exercises for breast augmentationSuch a problem as increasing or decreasingbreasts, today worries more than sixty percent of the female population of the planet. And this despite the fact that for several decades now, models with almost boyish figures have been parading on the catwalks, and ladies, as if descended from the canvases of Rubens, still suffer from, in their opinion, too pronounced forms and curves of their own bodies. The paradox is obvious: women with large breasts complain about many inconveniences associated with this, and the owners of modest forms dream of lush beauty. Oh, how true is the statement that the apple hanging at the very top seems many times sweeter than the one that can be easily plucked! Unfortunately, a method has not yet been invented that allows, as if by magic, to endow every representative of the beautiful half of humanity with the bust of her dreams. But the statement that any breast needs careful care to maintain its elasticity is beyond doubt. However, as well as the fact that voluminous, but somewhat sagging female charms seem less sexy to men than small and toned ones. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the size of your own bust, first make sure that this is not the result of neglecting physical exercise for certain muscles. After all, increasing your breasts with exercises is real!

Breast augmentation without effort is a myth?

What tricks do they not resort to?scammers, subtly playing on the strings of the female soul, giving us false hope for easy ways to the desired forms! Pills, tricky massagers, electric bras - it would seem, why not help? And how sometimes you do not want to admit the only true fact: only special exercises for breast enlargement can lift the bust, round it out and make it more attractive. But before moving on to their detailed description, it must be said that modeling and improving any figure is painstaking work, and as for such a tender and sexy part of the body as the bust, it requires special efforts and patience. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you can expect simple, but still regular physical activity. Many women feel minor changes in breast size in the form of its growth before or during critical days, during an active sexual life and with the onset of pregnancy. In each of these cases, the bust is enlarged by hormones actively produced by the body. It is no secret that regular sex stimulates blood flow to the organs, thereby developing the capillary system. Therefore, even without being carried away by any exercises to increase breast size, many women are surprised to discover such desired changes in their size if they have been sexually active for a long time. Unlike men, representatives of the fair half of humanity by nature have weakly expressed muscles, so you should not expect significant results from exercises to increase breast size. But some changes visible to the naked eye are quite possible to achieve. In addition, weakening of the bust muscles leads to such unpleasant changes as sagging and loss of shape, especially in connection with pregnancy, breastfeeding and inevitable age-related changes. But who said that it is pointless to fight this, because you can’t fool nature? Just the opposite, you can quite easily correct the charms bestowed by her a little, and various sets of exercises to increase breast size are designed specifically to maintain its elasticity and tone, therefore they are useful for all women without exception. So, let's not beat around the bush and dwell in more detail on the main and most effective of them, which can be performed at home.exercises for breast growth

Exercises for breasts without dumbbells

The size of the bust is not as important as its appearance,firmness and elasticity. Therefore, trainers and instructors who teach group programs in fitness clubs advise regularly doing special exercises - you can do them even at home. This complex does not involve the use of dumbbells or any other special sports equipment and attributes, so it is available to every representative of the fair sex. But it will not cause rapid breast growth by two sizes - you should not count on it. Such simple and effective exercises will have a beneficial effect on the bust muscles, perfectly tighten it, and all the positive changes in the complex really increase and round out the existing shapes. Therefore, make it a rule to do the elements described below at home in your free time from work or study.

  • Squeezing the palms In the starting position youyou need to stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, pull your stomach in. Now we move on to the main thing: place your palms in front of your chest and point your fingertips upward. Make sure your back is straight and your arms are parallel to the floor. Squeezing your palms, you need to hold them in this position for at least ten seconds. Repeat the exercise at least fifteen to twenty times, feeling how your pectoral muscles tense up. You can do two approaches.
  • Push-ups In the starting position you need to stand onknees, palms should be wider than shoulders, and the back should be kept straight. Bending the elbows while inhaling and keeping the back straight, lower the body down, and on the exhale you need to rise up. The push-up should be repeated at least fifteen to twenty times.
  • "Pullover" In the starting position you should be lying downon your back, bend your legs at the knees and your arms at the elbows. Put your palms together and squeeze the bolster between your elbows pointing to the ceiling. When inhaling, move your arms back, touch the floor with your fingertips, and when exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the "pullover" at least fifteen to twenty times and, if you have any strength left, do a second approach.
  • Bringing the shoulder blades together In the starting position you need toPlace your feet hip-width apart and spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level. While inhaling, you need to stretch back and bring your shoulder blades together, and return to the starting position when you exhale. Make sure your back is straight, your stomach is pulled in, and your arms, bent at the elbows, are parallel to the floor. Repeat the exercise at least fifteen to twenty times. To achieve the effect faster, you can do a second approach.
  • Stretching Starting position:standing, feet hip-width apart, arms out to the sides. Pull in your stomach, straighten your back. Now you need to raise your arms diagonally and stretch back. You need to stand in this position for thirty to forty seconds. The stretch should be repeated at least fifteen to twenty times.
  • It is enough to do it at homea set of exercises for breast enlargement, consisting of all these elements, once a day, so that you can count on a sporty bust in the near future. And the most persistent ladies will be able to enjoy the first results in such a short time as a month. You will attract men's glances - elastic, toned and simply luxurious breasts will contribute to this.

    Easy charging for bust muscles

    Enlarge your breasts with exercisesfive to six centimeters can also be done with the help of another set of physical exercises, which is very similar to exercise. It requires a general starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart - so it is convenient for both home and office conditions, as a warm-up. Exercises should be done daily, and each exercise should be repeated eight times.

  • Straighten your shoulders, slightly pull them aside and lower them. Pull in your belly, watch your posture, it's important to achieve a speedy effect. Do the head tilt back, forward and sideways.
  • Perform the deflections of the trunk back, and head, inclined alternately to one and the other shoulder, stretch to the floor. Do not forget to pick up your stomach.
  • Pull your shoulders up to your ears, then lower them. Do the exercise slowly, feeling how your chest muscles tense up.
  • Raise your hands to the sides, tighten them and slowly raise and lower them. Hold your back straight, pull the belly.
  • Rotate your hands diligently with your hands, describing circles of forty-fifty centimeters. Do not forget to keep the correct posture, strain the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
  • Pull your arms out to the sides and slowly pull them back. Try to keep the line parallel to the floor.
  • Put the brush on the shoulders, and press the elbows against the body. Now with a force raise your hands upwards, straightening them, go back to the starting position and repeat the movement to the sides, and then down.
  • Take your arms bent at the elbows behind your back, clasp your fingers in the lock at the waist level and straighten them, lowering down. Keep your back straight.
  • Rotate your shoulders forward and backward. Your arms should be down along your body, but you can place them on your shoulders, bending them at the elbows.
  • Put your hands in front of your chest, fold them together as for prayer, and with effort squeeze one palm to the other, straining your muscles. The back should be straight, and the stomach - retracted.
  • Bend one arm and lower it to the waist, the second lift up. Do not slouch, stand flat. Carry the slopes to the sides, changing the position of the hands in turn.
  • Brushes grapple behind the head, torso tilt forward and back, as well as in the right and left sides. Maintain a correct posture.
  • Supplement the set of exercises described aboveBreast enlargement can be done with a special massage, which can be done independently in the comfort of your home. Its effect is aimed at strengthening the bust and giving elasticity to the skin. This massage should be done every day for fifteen minutes at any time convenient for you. It consists of three simple steps. Stand up straight and relax. Start with stroking. With a hand lubricated with moisturizing cream, slowly make circular movements, moving from the sides to the center, without touching the nipple. After five minutes, move on to kneading. Lift the chest with one hand and with the fingers of both imitate kneading dough or squeezing a sponge. Did you feel how the blood flow made the bust hot? It's time to proceed to the final stage - tapping. With your fingers, perform sharp, abrupt, but painless taps, and then pat the entire surface of the chest with the edge of your palms.how to increase breasts with exercises

    Complex exercises for the chest using dumbbells

    Of course, the use of specialспортивных атрибутов, например, гантелей, предусматривает работу в спортзале под руководством опытного тренера. Но некоторые несложные упражнения для увеличения груди можно выполнять и в домашних условиях, если четко следовать описанным ниже рекомендациям, от которых зависит ожидаемый вами результат. Итак, комплекс состоит из чередования физических элементов с гантелями и без них. Первое упражнение для увеличения груди носит условное название «Долой границы!», оно как будто специально создано для занятий дома. Выберите любой дверной проем, встаньте в него, уперев руки в косяк. В течение минуты с усилием давите по направлению вперед, как бы пытаясь раздвинуть границы или убрать стену. Теперь наклонитесь, так чтобы создать дополнительную нагрузку на грудные мышцы, и продолжайте жать еще одну минуту. Вкладывайте в упражнение всю силу. Второй элемент называется «Стена». Его принцип напоминает предыдущий, но выполняются движения уже не в дверном проеме. Встаньте напротив стенки и давите ладонями, напрягая мускулатуру бюста. Слишком сильно наклоняться не нужно, ведь в этом случае вся нагрузка достанется спине. Старайтесь стоять прямо и выполните три подхода по две минуты каждый. Не правда ли, даже дома это не составит особого труда? Теперь возьмите в руки гантели и приступим к третьему упражнению под названием «Лыжню!». Основное движение действительно напоминает махи малками на лыжне, только выполнять его вам придется медленно. Начинайте от бедра, плавно поднимайте вытянутые руки вверх, на пару секунд фиксируйте их на уровне грудной клетки и медленно опускайте в исходное положение. Выполните три подхода по шесть-восемь повторений. Четвертое упражнение называется просто — «Жим». В домашних условиях правильно сделать его достаточно сложно. Но и представить себе полноценный комплекс без этого элемента невозможно. Поэтому лягте на спину и положите согнутые в локтях руки с грузом у груди. Ногами можно упереться в пол. Напрягите мышцы бюста и поднимите гантели вверх (старайтесь делать это ровно), опустите и вновь выполните жим. Повторите восемь раз по три подхода. Пятое упражнение — «Отжимание от опоры». Лучше всего использовать стул, который есть дома у каждого. Встаньте к нему спиной, руками упритесь в сидение, а ноги вытяните под углом в тридцать-сорок пять градусов. Сгибая локти, медленно опускайте туловище вниз и вновь возвращайтесь в исходную позицию. Сделайте элемент шесть-восемь раз и повторите трижды. Теперь опять возьмите гантели и приступайте к упражнению под названием «Разводка». Сядьте на стул, выпрямите спину, согнутые и прижатые к корпусу руки с гантелями поставьте перед собой. Не отрывая локтей от туловища, отведите обе руки в стороны настолько, насколько сумеете. Хорошенько потяните мышцы. Выполните элемент восемь раз. Теперь оторвите от боков согнутые под прямым углом руки и сводите-разводите их двенадцать раз по два подхода. Закончить комплекс упражнений, выполняемый дома, можно элементом под названием «Стена», но не давите с усилием на опору, а как бы повисите, расслабив руки. Сосредотачивая внимание на размере груди, многие забывают о том, что она привлекательно и сексуально выглядит только тогда, когда подтянута и упруга. Такого эффекта можно добиться, если выполнять любой описанный выше комплекс, в который входят упражнения для увеличения груди. Да-да, именно правильные физические нагрузки как нельзя лучше справятся с поставленной целью. Сложно найти девушку, которая будет в полном восторге от своего бюста: для большинства именно эта часть тела является наиболее проблемной зоной. И вполне понятна ситуация, когда представительницы прекрасного пола с маленькой и большой грудью с завистью смотрят друг на друга. Одни говорят, что из-за мини-бюста мужчины обращают на них мало внимания, другие жалуются, что от пышного и объемного болит спина, возникает неудобство во время сна, а кое-какие предметы одежды вообще нельзя носить. Это еще одна женская проблема, каких и так немало, поэтому сегодня методы по уменьшению груди не менее популярны, чем процедуры по ее увеличению. А что выбрать вам, решайте сами, но помните о безопасности! Советуем почитать:

