«You will hardly find in Russia a whole twopairs of slender female legs, - wrote the great classic A. S. Pushkin. And he was a great connoisseur of female beauty. Slender legs have always been one of the most attractive parts of any girl's body. And now, when mini-skirts, short shorts and jeans are in fashion, the fight for beautiful legs has become even more relevant. Legs require special care. Of course, smooth velvety skin and a good pedicure are very important. However, that's not all. Girls who like to wear mini-skirts should also monitor their weight and muscle tone. With age, the inner thigh suffers especially. The skin here becomes flabby, which does not look very attractive. And this problem cannot be dealt with just by sticking to a healthy diet. Regular exercise is necessary. Toned muscles allow women to look much younger and more attractive. All kinds of fitness centers are becoming increasingly popular now. Here you can work out on exercise machines with an experienced trainer. You will also be offered shaping training. However, not every woman can afford to visit these establishments. Some do not have enough financial resources, some simply do not have time. Many women are engaged in a career. Every day they have to work, and in the evening they have to take care of their household. Thus, it is very difficult to find time to go to the gym and do shaping. However, you can do fitness at home on your own.
Fitness at home
Nowadays, women who cannot attendfitness centers, can do sports at home. There are a huge number of tools to implement this task. For example, you can do shaping if you buy a DVD with an exercise program. There are a huge number of them: Pilates, yoga, aerobics, callanetics and many others. You can do it following the recommendations of trainers who brought the figures of famous show business stars to perfect shape. Exercise complexes from Jillian Michaels, Denise Austin, Andrea Ambandoz are very popular. Thanks to DVDs, you can not only become the owner of slender legs and a toned body. If you wish, you can learn, for example, strip plastic and belly dancing. Many women who have great financial capabilities create a fitness center right at home. But for this you need to buy a simulator, which requires considerable costs. In addition, any sports equipment takes up a lot of space. Of course, you can buy something compact, for example: a disk, a hula hoop, dumbbells. However, these items will not help to tighten the leg muscles to the required degree. They will help to cope with extra centimeters in the arms and stomach area. What should those do who, for one reason or another, cannot organize a fitness room right at home? Is there a way out of this situation? Of course! Not everyone thinks that some items that are in any home can serve as excellent sports equipment. For example: a table, a chair or a bed. What can we say about the walls! They are in any apartment. Therefore, even if you are a new settler and have not yet had time to acquire furniture, you can easily keep your muscles in good shape and remain attractive.
The wall is a multifunctional sports simulator for practicing gymnastics
There are a huge number of exercises,which can be performed without any sports equipment or exercise machines. Using only a wall as a prop, you can train all the necessary muscle groups. Problems that wall exercises can help you overcome.
Many people of different ages are concerned about the problempoor posture. But the even back is not only the health of the internal organs. Women with beautiful posture always look more attractive. Exercises at the wall contribute to the elimination of problems with the spine and the normalization of posture.
Doing sports with the wall will help with pain,associated with the omission of internal organs. Thanks to her in the process of performing exercises, it is established that the diseased organ takes its right place. In particular, this applies to the so-called "floating kidney". The organ becomes in place, and the pain stops.
If you add a ball to the wall, which is also in every house, you can make a simple massage of the abdomen and spine, which will help strengthen the muscles.
Exercises at the wall develop the strength of the hands and thighs, strengthen the feet.
Using the wall as a props, you can evenperform running exercises. Depending on the pace and speed, you can not only train the muscles of the legs, but also develop endurance, strengthen the heart muscle. In addition, when you run against the wall with your hands while running, the muscles of the hands come into tonus.
You can perform exercises in which the knees turn from side to side and are separated apart. Thus, there is an additional warm-up for the flexibility of the intervertebral discs.
The wall also carries out exercises to strengthen the vestibular apparatus.
Convenient to hold a wall stretching. This can be done both independently and with the help of a partner.
Exercises near the wall are irreplaceable for goodcondition of the legs. With their help, you can cope with the problems of varicose veins, edema, even with diseases of the cardiovascular system. When practicing the legs, mostly raised up, and this has a beneficial effect on their condition and on the circulation of the whole body.
Exercise the foot wall is an effective tool for training all muscle groups
The wall exercise for legs is performed from various starting positions: lying down with legs raised against the wall or standing with the spine pressed against a vertical support. Let's look at the first set of exercises.
Lie on the floor, bend your arms in the elbows, legs onwall. Pull your legs to your chest alternately, touching your knee with your elbow. If you still add the lifting of the trunk, then along with the legs will also train the muscles of the abdominal press.
Flies a straight leg. This exercise strengthens the hamstrings of the hamstrings and has a favorable effect on the condition of the dilated veins. Try to keep the amplitude of the movements large enough. The stronger the sweat, the more effective the effect on the muscles.
Alternate laying of straight legs to the side. To improve the effect when lowering the leg, you can lower the opposite arm in front of you. Thus, a movement resembling twisting is obtained. This positively affects the condition of the intervertebral discs. Such an exercise will help to strengthen the inner surface of the thigh and cope with edema.
The following movement is similar to the previous one, butBoth hands and feet fall simultaneously in opposite directions. The more intensive you perform the exercise, the stronger will be the twisting and increasing the load. Such exercises strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen and thighs, and, like all other exercises with raised legs, solve the problem of varicose veins.
Leaning against the wall with your feet, raise the pelvis ascan be higher, take a deep breath. Stay in this position for 5-7 seconds, then slowly sink and exhale. Do not hurry and make sudden movements. Thanks to the exercise, the condition of the lowered internal organs is normalized, edema disappears.
Raise your legs wide apart and raise your torso by inhaling. Try to touch the wall with your hands. Then go down. Exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and develops flexibility.
Arrange straight legs, but not too wide -approximately at shoulder level. Inhale and sharply lift the trunk with bent hands. Touch the elbows of your knees, then sink down in exhalation. Exercise will help cope with edema, varicose veins and will tidy your abdominal muscles. With increased arterial pressure, such movements should be avoided.
The following set of exercises is not suitable forbeginners. It is recommended for more prepared people and is strictly prohibited for those suffering from high arterial and intracranial pressure. The starting position is similar to the one used in the previous exercises. However, the pelvis must be raised high and almost the entire body must touch the wall, supporting the hips with the hands and leaning on the shoulders.
From this position, do swings with your right foot, trying to reach the floor behind your head. You can do 10 - 15 movements in a row with each foot, or alternate right and left legs.
Do springy movements with hips. Rhythm pick up yourself the most suitable. There should be no discomfort. For those who have kidney problems, this exercise is not recommended.
Simulate the run in place, pushing away from the wall with your toes. Do not hold your breath, rhythm and amplitude choose according to the sensations. Exercises train the muscles of the legs and relieve fatigue.
Next we change the starting position.Stand with your back to the wall and press your shoulder blades against it. Keep your back straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. But keep in mind that they should be a short distance from the wall. This way, your pelvis will be lowered to the floor at a distance of about 50 cm.
Bend your body towards your right leg, tryingtouch your right foot with your left hand. Then return to the starting position and do the same on the other side. This exercise stretches the hamstrings, strengthens the back of the thigh and the diagonal abdominal muscles.
The slopes of the whole body to the feet. You can make simple movements on the account once, after which you return to the starting position. If you want to complicate the exercise, do springy movements. In addition to strengthening the muscles of the thighs, this exercise helps to train the vestibular apparatus.
Raise your arms outstretched, maximally arching your spine. With the wall should touch only the shoulders and hips. This movement develops flexibility and trains the shoulder joints.
Pressing your body against the wall, slowly lowerdown him, as if sitting down on an imaginary chair. Hold in this position for a few seconds, then take the starting position. This is a very effective exercise for leg muscles and abdominals. It can also be varied and complicated. From the position of sitting on an imaginary stool, do the body slopes down or rise on your toes.
Perform the exercise in the same way as the previous one. However, under the back, put the ball in small size, and squat on one leg. Such movements are more difficult, but much more effective. They are suitable for trained women who have been doing sports for a while.
To perform the next complex, stand at arm's length from the wall and turn to face it.
Place your palms against the wall and do push-ups, bending and straightening your arms. This exercise trains not only your legs and arms, but also your abs, hips, chest, and neck. You need to do it at least 10 times.
Put one foot on the wall, leaning on the foot. Jumping with the other foot. This is a good exercise to strengthen the muscles.
Put your foot on the wall and do slow squats. Repeat the motion several times, then change the leg.
It is convenient to carry out exercises near the wallstretching. Lie down on the floor, lift your legs straight up and lean them against the wall. Then slowly spread your legs to the sides as far as possible. The tension will gradually increase. Stay at the maximum for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
Exercise the wall for the feet. Rules of implementation
Before we get down to businessBefore doing the exercises, you need to warm up. The muscles need to be prepared for the upcoming loads. Thanks to the warm-up, their elasticity increases, the body is supplied with oxygen, and blood circulation improves. It is better to start with the simplest exercises, gradually increasing the load. If you feel pain in the spine, do not do complex exercises, especially those performed in a standing position. However, after the pain disappears, try to train flexibility by choosing the necessary exercises for this. Determine the number of repetitions yourself. Each body is individual. You need to learn to feel the load. Try to exercise until you are slightly tired, and gradually you will be able to withstand an increasing number of repetitions and increase the pace and amplitude of movements. Try not to take too long breaks. The body should feel the load. Between exercise blocks, you can shake yourself a little, drink a couple of sips of water, and then get back to work. And, of course, remember that for good results, it is important that the workouts are regular. Thanks to the wall exercises for your legs, you will not only get slender, beautiful legs. You will have an attractive, toned figure and perfect posture. And all this absolutely without any material costs. You only need to set aside a little time for yourself and overcome laziness, and the wall exercise for legs will help you maintain slimness and beauty!