fruit compote (without sugar). All of them are good for the body and do not provide calories. In fairness, it should be noted that not everyone tolerates kefir fasting easily. What can you do if you feel discomfort? Nutritionists believe that it is quite acceptable to eat a few spoons of muesli, a handful of dried apricots, prunes or dried apples during the day. The recipes are simple: for lunch, for example, you can eat muesli with kefir - quite satisfying and very healthy.

Cabbage Relax Day

Cabbage is a very healthy vegetable crop,which helps to cleanse the body, in particular, the intestines from deposits of metabolic products, which entails a decrease in weight and volume. Cabbage is low in calories, so even on a fasting day you can eat quite a lot of it. Accordingly, a feeling of satiety is created, so cabbage fasting days are tolerated quite easily. Another advantage is the variety of types of this vegetable, which makes the fasting day less monotonous. For example, you can prepare a salad of white cabbage for breakfast, have Brussels sprouts soup for lunch - in a word, whatever your imagination suggests, cook it. Savoy cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage - the choice is large. All representatives of the numerous cabbage family contain a large amount of fiber, which improves intestinal peristalsis, as well as useful organic acids, vitamins, vital micro- and macroelements. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, has a mild diuretic effect, ridding the body of excess fluid, and helps get rid of fat deposits. Recipes for fasting days on cabbage Nutritionists offer a wide variety of recipes for fasting days based on cabbage. The choice, as always, is yours.

  • Unloading day on stewed cabbage, everyone will appreciate,who loves this dish. When cooking, you can use onions, carrots, greens, tomatoes and a small amount of vegetable oil. Tasty and fairly satisfying. Divide the dish into 5-6 servings. In between meals during the day you can drink thawed or mineral water, broth of wild rose, herbal teas, green tea.
  • Unloading day on fresh white-fronted orPeking cabbage. You can alternate - for one meal to prepare a salad of cabbage with apple and greens, a second salad with "pekinki" with carrots and green onions, etc. To fill salads from fresh cabbage it is possible to lemon juice and a small amount of vegetable oil. Those who wish to achieve a quick result, you can do only lemon juice. Fantasize and make up your salad recipes for a "cabbage" day.
  • As an option, a combination of salads from cabbage with dietary meat varieties or steamed fish is suggested. Tasty, satisfying, but the result is not as impressive as from a purely "cabbage" day.
  • recipes unloading days

    And other fasting days ...

    As mentioned above, fasting dayscan be carried out on a variety of products. For example, a fasting day on tomatoes or tomato juice is considered very effective. The fact is that tomatoes contain a lot of useful substances - these are almost all groups of vitamins and minerals. Recently, they have been talking about such an important substance contained in tomatoes as lycopene. It is a powerful antioxidant, that is, it prevents aging, has the ability to break down fats and reduce weight, improves immunity and has anti-cancer properties. So fasting days on tomatoes or tomato juice are useful from all points of view. If you choose tomato juice, then remember that it should not contain salt, so it is better not to experiment with ready-made juices, but to drink only those that you make yourself from fresh tomatoes. In general, fasting on tomatoes is not suitable for everyone. In order not to harm your health, consult a nutritionist. Fruit fasting days are very popular - apple, orange, grapefruit, etc. However, if you have some problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult a doctor, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can cause serious harm to your health. For those with a sweet tooth, we can recommend an ice cream fast. It is clear that we are not talking about fatty ice cream or creme brulee, but about the so-called sorbets, which are frozen fruit or berry juices. They are tasty, healthy and low-calorie. In addition, they are easy and simple to make yourself. You can also make puree from any fruit by passing them through a blender, which then needs to be put in the freezer. Skeptics will probably say that it is easier to eat the puree and drink the juice without freezing. But this is not entirely true. There is one trick here: eating such food throughout the day, we not only eat low-calorie foods, but also spend energy (in other words, our own calories) on their absorption.

    What you need to know when preparing for unloading days

    Unloading is a good thing, but you need to approach it with carewisely. It is very important not only to give the body a certain shake-up during the day. It is equally important to understand how to properly conduct fasting days so as not to harm your health. After all, we want not only to get rid of extra pounds, adjust body volumes, but also to help the body become stronger and more resistant to diseases.

    • So, the correct unloading day involves a light diet, which is often based on one product.
    • The total amount of food (as a rule, its caloric content is low) is divided into 5-6 receptions (can be more).
    • At the heart of any diet aimed at reducingweight, lies fractional food. In short, if we talk about how to properly handle unloading days, this implies not only low caloric content, but also small intervals between meals (eat often and in small portions). This organization of food always brings good results.
    • Before proceeding to unloading days,you need to visit a dietitian or your doctor. The expert will give the necessary recommendations that will help you to properly build a diet of unloading days.

    Fasting days will not only help you get a slim and fit figure, but will also have a positive effect on your health. Lose weight wisely and be healthy! We recommend reading:

