Everyone knows that we need to do somethingsports and do regular exercises if you want to always have a good figure. But the usual and standard movements quickly get boring, you start doing them “somehow”, and as a result you get no effect. But if you use dumbbells, you can diversify your exercises quite widely. Since dumbbells are held in the hands, the main emphasis in forming ideal forms is also placed on the arms. But the arms are considered the most difficult part of the body in terms of restoring shape. And you need to make every effort to look great in an open sundress and in an evening dress with tight sleeves. The most important thing to understand right away is that arm exercises with dumbbells should be done regularly. If you really want to be prepared for spring and summer, then start exercising right now. Every day, without fails and days off, methodically perform each exercise. Only patience and persistence, perseverance and work will give the desired result.
We do triceps
The most problematic area of a woman's hands isinner side. Spread your arms to the sides and look at the line that goes from your armpits to your elbows. Is there loose skin hanging and swaying like jellied meat? Agree, it's not very pleasant. It's your triceps that feel completely at ease - it's not pumped up. So, we'll work on them first, and the following program will help here.
- Position: standing.The back is straight, the knees are bent in a half-squat, the arms are along the body. The palms with dumbbells are turned back. Now we begin to bend the arms at the elbows. For greater efficiency (increasing tension in the triceps), the elbows should be tightly pressed to the body;
- Practically we repeat the first exercise. The difference is that now the hands must be lifted in turn;
- We continue to stand and move our hands to another position: we raise them above our head and interlace our fingers. Here you can use one dumbbell. Now we lower our hands behind our back;
- We stand straight, legs slightly bent.The arms are stretched out in front of the body. The palms with the dumbbells are "looking" down. Now we pull the arms, bending them at the elbow joint, to the chest. Make sure that your movements are not abrupt - everything should be smooth, without jerks.
It is very important to breathe correctly. Сначала вдох, потом выдох. Можно даже делать шумное дыхание – громкие, шипящие звуки окажут благотворное влияние на легкие. Вообще не мешало бы применить при таких тренировках и какую-нибудь дыхательную гимнастику. Если делать регулярно эти четыре упражнения, то уже через месяц вы увидите первые результаты, А именно –кожа уже не будет висеть и руки начнут приобретать аккуратные формы. Только будьте внимательны – при таких занятиях очень легко повредить спину. Поэтому главное правило – спину держать прямо! Именно распрямить плечи, свести лопатки вместе – в общем, сделать идеальную осанку. Кстати, такие упражнения не только трицепс задействуют, но и укрепляют мышцы спины. Это очень хорошо для тех, у кого работа сидячая и стоячая, кто вынужден каждый вечер делать массаж и «разгонять» застоявшуюся кровь в спине и плечах. После таких упражнений уйдут головные боли и ощущение «кола» между лопаток.
We pass to the biceps
Everyone knows what biceps are - these arebiceps muscles located on the outer side of the shoulder. Without going into anatomy, it is enough to simply know that the roundness of the arm and its pleasant density depend on the condition of this particular muscle. So, everything in order.
- We sit down on a chair and put our feet to the width of the shoulders. We put our hands on our knees, the palms with dumbbells turned upwards. Now we bend our hands in the elbows;
- We are doing the same thing, but now alternately with the left and right hand;
- Hands are bred in the sides (at this cost) andstart to lift them up above your head. They picked up, their hands met and returned to their original position. This exercise is quite heavy, so try to perform it moderately, do not start at once with a large number of times;
- Now we sit on the floor, keep the back straight, butHands with dumbbells should lie on their feet. Now raise your hands up, hold for 30 seconds and then lower it down. It is important to do the exercise without swinging. That is, you should sit right, do not move, only hands work.
Exercises for both biceps and triceps,should be done 10-20 times. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to do the full complex the first time, but you need to persistently increase the number of approaches. You can start with literally 2-3 times. The main thing is to start at all! Otherwise, our eternal laziness only relaxes and prevents us from independently “sculpting” our ideal body. In general, it is believed that it is quite simple and easy to “work out” the biceps. The same push-ups will help with this. You just need to do them wisely. If you prefer to do push-ups from the floor, then know that this way you will pump up both the triceps and biceps. If from a sofa-stool-bench, then only the biceps work here. And with such an exercise, watch your back. It should not wriggle, bend or swing at all. Only the arms perform the movements. Some ladies help themselves with their butt and arch their backs - this is wrong! Very effective workouts specifically for the shape of the arms can be done on the horizontal bar. After all, the entire load here falls on the biceps - this is in the case of simple pull-ups. If you are able to lift your torso over the horizontal bar and straighten your arms, then the triceps will be worked out. If you really want to strengthen your arms, then all exercises should be done with dumbbells in your hands. Many trainers even do banal exercises with them.
Additional tricks
Even if you do all the exercisesregularly, no one will give you a guarantee that you will quickly achieve the desired result. Therefore, tune in to long-term events. Pay attention to your skin - with such stretched and weakened muscles, cellulite and stretch marks are always present. Just imagine - you tighten your muscles, and even the skin will become a little elastic, but neither the "orange peel" nor the whitish stretch marks will go away on their own. Therefore, be sure to include massage, sauna and, perhaps, spa treatments in the complex of exercises. Even a regular massage with honey will do real miracles! If possible, then be sure to buy yourself a gym membership. After all, classes under the supervision of a professional trainer will be much more effective. There is a chance of overtraining, and you hardly want to have pumped up powerful arms. Although, of course, this is an individual matter and everyone chooses their own image. But the most acceptable for a lady is dense, rounded shoulders and toned arms. And be sure to be in a good mood! If you do everything "under duress", then nothing will work. Just set yourself up for a new life full of adventures and passion. You will need invincible motivation. Invite your friends to exercise, hang photos of beautiful and slender ladies on the wall. Walk more in the fresh air, go to the skating rink or just jog in the nearest park or square. And don't be shy, when you go on your first run, you will be surprised to notice how many people do it!