dry and brittle hair Unfortunately, nature is not generous to everyone. Someone she awards a smart shock of thick, shiny hair. And someone has an eternal problem with this. And now you with envy look at the girls advertising various shampoos, and think, that such effect to you to not achieve never. But is it? Of course, brittle and dry hair requires much more attention and care. But this does not mean that you should forget about beautiful hair - they can be completely restored. To defeat the enemy, you need to know him in person. Otherwise, it is difficult to choose effective methods of struggle. Therefore, before you deal with the treatment of dry and brittle hair and make caring for them really right, you need to find out the reason why this "trouble" happened to them. And there can be several options. The first reason can be covered in heredity. It may be that you are genetically predisposed to this type of hair. Well, it's not your fault-you can not argue with nature. Then it remains only to provide your hair with proper care and nutrition and this problem can be solved. But other reasons may lurk in your lifestyle and habits. And, as practice shows, in most cases it is so. For example, you are not properly caring for your hair - you use an unsuitable shampoo, you wash your head too often, you abuse the hair dryer and curling irons - it will definitely affect their condition. Or you are a lover changing the image and often experimenting with the hair color, making complex hairstyles that require reliable fixation and, as a result, use lacquers, mousses, masks and stains for styling. Such experiments also do not pass without a trace. Also, hair can become too dry due to entrainment with various diets or simply as a result of improper nutrition. And, finally, the last, most unpleasant reason is health problems. Hair very responsive to all the "malfunctions" in the body. Therefore, if this problem has appeared relatively recently, it may be a signal that something has gone wrong. Dry hair can be caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs or inflammatory process. masks for dry and brittle hair

Solve problems

So, the first thing to do if you notice,that your hair suddenly became very dry, brittle and difficult to comb - this is to see a doctor. Most likely, you will be assigned a blood test and by its result will make a conclusion about the state of health. Everything is fine? Very well! Then we seek and eliminate other causes of dryness. Namely - we begin complex leaving with correction of a food allowance. In your menu must necessarily include oily fish, liver and seafood. Try to eat more vegetables, especially red and green, do not neglect dairy products, eggs and legumes. And be sure - even if you are struggling with being overweight! - include in the diet a little vegetable and butter. And of course, drink as much water as possible - for those who want to "get" strong and beautiful hair is a must. We understood the food, now - leaving. Dry hair needs a special, gentle treatment - to restore them, you need to act subtly. First, it is necessary to use only those masks and other means on which there is a marking "for dry hair". Look at the label - the pH level should not exceed 6. If possible, it is better to use professional series. It is also necessary to remember that frequent washing dries dry hair. Therefore, it is recommended not to wash your hair more often than twice a week. Soaping it, avoid sharp movements and do not pull your hair. Do a head massage - this stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands. The head needs to be massaged with pads of fingers. Never do it with your fingernails - you can injure the skin and damage your hair. By the way, periodically to replace shampoo it is quite possible - and even it is very useful - simple "grandmother's" ways. After all, once long there were no shampoos at all, and, of course, my head was washed. And most of the hair was healthy - their treatment was not such a pervasive problem. For example, for dry hair is very useful ordinary yogurt. Just do not pour it on your head right away, getting it out of the refrigerator and heating up to 37 degrees - that's such a simple mask turns out. Apply it to your hair and gently rub it into the scalp. Put on a shower cap, and from above wind a terry towel or a woolen shawl. Wait for about half an hour. Then add a little more yogurt, massage your head and wash it off with warm water. Hair will be clean and shiny. After washing, do not rub your hair with a towel - it's even harmful to them. Just gently pat yourself, and then build a "turban" on your head - it will perfectly absorb moisture. If there is such a possibility, do not use a hairdryer - let hair dry naturally. If you are in a hurry and do not dry, then use the medium or cold mode. Keep the dryer should be at least 30 centimeters from the strands. A stream of air should be directed from the roots of the hair to the ends. You can comb your hair only after they have dried. It is better to use a wooden comb, and then care will be correct. Try to abandon varnishes, sprays and gels for fixation. The chemicals and alcohol that make up them are not at all useful to your hair. And, of course, no paint or perm - give it up at least for a while and start using masks. Another point: if the ends of the hair are dry and brittle, you need to cut them a little every six weeks. All these are basic things, and now it's time to move on to action. dry brittle hair


There is a huge variety ofmeans, helping to restore hair and restore to them the lost beauty and shine - compresses, masks, various rinsings ... How not to be mistaken, to understand all this abundance and begin the correct treatment? There are two ways. First, you can go to an expensive, prestigious salon and get there a consultation of professionals. You will only have to care for their instructions. The disadvantage of this method is one: both the visit to the salon, and all the recommended means - so be sure - "fly into a lot of money." And what if you are not ready for such a waste? Then it is worth paying attention to folk remedies. Moreover, even professionals admit that "grandmother's" masks and compresses are no worse - well, unless after using them you will not have beautiful vials. What is suitable for dry and brittle hair? There are a lot of recipes. Here are just some of them.

  • Oil compresses

Dry hair is very useful treatment withoil compresses. They must be done at least once a week. Take vegetable oil - olive, linen or burdock - and warm it up to 45 degrees. Add a little lemon juice and stir. Carefully, with massage movements, rub oil into the scalp, and then distribute the remainders along the entire length of the hair. The head needs to be warmly wrapped and keep such a compress for about two hours. It is washed off by all usual shampoo - here and all leaving or care - you will agree, all is very simple.

  • Vegetable Mask

Cope with the fragility of hair and accelerate their growthwill help vegetables. To create a mask, you will need cabbage, spinach and, as an additive, lemon. Squeeze out the juice from all the ingredients and mix it in equal proportions. Apply on scalp and hair roots, rub. Leave the minutes at 20-25. Rinse with water.

  • Egg compress

To prepare it you will need:

  • egg yolk;
  • bow;
  • honey;
  • olive oil.

Squeeze juice from a bulb - it should turn out onetablespoon. Add the egg yolk and one large spoon of honey and butter. Stir, apply the mixture on the scalp and massage. Put a plastic bag on your head, and a towel on top. Keep this mask for at least an hour. Rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo, then rinse with lemon juice. As you can see, there are many ways to solve your problem. Dry brittle hair is not a sentence. The main thing is not to despair, do not give up and provide them with a decent care, using effective masks. Of course, fighting this "disease" will require patience and some efforts from you, but the result is worth it, believe me. It will not take long, and you can be proud of your hair. We advise you to read:

