Most women throughout their lives in theor to another degree collide with occurrence of a cellulitis in various problem places, and so unpleasant phenomenon absolutely does not depend on weight and can be observed both at full, and at quite harmonous and even thin representatives of a fair sex. Most often, cellulite is localized in the buttocks and thighs, and getting rid of it here is the most difficult. The modern beauty industry offers many easy and quick ways to eliminate the "orange peel" effect with creams, lotions, gels, wraps and similar cosmetic products. Women believe in advertising and begin to diligently use all these tools, but most often do not see any result. It also happens when cellulite becomes less noticeable for a while as a result of such manipulations, but after a couple of months everything returns to normal again. The fact that external exposure with the help of various creams has little effect on subcutaneous fat, but certain exercises of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs can be guaranteed to get rid of it by observing discipline and showing a certain perseverance.
The most effective exercises
There are many physicalexercises aimed at eliminating the "orange peel", but all of them are not so much aerobic, as power. Normal running, dancing or any other fitness aerobic focus can help you lose weight, but the cellulite is practically not affected. Next we will consider some of the most effective and simple exercises on the buttocks and thighs, able to make them much more resilient and help to significantly eliminate the appearance of cellulite.
Deep squats
Many coaches advise their clients to dodeep squats every day to get rid of the "orange peel" on the hips and in the buttocks. Such a simple exercise really really affects the appearance of the back, and also allows you to make the skin more elastic and align its relief. In addition, squats can easily be performed at home, since they do not require the presence of large free space and any special exercise equipment or other fitness equipment. In order not to do this exercise in vain, it is necessary to learn the correct technique of squats. To do this, it is best to practice first near the mirror, since any oversight or wrong movement is better seen from the side. If you decide to squat just with your own weight, then stand straight with the legs set shoulder width or slightly wider, put your hands behind your head and start squatting with an even back so that your knees do not go beyond the level of socks. The deeper you squat, the stronger will be the load on the buttocks and thighs. In the first stages it is best to do 15-20 sit-ups in 3 approaches, and eventually increase the number of sit-ups to 30-50 and make them in 4-5 approaches. To complicate the exercise, you can take advantage of additional weight in the form of dumbbells or ordinary plastic bottles filled with water or sand. With this option, squatting weights should be kept in two hands, but when squatting, do not allow the hands to swing back and forth or to the sides, and also try to keep balance and not bend your back. At the initial level, enough dumbbells weighing not more than 2 kg, and in time their weight can be increased to 5-8 kg. The optimal number of repetitions is 10-15, and approaches - no more than four. Important nuance! Squats are contraindicated to those who have problems with knee joints, and the use of weights is undesirable in injuries or other problems with the lumbar spine. If you do not have any contraindications to doing sit-ups, but when you do, you feel discomfort in your lower back, try squatting near the wall to a level where a 90-degree angle forms between the body and legs. As a result of doing this exercise, you should get the impression that you seem to sit on an invisible chair.
Raising the pelvis from the prone position
Very effective exercise against cellulite onbuttocks is the lifting of the pelvis, lying on a firm flat surface. To perform this exercise, like squats, you can at home, simply laying on the floor a gym mat or a folded double veil. It is necessary to lie flat, arms stretch along the entire body and begin to lift the pelvis as high as possible, lowering it back so as not to touch the floor. If it's hard for you, then you can help yourself with your hands a little, pressing them into the floor and pushing the pelvis upwards with the help of the created resistance. You do not need to use additional weight here, and you need to repeat the lifting of the pelvis at least 20-30 times in 3-4 approaches. This exercise allows you to perfectly work the gluteus muscle and the entire back of the thigh, and also improves digestion, which also does not affect the skin of the whole body much the latest. However, it is very important to do a pelvic lift rhythmically, quickly lifting it up and as slowly as possible lowering it to feel all the muscles that are involved in performing such an exercise. Raising the pelvis is categorically contraindicated in critical days. Also, be cautious with a tendency to high pressure. If you have any problems with the lower back, it is better to refrain from this exercise or to do it, pre-laying a soft cushion or a small pillow under your waist.
Makhi feet
One of the safest exercisesReduce manifestations of the "orange peel" on the hips and buttocks, are all kinds of mahi legs. It is best to do this exercise on the floor, leaning on the knees and forearms in such a way that the back from the neck and up to the coccyx form a straight horizontal line. From this position, you should alternately swing your legs with your legs, always straining the buttock muscles. The mahi can be done both with a straight leg and with a bent leg (at an angle of 90 degrees) 20-30 times per leg in 3-4 approaches. If the cellulitis is most pronounced on the hips, then it should be added to the standard way of doing this exercise, its slightly modified version, which involves raising the bent leg sideways to form a right angle with the trunk. The number of repetitions and approaches in this case can be a little less, because this exercise is not as easy as the standard mahi foot up.
Complicated variants of swords with legs
If you do not have varicose veins, thenYou can make flies with your feet, after wearing special weighting agents on them, which are sold today not only in numerous sports stores, but often in the most ordinary large supermarkets. To begin with it will be enough weighting agents in weight no more than 1 kg, however in due course their weight can be increased up to 4-5 kg. The number of flies when using additional weights should be from 8 to 15 times, and the approaches in total need to be made at least three. For those who can not use weighting agents for one reason or another, rubber expanders, or, as they are also called, resistance tapes, are also excellent. To use this simple fitness device it is necessary so: to step knee of a supporting leg or foot on a tape so that the original loop was formed, and other leg to pass into this loop and to do to it mahi, overcoming the resistance created by the expander. There are tapes with different levels of load, targeting people with different strengths, as well as such individual characteristics as total body height, length of legs and the like. Performing mahi with resistance bands should be in the same amount as ordinary feet with legs, but you need to do approaches only 2-3. In any case, you should focus on the sensations in the muscles, and do not stop doing the exercise until you feel a slight burning and fatigue of the muscles being trained.
Static version of the flapping legs
To more effectively work the zone of the buttocks andhips, accelerate the circulation in it and force the fat cells that form cellulite to decrease at an accelerated pace, you should add a static version of the above exercise. To do this, it is necessary to bring the leg up or sideways and stay in this position for at least 30 seconds, without relaxing and keeping the muscles in constant tension. If you can stand for more than 30 seconds - well, if less, do not worry and try to increase the time of the static part of the exercise with each next time. It is very important, when holding a certain position, not to bend in the waist and not compensate for the tension arising in the muscles by the movement of the trunk forward or sideways. You should also pay attention to where your sock looks. So, when performing a static version of a swing back, the sock is best pulled upwards, which further stimulates the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. If you make a swing to the side with a bent leg, and then stay in this position for a while, then the foot should be located perpendicular to the leg, and the toe, respectively, "look" towards the head.
Walking on the stairs
Very many women get rid of cellulitenormal walking on the stairs helped, however improbable this at first glance might sound. The fact is that when climbing the stairs, our muscles experience a double load - overcoming the steps themselves and overcoming the force of attraction. This makes walking on the stairs a very effective exercise that burns fat in unnecessary places, strengthens muscles well and thereby helps to eliminate the unaesthetic effect of the "orange peel". In order to climb the stairs was not just a daily necessity, but the most real power exercise, one must overcome at least 500 steps each day, which is equivalent to a walk up to the 9th floor 2 times. If, however, you add extra burdens in the form of two equal in weight bags, which, accordingly, you need to keep in two hands, then you will make walking on the stairs even more effective in such a difficult matter as getting rid of cellulite.
If you do not have the opportunity to walk every daysteps, then you can replace it with doing all kinds of attacks at home. To work out the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, as well as their significant strengthening and tightening of the skin in these places, the most effective are lunges forward and backward when the leg is bent to the right angle, which should be performed in the amount of 20-30 times per leg in 3-5 approaches. Use of weighting in the form of dumbbells, which you need to keep in your hands, in this exercise is only welcomed. The number of repetitions in this case will be approximately 8-12 per each, and approaches - no more than three. All of the above exercises against cellulite on the buttocks and hips should be performed regularly (3 to 5 times a week), supplemented with proper nutrition and consumption of sufficient water for your body. If you do not follow the principles of healthy eating, the fat cells that form cellulite will not be able to respond properly to any physical exercise. Failure to comply with the same drinking regime will lead to an imminent fluid retention in the body, which will not allow you to completely get rid of the "orange peel" effect. If you show willpower and at least for several months regularly do exercises aimed at getting rid of cellulite on the buttocks, and also monitor your nutrition and the amount of water consumed per day, you can easily wear the shortest skirts, shorts and not be afraid to look bad in a swimsuit, because your skin will be smoothed out, and there will be no trace of cellulite. However, in order to maintain this effect, one should try to continue to follow these recommendations, or, even better, to make sport and proper nutrition an integral part of their daily lives.