essential oils for hair Essential oils are called fragrant volatilesubstances contained in plants. To date, more than 3000 essential oil plants are known, of which only 300 species are of industrial importance. Essential oils are used in medicine, cosmetology and food industry. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Their beneficial effect on the human body has been known for thousands of years.

Use of essential oils for medicinal purposes

Essential oils for hair are used not only inpreventive, but also medicinal purposes. To do this, you need to determine the problem and choose the right oil. The treatment of hair with essential oils depends on the objectives pursued, because each of them contributes to solving certain problems. Thus, essential hair oils can be used for:

  • Enhancement of hair growth;
  • Slowing down hair growth;
  • Strengthening of hair;
  • Elimination of dandruff;
  • Against hair loss;
  • Shine and hair density.

Essential oils for hair growth is oiljuniper, ylang ylang, lemon balm, cloves, fir and cinnamon. With the help of essential oil carnations for hair can not only accelerate their growth, but also reduce fat, eliminate dandruff and tone the roots. Cinnamon additionally helps to reduce the fragility of hair and stop their loss. Essential oil of fir for hair actively feeds them and eliminates itching. Melissa prevents the gluing of hair and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. It will also get rid of dandruff. Ylang ylang - essential oil for hair promotes the restoration of brittle and damaged strands with hair loss. In addition, each of these essential hair oils positively affects their growth. To strengthen bulbs and strengthen hair use essential oils from hair loss. It can be burdock oil, derived from the roots of burdock, oil of rosemary, lavender, pine, eucalyptus, etc. Burdock oil nourishes and strengthens the roots of hair, and restores their structure after painting and perm. With the help of essential oil of rosemary for hair, you can eliminate dandruff and strengthen hair. Lavender is great for oily hair, eliminating dandruff and restoring their structure. Using pine hair essential oil, you can well strengthen them and stop hair loss. Any essential oil for the hair affects the complex, so they can be used for different problems with the hair. For example, essential oils to strengthen hair at the same time prevent them from falling out. And essential oils against hair loss stimulate their growth. It should also be taken into account that they are most effective in the mixtures, and further we will give some recipes for masks using essential oils for hair - reviews that are pretty good. If a woman wants to grow hair faster, then you can use essential oils that stimulate hair growth. These include - essential oil of rosemary for hair, pine oil, ylang ylang, cinnamon, lavender, sage. And the oil of rosemary is considered one of the most valuable and in aromatherapy. It stimulates blood circulation in places of application, opens pores, accelerates hair growth and strengthens immunity. Essential oil of cinnamon for hair has an antioxidant effect, improves blood flow to the hair cuticles and promotes hair growth. But it has a strong effect and can cause irritation, so when using cinnamon essential oil, it is best to add it to the mixture. Essential oils against the cross section of hair can be used for their growth, as well as when the hair is dry, because these problems are interrelated. To essential oils against the cross section of hair include - chamomile essential oil for hair, geranium oil, rosewood, sandalwood and ylang ylang. Sandalwood oil strengthens the hair, eliminates dandruff and improves blood circulation of the scalp. With the help of essential oil chamomile for hair can give them shine and elasticity, as well as lightly lighten the hair. A very good effect gives and essential oil of geranium for hair. It restores the hair well and gives them shine. But the use of these oils will also help to fight and unwanted hair on the body. To do this, you can select essential oils that slow hair growth. These include - essential oil of mint for hair and tea tree oil. You can apply them after epilation or shaving, adding them to the cream or any base oil. In addition, the essential oils of mint for hair refresh the scalp well and gently take care of oily hair. The use of essential oils slowing hair growth will allow a woman to feel more confident and not worry that about the fact that they quickly grow back. Essential oils for shine hair are the oil of lavender, geranium, bergamot and cedar. With the help of essential oil of lavender for hair, you can get rid of dandruff, brittle hair, stop their loss and give shine. And the essential oils of geranium for hair perfectly restore them and also make hair shine. Use of essential oils for hair will improve their structure. They perfectly solve the problem of dry and oily hair. Dry hair is the result of poor work of the sebaceous glands, so properly selected oils will help restore their work. Essential oils for dry hair include lavender essential oil for hair, ylang ylang oil, orange, geranium, jasmine. To improve the condition of dry hair, aromatherapy can be one of the solutions to this issue. When using orange essential oil for hair, dry and damaged strands perfectly recover and get shine. It also tones up the scalp and eliminates dandruff. Jasmine essential oil for hair is an ideal care product, and also helps with dry and sensitive skin. It nourishes the roots of hair and scalp, restores their structure and relieves itching. Hair treatment with essential oils will be effective if all components are properly selected. To eliminate sebaceous shine and improve the quality of hair, essential oils for oily hair can be used. For this purpose, essential oils of grapefruit for hair, bergamot oil, verbena, oregano, cedar, lemon balm, juniper. Oregano is perfect for oily hair, because it regulates the work of the sebaceous glands and as a result, the hair remains clean longer. Grapefruit essential oil for hair also normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and improves hair growth. Melissa and juniper prevent clumping of hair, reduce their fat content and remove dandruff. Cedar essential oil for hair normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, prevents hair loss and gives them a natural sheen. With regular use of essential oil of patchouli for hair, you can improve their elasticity and shine and reduce the fat content of hair.

