exercises for slimming your legs and thighsGet rid of extra pounds, againfeel slim, airy and somehow unearthly…. All overweight women dream of this. Particular parts of the body cause a lot of trouble. Really, why is it that the face and chest always lose weight first? But what we want, as a rule, is something completely different. After all, the most problematic female areas are the buttocks, hips, stomach and legs. So, in order to lose weight in “individual” places, various types of training were invented. Today we will talk about exercises for losing weight in the legs and hips.

Morning or evening?

Before taking on a new business, it is necessarythink everything through carefully. Otherwise, there will be no point. Take training, for example. Everyone knows that the desired effect will only come if you do it regularly. This means that you will have to restructure your life and your usual schedule in a certain way. First of all, you need to decide when exactly you will exercise - in the morning or in the evening. The debate about the pros and cons of morning and evening workouts is still ongoing. Who has not been involved in solving this issue - professional athletes, coaches, doctors ... But they still have not developed a unified opinion. Let's consider all the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. Let's start with morning workouts. Exercise in the morning Imagine that every morning you easily jump out of bed, without feeling drowsy or heaviness in the whole body. That day by day your figure becomes slimmer and your mood - more cheerful. That all your friends are going crazy with envy, looking at your fit, flexible body. And the reason for this is not overseas miracle vitamins or excessive solar activity! You just finally pulled yourself together, and daily morning exercises for weight loss have firmly entered your life. Morning exercises improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism, suppress stress and remove toxins from the body - which is already good. But that's not all! Did you know that:

  • Morning exercise displays negative energy from theyour body. The whole secret is that during the warm-up the hormone of happiness is produced - endorphin. And what could be better for a woman than a happy morning and a full fighting spirit of the day?
  • Starting every day with a sports warm-up, youimprove your metabolism. And this means that your metabolism will accelerate and calories will be burned much faster. Combining the right diet with exercise, your weight will begin to melt in your eyes, and the desired weight will be much easier to hold. Finally, the idea that all diets are invented by misanthrope will leave you - you will begin to notice that the weight is falling!
  • 10-15 minutes of morning exercise 365 days a year - this is 91 hours of exercise a year. How else can you force yourself to work so hard on your body and health?
  • Over time, your biological clock will adjustunder your morning exercises, and you will easily and cheerfully get up from bed. Is it not tempting to stop whispering to the alarm clock "I'll sleep for 5 more minutes and get up", so that after all the same I'll oversleep for work?
  • But, of course, morning exercises have their own disadvantages:
  • You will have to get up much earlier, which means that the whole usual regime will need to be reviewed.
  • While you're training, you'll need to keep an eye on your watch - otherwise, you might be late for work.

Let's do it in the evening. Imagine that afterAfter a hard day at work, you suddenly feel a surge of energy and vivacity. You easily switch to household chores, are in a great mood and never "gnaw" at yourself, constantly replaying in your head all the events and twists and turns of the production process. Your family is simply happy. At the same time, you become more beautiful and slimmer every day. Can you imagine? Evening workouts can give you all this.

  • Evening training will help you get rid of the "wolf" appetite and from temptations to move closer to the refrigerator.
  • The complex of evening exercises removes stress and calms the nervous system.
  • Strangely enough, but the evening physical load helps to get rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day.
  • Such training activates the work of all internal organs and improves the general condition of the body.

True, there are some disadvantages too.Evening exercises tone the body, so they should be done 2-3 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you simply will not fall asleep at the usual time. Such exercises are absolutely not suitable for people suffering from insomnia. As you can see, both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, supporters and opponents. Just try to understand what time of exercise is best for you. In general, as the old song goes: "Think for yourself, decide for yourself..."Exercises for slimming your hips and legs

Useful exercises for losing weight

Well, there you go. You've decided on the time of your classes. Isn't that true? You also know that they should be regular. That is, you are absolutely mentally ready to start exercising. Let's begin?

  • "Flame" This exercise will perfectly strengthen your muscleships, and will also help to significantly reduce their volume. Moreover, you will be able to get rid of excess fat that is located above the knees - from the so-called "breeches". Take the starting position - kneel and rest your hands on the floor. Exhale, then inhale through your nose, and then exhale deeply through your mouth again. Hold your breath and pull in your stomach. Stretch your leg to the side and lift it to hip level. Make sure that the leg remains straight and your arms do not bend at the elbows. Try to stretch your leg as far up and forward as possible. Freeze in this position and count to five. Relax and restore your breathing. Repeat the exercise three times for each leg.
  • "Boat" This exercise will help to tighten andStrengthen the most "capricious" muscles - those located on the inner thighs. Take a mat, lay it on the floor and sit down. Spread your legs as far apart as possible. Place your hands behind your back and rest your palms on the floor. Exhale, then inhale deeply and exhale strongly through your mouth again. Lower your head, hold your breath and draw in your stomach deeply. Move your hands forward and place them directly in front of you on the floor. Bend slightly. Slowly move your hands forward along the floor, bending lower and lower. Make sure that your fingers do not come off the floor. Move smoothly, avoiding sudden movements. Hold in the lowest position and count to five. Recover your breathing. It is recommended to do this exercise at least three times.
  • Vzmahi foot This easy exercise contributesstrengthening the back of the thighs and allows you to achieve a significant reduction in volume. In order to make the less tiring lesson, it is recommended that you turn on the loud rhythmic music. Spread out the rug and stand on your knees. Place your hands in front of you and lean against them on the floor. Keep your back parallel to the floor. Maximize your buttocks and thigh muscles and make a free flap with your foot. Repeat 30 times without stopping. Change your foot. After completing the exercise, stretch. Sit on your knees in such a way that the buttocks touch the heels. Pull your arms forward. Put your head on your knees and relax. Stand up and walk around the room a little.
  • "Step-sit" This is not difficult and, at the same time,effective exercise will help you get rid of excess fat on your hips and significantly strengthen your muscles. The principle is very simple. Squat. Then take a step to the side and squat again. The load practically does not depend on the width of the step. Therefore, you can move in very small steps. The first time, it is recommended to do no more than 5 - 7 repetitions. Gradually increasing the load, after a very short time you will be able to do up to 40-50 squats. Even if after the first workout your muscles hurt - do not deviate from what you planned and continue to exercise. In 2-3 days the pain will go away and very soon you will notice that your legs have become much slimmer.
  • Squats This exercise is in serviceamong the ballet dancers. And that says a lot! Have you ever seen a ballerina with thick legs? That's it! Stand with your back to the wall. Place your feet shoulder width apart. With your hand on the wall, sit down so that your hips are parallel to the floor. Quit in this position and count to five. Keep your back straight. Do not lower your head. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
  • Exercise with a chair Take a stool or chairand install it behind your back. Bend the right leg in the knee and place the foot lift on the seat. Put your hands on your hips. Sit on your left foot as deep as you can. In this case, both legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Quit in this position for a few seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 times for each leg.
  • Rise of a foot This exercise very well trainslateral muscles of the thighs. Stand with your left side against the wall. With your hand, slowly raise your right foot to the side to the maximum height. Fix this position for 3-5 seconds, and then slowly lower your foot. Repeat 10-15 times. Turn right side to the wall and repeat the exercise for the other leg. Relax for a few seconds and turn to face the wall. Holding hands, lift your right leg back, trying as much as possible to strain the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Do 10-15 repetitions for each leg.
  • Tilting to the leg For this exercise, you againa stool is required. Turn to her face, lift the left leg and put the heel on the seat. Lean to touch the forehead with the knee. Keep your legs straight. Make 7-10 slopes, and then change your legs. Each lesson, try to slightly increase the height of the support and the number of approaches. Such training will help not only get rid of excess fat, but also develop and improve joints and joints.
  • Exercises for calves lying If most of youdisturb full caviar, then the following exercises will help you get rid of this problem. Lie on your back and bend both feet in your lap. Alternately, pull the toe of each leg toward you. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Exercise for calves standing Stand facing the wall and lean on it with your hands. Bend the right leg in the knee and place it on the shin of the other leg. Climb 10 times on the toe. Change your foot.

Useful exercises for slimming your hips and legs

How to reduce muscle volume

Oddly enough, it is not the people who dream of removing excess volumeOnly lovers of tasty buns and cozy chairs. Sometimes this problem is faced by women who lead an active lifestyle. However, the reasons for its occurrence are completely different - the legs seem thick because of pumped up, voluminous muscles. And since the reason is different, the solution will also be different. How can lovers of sports and strength training lose weight? It would seem that everything is very simple - if the muscles are too pumped up, you need to exclude weight training and everything will be fine. However, this is not so. Refusal of loads will lead to the fact that muscle tone will decrease and flabbiness will appear. And this is not at all the effect that you want to achieve, right? What you need is called "dry" muscles by athletes. How can you achieve this? First, you need to reduce the number of sessions to 2 times a week. Before starting the workout, be sure to warm up all the muscles. A jump rope is perfect for this. Then move on to your usual strength exercises, but do them without weights. Simply double the usual number of repetitions. Perform 2-4 circles of exercises without stopping. And then immediately go for a 20-30 minute run. However, you will need to move at a medium speed. In addition to this complex, you can arrange intense, but fairly short cardio workouts. For example, you can do 250 jumps with a skipping rope, and immediately after that - a short run. Repeat this cycle five times. Cycling and rollerblading also help to "dry out" the muscles of the legs. Do not forget that the speed and intensity of the exercises should not be too high. And do not forget to do special stretching exercises after each workout. This will help relieve excess muscle tone. Of course, such "work on yourself" will require patience and considerable effort from you. Especially at the very beginning. After all, changing yourself and your usual rhythm of life is not at all easy. However, very soon you will notice that regular exercise has become a great pleasure for you and you will no longer be able to imagine how you used to do without training. And the admiring glances of the strong half of humanity will serve as an additional incentive for you. Being beautiful is not at all difficult - you just have to really want it! We recommend reading:

