exercises for the upper press Красота женщины – это изящество, естественность and perfection in everything. At least, every girl would like to hear such words addressed to her. However, in order to become ideal, it is necessary to work on yourself for a long time and exhaustingly, including on your figure. Of course, it is best to start creating your unique image with the correction of problem areas. Agree, few people like a sagging flabby belly or cellulite covering the thighs. An equally common problem is weak abs. Today we will consider which exercises for the upper abs are the most effective and efficient.

How to improve the effectiveness of classes

But before we get straight to the discussion,exercises, check out some tips that will not only help you overcome your laziness, but also help you achieve the desired results when doing sports. Try to remember these recommendations every time you start exercising:

  • Start a notebook where you will write down all the exercises that you are doing

Create a clear schedule of classes and follow it every day.follow. Upper and lower abdominal exercises should be performed five times a week – then the results will not take long to come. Some may think that writing in such a notebook is just a waste of time; but believe me, it really works. When you see what exactly you need to do to achieve the goal, the exercises are much more useful and are performed with greater pleasure.

  • It is important not the number of repetitions and performed exercises, and their quality

It is better to do three or four with greater diligence.the most difficult exercises for the upper abs, rather than lazily doing ten to fifteen others, easier but less effective. The abs, like any other part of the body, need constant, frequent training - be sure to remember this. Therefore, having started to exercise, do not put off training for later and do not skip training.

  • Do not sink to the floor until the end while charging - always leave your head above the floor.

Thanks to this simple method, all the tasks performedthe exercises will be even more effective. This allows you to keep your abdominal muscles in constant tension and tone, which increases the effectiveness of the exercise as a whole. At first, it will seem difficult, but over time you will get used to it.exercises on the upper press

Working over the top press

Considering effective exercise complexes, we have selected the simplest, but at the same time useful ones for you.

  • Lifting of the upper part of the trunk

One of the classic strengthening optionsupper part of the press. You will need a towel rolled into a tube - put it under your lower back if you are not exercising on a mat, but on the floor. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees and place them on the floor, place your hands behind your head. Raise your body, and, holding at the top point for a couple of seconds, lower yourself back. Here, the roller will help avoid overstraining your back. Do two sets of twenty times.

  • The elbow stand

An exercise that is effective due to its deepworking out the abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms. To perform the stand, lie on your stomach on the floor, leaning on your arms, bent at the elbows. Note that your arms should lie parallel to the body. Now raise your body, leaning only on your toes and forearms. Pay attention to the fact that there is no arch in the back, and the body is straight. In this position, you need to stay for one minute. Perform two sets of ten repetitions in each.

  • Deflections

No less effective in working on the press thanUpper body lift or elbow stand. Here you need to lie on your stomach and stretch your legs, with your toes resting on the floor as much as possible. Clasp your hands behind your back, then inhale and lift your torso up as high as possible. To maintain balance, press your legs tightly to the floor. In this position, take ten breaths, then lower yourself down. Two sets of twelve repetitions are required.

  • Letter T

Continuing to look at the best of the exercises onupper press, it is worth remembering about the "Letter T". When performing it, absolutely the entire body is involved, it is important to maintain balance. If you can do this exercise the first time, then your physical fitness is worthy of admiration. The "Letter T" is performed as follows: Lie down facing the floor, then raise yourself up, leaning on your outstretched arms and toes. First, transfer the weight to your left hand, turning your torso, and raising your right hand above you so that your body and arms resemble the letter T. Try to stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat twenty times for each side.

  • Backward slopes

An exercise performed while sitting.Bend your legs, place them on the floor, and straighten your back. Stretch your arms out in front of you. First, you need to tense your abdominal muscles, then lean back (create a forty-five degree angle). At the same time, bend your arms and clench your fingers into fists. Imagine that you are holding a rope that passes in front of you. Hold this position for a while and return to the starting position. The exercise requires ten repetitions.

  • Impacts

Exercise with a dumbbell.Take a dumbbell in your right hand and lift it up. Make sure that your elbow is approximately at ear level. Now take one step with your left foot and slowly lower yourself down – your thigh should be parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. You need to do two sets, twelve to fifteen repetitions in each. Try to restore your breathing in between doing the exercises – your muscles need rest. Initially, take two or three slow breaths, feeling how your abs are compressed. Then breathe freely until your breathing is calm. At first, the exercises may seem difficult, but once you get used to it, it will not be difficult at all for you to do even more repetitions and sets, which will make the already effective exercises even more effective.

A few words of farewell

Although these exercises are for the upperThe press is quite simple, it will not prevent you from becoming the owner of a sexy, beautiful and strong press. You will be able to calmly walk along the beach, not being ashamed of the flaws of your body - they simply will not be there! The set of exercises presented above is good because it is designed specifically for those who exercise at home, so it will not be difficult to do them even for beginners. It is very important that you work on yourself constantly. Agree, beauty and health are the main gifts of nature, which are especially valuable for every girl. Try to eat rationally, take care of your face and body, love yourself - and you will notice that you will like your reflection in the mirror much more!