Masks, rinses and shampoos from essential oils

essential oils for hair growth To use essential oils for hair, you canapproach from different points. They can be used in a variety of masks, shampoos, rinsers. They can be selected depending on the desire to get a certain effect. It can be, for example, essential oils for shine of hair or essential oils for density of hair, but it is necessary to remember and that all of them operate in a complex. Often, the oils perfectly complement each other, and at the same time, their effect is enhanced. Essential oil of orange for hair is well mixed with palmarose, and ylang ylang - essential oils for hair will work perfectly with oils of rosewood, rosemary and petigrain. For the preparation of masks, it is mandatory to use a base that can be any vegetable oil. Prior to application, the mixture is recommended to be heated in a water bath for better absorption. Prepared oil is rubbed into the scalp and wrapped in an hour of plastic wrap and a towel. For treatment, such masks are used 10-15 times every other day, and for prevention every two weeks. To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, you should use essential oil for oily hair. In 15 ml of jojoba oil, 2-3 drops of lavender, cypress or bergamot can be added. Or in 15 ml of oil add a few drops of cedar essential oil, juniper, grapefruit and rosemary. For normal hair, coconut, olive, almond, sunflower and castor oil can be used as a base. In 15 ml of the base you can add chamomile oil or for dark hair rosemary oil. Mix well. Not bad effect will have the essential oil of patchouli for hair, ylang ylang, lavender, geranium, rose, mixed several drops with a base of 15 ml of vegetable oil. For a better nourishment of hair make up mixtures with essential oils for dry hair. In 50 ml of olive oil, you can add 10-12 drops of lavender. The same effect will also have essential oils of jasmine for hair, mixed with a base of olive or sesame oil. When dry, you can also use ethereal almond oil for hair, which improves the work of the sebaceous glands. In addition, prolonged use of essential almond oil for hair promotes their growth, gives elasticity and shine. For greater effectiveness, essential oils that stimulate hair growth should be used in the form of mixtures. For half a glass of any vegetable oil, add carnation essential oil in the amount of 2 drops, pine oil - 2 drops, rosemary and cinnamon 4 drops each. With the help of essential oils against hair loss, you can make a good mask. To do this, you need a few drops of fir essential oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 15 ml of olive oil. Keep this mask for 30 minutes. The use of essential oils from hair loss will improve their quality, but for this it is also necessary to know how the oils that are to be mixed interact. It enhances the density of hair and stimulates their growth using essential oils for hair density. Should take 2 tbsp. spoons of sage, basil, rosemary, and mint, 5 drops of essential oil of lavender, 3 drops of peppermint oil and 2 cups of apple cider vinegar. Hair becomes much thicker and looks very beautiful. Essential oil of lemon for hair will help to revive them and will give a beautiful shine. To do this, just a few drops of oil is added to the rinse water. Very attractive look blond hair, which acquire a beautiful shade. Also with the help of essential oil of lemon for hair you can soften hard water and curls will be obedient and silky. The most effective and best essential oil for hair is used to combat baldness. And in this case, preference should be given to the essential oil of pine hair, which not only prevents hair loss, but also makes them strong, supple and shiny. The easiest way to use it is to drop a few drops into a disposable shampoo for washing your head. Which of these oils will be the best essential oil for hair, no one will say, because they all act differently. Some get excellent results, some do not, because it depends on many reasons. If you want to know more in detail what the essential oils for hair are, you can read about it on the Internet. And we can only add that when using essential oils for rinsing, do not immediately wipe your head, or better just wrap it with a towel for a while. You can also apply essential oil for hair growth on the tip of the comb and walk it along the entire length of the hair. Using essential oil to strengthen hair and their growth it is better to rub into roots. If it is used for gloss, silkiness and color enhancement, then it should be applied over the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the tips. With a wide variety of recipes and mixtures, each woman will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself. We advise you to read:

